Chereads / The Flow of Time is Broken / Chapter 53 - Chapter 5

Chapter 53 - Chapter 5

As Royce waved his hands dramatically for attention, the students and teachers quickly hushed and turned their focus onto his executive podium. The headmaster flashed a winning smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes before launching enthusiastically into addressing the gathered assembly.

"Thank you all for coming promptly at my request! I know you are keen to discover the purpose behind this spontaneous gathering..." Royce began, his powerful voice easily carrying to the back rows without magical enhancement.

Headmaster Royce grinned, his eyes glinting. "I've gathered everyone here with exciting news! As you may know, the royal coronation for Crown Prince Edward is happening next week."

Murmurs rippled through the hall at the mention of succession drama. Prince Leonard had only just publicly relinquished his own claim, declaring Edward the superior choice to rule.

Royce continued, "To honor the occasion, academies kingdom-wide will hold a grand tournament. Students may compete in various events with esteemed witnesses attending."

He paced the dais, gesturing animatedly. "This is a tremendous opportunity to showcase your talents to potential future masters and employers! I encourage all pupils to participate and bring glory upon themselves and our esteemed institution."

Jay and Zal exchanged surprised looks. The royal rivalry had taken a shocking turn with Leonard forfeiting his birthright out of the blue. He had seemed quite tenacious for the throne previously. Jay wondered what backroom deals his estranged siblings struck to prompt such an abrupt reversal by the normally uncompromising prince.

Headmaster Royce waited for the excited murmurs to quiet down again before continuing. "This tournament is a rare chance for acclaim, so I want all students fully prepared over the next week."

He began ticking off events on his fingers. "The scheduled competitions include martial duels of course, as well as tests of intellect like maze and puzzle-solving. They will also feature marksmanship with archery and knife-throwing. Additionally, there shall be competitive exhibitions of beast mastery skills, magical aptitude across multiple branches like transfiguration and charms."

Royce gestured animatedly as he spoke, clearly also thrilled at the prospect of his academy excelling and making influential connections at the national tournament. "The key is selecting your strongest areas to devote training towards this coming week. Strategy and versatility will be vital to survive the preliminary rounds."

Zal grimaced slightly. "Seems maybe I should just focus my efforts on the beast mastery portion in that case..." he muttered to Jay. "No way my mediocre spellcasting will win any awards there."

Jay just smiled reassuringly at his self-conscious friend. "I'm sure you can find suitable events to play towards your strengths. For my part, I may try the stealth and combat rounds. Maybe even the puzzle games if I can carve out enough study time." His interest was certainly piqued at the tournament's scope.

Over the following days, the teaching staff met extensively to determine which students should represent the academy in each event. By week's end, the selective roster was announced.

Since Jay excelled in his tiny Advanced Assassination Techniques class, he was the students selected to compete in the stealth event. His friend Zal predictably got tapped to join the beast mastery exhibition based on his supernatural affinity for magical creatures. Though anxious about performing under pressure, Zal felt bolstered knowing his menagerie friends would behave themselves when it mattered most. The tournament lineup stood at 32 pupils total, four per event on average, while some only one or two like the case with stealth event. Over breakfast the morning names got posted, students buzzed over placing bets on who seemed most likely to win.

"Older students usually have the edge with more training, so I'm just hoping not to embarrass myself too badly out there," Zal said dejectedly through a mouthful of porridge.

Jay smiled reassuringly, giving his friend a bolstering pat on the back. "You have a real gift with animals, I'm sure you'll be fine! This is a rare chance to test our progress among the regional academies, regardless of outcomes."


The grand ballroom glittered with opulence under the light of a thousand candles. Nobles adorned in their finest silks and satins mingled and laughed, the palace walls echoing with lively music from the ensemble of lutists seated at the head of the hall. An elaborate ice sculpture of a regal griffin centerpieced the main table, surrounded by platters laden with roasted fowl stuffed with savory bread dressing, buttery cheeses, fruits dipped in chocolate, and cakes dusted in sugar.

Prince Edward stood upon the royal dais accepting congratulations and well-wishes from a long queue of barons, dukes and diplomats. The 18-year old heir looked resplendent in black velvet doublet and breeches, a hammered gold circlet resting upon his wavy chestnut locks. Though appearing a bit awkward at first in the spotlight role, the young royal gradually relaxed under the stream of praise.

"Fine speech you gave, Highness!" the portly Duke of Calibria commended Edward as he pumped his hand vigorously. "I can see you shall be a fair and steadfast ruler like your father once was, gods rest his soul."

An elegant woman wearing a bejeweled gown of emerald silk swept into a deep curtsy before Edward, jet hair spilled over her bare shoulders. "You honor House Valius by elevating our ancestral rival Silverfyre to your personal guard," Lady Eliza purred demurely. "I am certain Ser Drake will prove himself worthy of your confidence, my prince."

As the long receiving line progressed, Edward found himself truly touched by the sincere well-wishes from subjects he aimed to capably serve in return. From the fierce northern mountain lords to soft-spoken southern sea merchants, the diverse nobility came together this night in shared hopes for their promising new monarch's reign. Though the burden of leadership weighed heavily, the prince felt buoyed by the kingdom's collective faith.

The herald struck his gilded staff upon the floor, hushing the elegant company. "On this most fortuitous occasion, let us raise our cups to Prince Edward Sauveterre, First of His Name, Rightful Heir to the Throne and Royal Protector of the kingdom of caito!"

Amidst great cheering, Edward lifted the jewel-encrusted golden chalice high while colorful streamers rained down across the jubilant attendees. As he gazed out smiling upon the extravagant gathering filled with both existing allies and potential new bridges built, Edward felt ready to step fully into his destiny. The night marked more than his long-awaited confirmation as next in succession - rather, a new era dawned for the entire kingdom brimming with promise. This coronation signified a fresh start and renewed hope for prosperous days ahead under the leadership of their dynamic young prince.

As the night wore on, the revelry showed no signs of abating. The wine and ale flowed freely as servants circulated with heavily laden trays, offering honeyed ham, buttery quail, roasted venison and endless cakes for dessert. Minstrels played a steady stream of cheerful tunes while noblewomen dragged partners out to dance, their gowns swirling colorfully under the glowing chandelier lights.

After over two hours of smiles and polite conversation, the guest of honor Prince Edward felt emotionally drained by the constant social performance. Seeking a quick respite, he withdrew from the head table and exited the grand ballroom, the herald announcing his brief departure.

Walking swiftly down the carpeted corridor, Edward finally reached his private chambers. Once safely inside away from prying eyes, the fixed courtly smile slid from the prince's face. He tore off the formal doublet embroidered with the royal crest and hurled it savagely across the room.

Edward threw himself down in a high-backed chair beside the empty fireplace. Rubbing his temples wearily, his thoughts swirled in irritated circles. How easily all those self-interested snakes in the ballroom shifted their pathetically transparent loyalties when the balance of power swung in his direction.

He thought bitterly of the elder Duke of Pinewall, who mere days ago had been loudly questioning Edward's capability to handle military matters and foreign policy in the Western Provinces. Yet tonight the old windbag had clasped Edward's hand with both of his wrinkled mitts, proclaiming effusively that "no other candidate possessed such wisdom and poise required in a ruler."

Before the prince could work himself into too foul of temper, the oak door creaked open. Edward jerked up curtly, ready to dismiss whichever attendant dared disturb his private sanctuary. But the words died on his lips as the familiar bulky figure of Timis, newly appointed crown spymaster shuffled inside.

Edward straightened as Timis entered, coldly asking, "What reason could my private chamberlain possibly have to justify interrupting my respite from that interminable public spectacle?"

Unperturbed by the prince's irritation, Timis extended a rolled parchment sealed by black wax. "Apologies Highness. But as your Master of Whispers, I bear rather distressing intelligence that cannot wait."

Seeing the gravity in the spymaster's expression, Edward took the proffered scroll and broke the seal impatiently. As his emerald eyes swiftly scanned, they widened first in surprise, then anger.

"Is this report accurate?" Edward demanded, looking up sharply. "The legendary royal assassin Nathair Sylvan himself, was spotted and confirmed to be back within Caitan borders earlier today?"

"I swear on my life, your Highness," Timis avowed solemnly. "Three separate eyewitnesses spied the former spymaster deep in conversation around sunset with an unidentified young man at the Crossing Tavern east of the capital. Apparently Nathair made inquiries into potentially purchasing an abandoned property near the mountains before slipping off prior to apprehension."