Stelian didn't know how he agreed to this. There was no way he would actually wash her himself, but somehow he had accepted to do it and even went as far as to get the servants to bring a tub into the bathroom.
After the servants left, she unwrapped her arms from his neck and slowly climbed down. She stood in front of him, and he realized just how small she was. The most important thing was getting her all cleaned up and a good meal. He would have to ask Vanessa for that. He was a terrible cook, and it also didn't help that he was fine with raw meat and the vampires didn't need food.
"Ready?" he asked her when she just stood there.
She lifted her head to look at him and slowly nodded before looking back down. Mallory lifted her flowy dress and pulled it off over her head. Stelian closed his eyes instinctively, but only briefly. When he opened them, the first thing he saw was the bandage on her shoulder.