When she was ready to sleep at night, she noticed the badge.
"What exactly is this? Oh, I believe that was his badge that eluded me. Here's a phone number."
She dialled the number.
"Hello! What is this person's name?"
As stated by the receiver.
"It's me! I'm the one you ran into today."
As stated by her.
"Champion, indeed! How did you get my phone number?"
As stated by the receiver.
"Actually, from this badge, I mean, I apologise for disturbing you too late, but I thought it would be appropriate to inform you, sir."
As stated by her.
"Oh! Wait, I'm not sir, and I thought you'd never return this to me again."
Said the receiver, laughing.
"No, I have to give it back to you."
As stated by her.
"So, when are we going to meet?"
As stated by the receiver.
"Tomorrow at the same time and place."
As stated by her.
"Okay, done. I'll be there waiting for you.
But what will you wear? Hello, Hel...oh, the call is over. It's fine, but a nice girl is just nice."
He said with a smile.