The midday sun shone brightly over the sprawling Royal Academy campus. Students flooded out of lecture halls and laboratory buildings, eagerly chatting and laughing as they enjoyed the warmth during the short break before afternoon classes.
The graceful central Ivory Tower cast its elongated shadow over the west gardens, where students relaxed on benches under flowering trees. A group of friends unwrapped packages from the bakery containing fresh sweet buns stuffed with vanilla custard, a favorite midday treat.
In the battle arena, the clash of steel rang out as warrior apprentices dueled with practice swords and shields. Their instructors called out advice and corrections as the trainees circled and thrusted, seeking to improve their footwork and technique. Nearby, junior battle mages took aim at animated straw targets, summoning gusts of wind and icy sleet to launch their projectiles.
To the east, lines extended out of the dining hall doors as students waited their turn to enjoy the day's offering of roasted pheasant, vegetable stew, and cream trifles for dessert. The aroma of fresh bread and sizzling meats wafted from the open windows.
In the beast pens, stablehands supervised as fledgling beastmasters approached the creatures they hoped to someday bond with as familiars. Some apprentices offered treats to tempt the animals while others studied their behaviors, learning the unique traits of each species.
Throughout the academy grounds, young mages, warriors, and beastmasters alike pursued their scholarly interests - whether relaxing in the gardens, engaged in rigorous physical training, or deeply focused in the classroom. All were keenly aware of both the privilege and expectations that came with attending the prestigious royal institution, the most selective school in the kingdom training new generations in the magical arts.
Jay hurried down the vaulted northern corridor of the Ivory Tower, his boots echoing on the smooth marble floors. He clutched three heavy tomes to his chest, the topmost emblazoned with golden script reading "Advanced Book for Alchemy: Vol. 3" by the 7-Star Mage Rothard Green.
Behind him trailed his best friend Zal, struggling to match Jay's urgent pace. Zal eyed the alchemy text with unease. "Jay, are you really sure you want to attend Mr. Rothard's class?" he asked worriedly. "That last potion nearly killed me! Do we really need to take alchemy when there's also smithing?"
Jay didn't slow his stride, weaving nimbly around other students leaving the lecture halls. "We have to take either alchemy or smithing to fulfill our credits this year," Jay called over his shoulder. "Besides, Rothard is a genius - we're lucky to learn from him!"
Zal grimaced, gingerly rubbing the faint scar on his neck from Rothard's corrosive concoction. The famed alchemist's brilliance was undisputed, but his experimental elixirs seemed deadlier every session. Still, Jay was right - Rothard's class was too influential to risk failing. Resigned to his fate, Zal hurried after his eager friend towards the bubbling vials and volatile mixtures that awaited them.
The curriculum at the prestigious Royal Academy was remarkably comprehensive, designed to provide students with education in a vast array of magical arts and combat disciplines. The standard academic program lasted eight years in total, beginning when pupils reached the tender age of twelve. After completing the eight-year curriculum, students could optionally pursue an additional four years of advanced study at the Academy for those truly dedicated to mastering their magical craft. Currently, the two friends Jay and Zal were in their third year of these specialized senior courses, pushing themselves to expand their skills and knowledge to the utmost.
After rushing through the tower's winding halls for another five tense minutes and climbing two more flights of stairs, Jay and Zal finally arrived breathless at the heavy oaken door leading to Rothard's advanced alchemy classroom. Despite their hurried pace, only a handful of other students lingered inside the spacious chamber. Of the nearly fifty pupils who had crammed inside during last week's introductory session, it seemed merely a half dozen or so proved daring enough to continue with Rothard's notoriously risky curriculum.
The first week of every new term was dedicated to trial sessions, permitting students to freely sample any subject's opening lectures before selecting their focuses. Though initially intrigued by flashy explosions and noxious fumes, most of their peers had wisely opted out of Rothard's intense regimen once witnessing the true volatility of his innovative concoctions.
He and his friend Zal obediently moved to stand near the back of the laboratory, as there was no sitting area - all students had to remain on their feet to actively prepare ingredients and conduct experiments during Rothard's hands-on lessons.
As Jay opened the first dense textbook laying out complex alchemical theory, he felt daunted trying to grasp the intricate concepts based only on his basic foundations from mandatory courses. While all pupils received a grounding in alchemy during their initial eight years of study, Jay understood he would need significant extra guidance to fully comprehend the advanced nuances found in these texts.
Soon after, the classroom door banged open loudly as Mr. Rothard swept inside, his dark robes billowing around his tall, slender frame. He had a pale, almost skeletal visage, with sharp features and calculating gray eyes that seemed to pierce right through his students. Though not an imposing figure physically, Rothard's quick wit and biting sarcasm intimidated many.
Striding to the front, Rothard gazed around appraisingly at the half a dozen pupils who had dared to return after his initial explosive demonstration. "Hmm, a bit more promising this crop," he remarked in his cutting tenor voice. "Pity the cowards who abandoned this rare chance to truly push boundaries." With a disdainful flick of his fingers, Rothard wordlessly lit the braziers scattered around the lab.
"Now then! Today we'll be concocting a remarkably simple draught to start - turn your texts to page forty-eight." Rothard arched one eyebrow sardonically. "Do brush up on the preliminary sections first regarding key ingredients. You!" He gestured sharply at a tall youth in the second row. "Give us an overview of this entry-level elixir we'll produce, if you please." Rothard paced slowly, awaiting the student's response as vials and beakers upon the worktables began to rattle with unseen forces.
"We will be attempting to brew a Corruption Potion today," the girl student responded. "The ingredients needed are: two heaps of Candy Sage, four tablespoons of Void Celery, three bits of Yellow Petal, two teaspoons of Thunder Savory, and four bits of White Bay Leaf."
Rothard nodded approvingly. "Precisely. Now pay close attention." He began gathering the required components, setting them out neatly on the central table. "First, crunch up the Candy Sage leaves, being mindful not to damage your vessel."
The class gathered around Rothard's workspace as he demonstrated the process step-by-step. "Add just enough water to create a loose paste...excellent. Next, incorporate one quarter of the Void Celery, followed by half, and finally the remainder." Rothard kept up a running commentary as he combined the ingredients.
"Now, fill a pan with unholy water - or regular water suffices if you lack appropriate substitutes." This elicited some quiet laughter from the students. "Bring it to a gentle simmer, then add the sage and celery mixture." Rothard adjusted the brazier flames as needed while the concoction cooled.
"Once it feels slightly scalding, introduce the Yellow Petal and Thunder Savory together in one smooth motion. Our desired temperature is attained - mix in the White Bay Leaves last and remove from the heat to cool once more." Rothard whisked the contents nimbly. "If the quantity appears insufficient, simply start again from the beginning."
He ladled some of the bubbling fluid into a vial, peering at the sickly green end result. "There we have it - one batch of Corruption Potion ready for application. Now, who feels bold enough to attempt this on their own?" Rothard challenged the class, gaze sweeping over the ring of apprehensive but eager pupils.
After Rothard's demonstration, the students hurried back to their individual workstations to attempt brewing the volatile Corruption Potion themselves. Clangs and clatters soon echoed through the chamber as mortars, vials, and knives were put to use crushing sage and measuring void celery. Small explosions and clouds of foul smoke erupted on a regular basis as failed efforts littered the tables.
Rothard paced between stations, observing each pupil's progress with a critical eye. "No no, the celery must be added in thirds!" he would admonish one struggling apprentice. "You scattered the petals without precision!" he critiqued another. "This brazier flame scorches rather than simmers - adjust accordingly!" Despite the many mistakes and toxic mishaps, Rothard patiently provided guidance to get them back on track.
Nearly two grueling hours had passed and smoke hung heavy in the chamber. One by one, each pupil had managed to produce an acceptable vial of the toxic draught - all except for poor Zal. While jay had already succeeded, Zal's efforts consistently resulted in foul-smelling failures that stained his robes and burnt new holes into the tabletop.
As the hour grew late, Zal labored in frustration as the only student yet to correctly finish the assignments. The others exchanged glances, thankful their own potions had passed Rothard's stringent inspection.
Finally, just when Zal felt ready to abandon the task in despair, a cry of success erupted from his bench. "I've done it!" Exclaimed Zal, holding up the hard-won prize of a properly concocted vial. Rothard strode over, face impassive. He examined the noxious results closely, swirling the contents. The class held their breath, willing their struggling classmate to prevail.
Then Rothard gave a curt nod. "You're fortunate that is adequate," he pronounced. "I suggest you apply yourself more thoroughly in the future. Still, it seems no one perished from their amateur fumbling today...we shall see what tomorrow brings."
Rothard checked his pocket watch after inspecting Zal's hard-won potion. "Hmm, still more than half an hour before we conclude," he mused.
"Very well, review your textbookss and commit the ingredient preparations to memory," Rothard instructed. "For next session, you will individually produce three batches of this Corruption Potion to demonstrate comprehension."
He arched an eyebrow severely. "Do take care not to damage my laboratory if you opt to practice more today. My assistant Mr. Fiddlesticks can unlock the doors if you ask politely."
Rothard gathered his dark robes and made for the exit. "I shall review your efforts next gathering. Do try not to kill yourselves before then." With that parting warning, the intimidating alchemist swept from the chamber, leaving the students to pore over their books in nervous anticipation of the challenging assignment.