Among the vast universe, a planet called "The Compass" was found. This planet was severed and was separated into four continents or more commonly called "kingdoms".
The Northern Kingdom symbolizes death, while the Southern Kingdom symbolizes life.
The Eastern Kingdom symbolizes technology, and lastly, the Western Kingdom symbolizes magic.
On the Planet Compass, there roams a total of five races, the Dracul of the North Kingdom, Evasca of the South Kingdom, Blue Space of the East Kingdom, Fairies of West Kingdom, and the Humans commonly found in every kingdom.
There are many laws of the four kingdoms, but the most important of them is the law that prohibits from members of different races to indulge in a romantic relationship. Anyone caught breaking this law would suffer a severe punishment of death.
Even though it is a very strict and enforced law, there was still a brave man who broke this law. His name is Arthur Hudson, a Dracul from the North Kingdom. He had a romantic relationship with a very stunning woman, Evelyn Elice.
Evelyn eventually gave birth to a promising son named Gio Hudson. However, when the kings of the four kingdoms was told that someone broke the most important law, they immediately sent people to abduct Evelyn and Arthur.
When Gio returned and saw what had happened to their home he was angered
"I swear that i will take revenge for my father and mother!" Gio shouted. Their actions ignited a fire inside Gio's Heart.
After that, Gio started his journey