Chereads / The Flow of Time is Broken / Chapter 35 - Chapter 34

Chapter 35 - Chapter 34

"What is it that you want or seek here?" Blackbeard asked calmly, his voice measured and level, belying the carnage and utter devastation that surrounded him on all sides.

The God of Sword straightened his towering, armored form, his immense stature far overshadowing the diminutive figure of Blackbeard. "You know very well what it is I want," he replied, his words echoing with the overwhelming authority and gravitas of countless ages past. "Come with me now. My lord wishes to have an audience and speak with you directly."

Blackbeard's mischievous smile widened ever so slightly, and he raised his hands in a placating, almost playful gesture of mock surrender. "Very well, I shall come with you to meet your mighty lord," he said, his tone carrying a subtle hint of defiant amusement. "But your lord will have to offer proper recompense and compensation for the unfortunate deaths of my fallen comrades here."

The God of Sword let out a deep, rumbling chuckle that seemed to reverberate through the very foundations of the realm, shaking the surroundings. "You dare to bargain and negotiate with me, Godslayer?" he asked, his powerful voice tinged with an undercurrent of amusement. "Very well, let it not be said that the mighty God of Sword is without mercy or compassion. Your price and terms shall be met."

Blackbeard nodded, seemingly satisfied and content with the God of Sword's acquiescence to his demands. He turned, his gaze sweeping over the scene of utter carnage and devastation that now littered the once pristine and unspoiled realm. "A true shame," he murmured, shaking his head with a hint of regret. "They were all good lads, brave and loyal to the end." With a casual, almost nonchalant flick of his wrist, the very air itself shimmered and distorted, and the scattered, disparate remains of his fallen comrades began to coalesce and reform, taking shape once more into their previous manifestations and forms.

As the last of the fallen entities regained their corporeal presence, solidifying back into recognizable shapes, Blackbeard turned back to face the God of Sword once more, that ever-present, roguish smile still playing upon his lips. "Well then, shall we be on our way?" he asked, gesturing with an open hand towards the towering sword god in an inviting manner.

As Blackbeard drew closer to the towering God of Sword, he reached into one of the many pockets adorning his outfit and produced a tightly rolled scroll. With a deft flick of his wrist, he slashed the scroll open, activating an intricate teleportation enchantment. Instantly, a brilliant flash of light enveloped them both, blinding and disorienting.

When they opened their eyes once more, their surroundings had shifted entirely. They now found themselves in what appeared to be an ancient and dilapidated throne room, its walls cracked and crumbling, the once-grand architecture now a mere shadow of its former glory. Debris littered the floor, and the remnants of tattered banners hung limply from the high ceilings, adding to the air of decay and ruin that permeated the space.

At the far end of the chamber, upon a throne that seemed to defy the ravages of time, sat a figure that radiated an aura of unimaginable power and dread. The being's eyes bore a hue that seemed unfit for this world, a shade forbidden by the gods of every realm that ever was or will be.

Without hesitation, Blackbeard lowered himself to one knee before this fearsome entity, his head bowed in reverence. "My lord, the God of Healing," he intoned, his voice thick with respect and awe.

The demon's eyes narrowed as they fixed upon the God of Sword, and a cruel smile played across his lips, revealing jagged fangs. "Welcome, Blackbeard," he purred, his voice dripping with malice. "I've been expecting you."

The demon fixed Blackbeard with an intense, penetrating stare, his unsettling eyes seeming to peer into the Godslayer's very soul. "Rise, Blackbeard," he commanded in a grave tone that echoed through the crumbling throne room like a solemn funeral knell.

Without hesitation, Blackbeard rose to his feet, meeting the demon's smoldering gaze unflinchingly. The towering God of Sword stood as an imposing, silent sentinel at the demon's side, his colossal greatsword gripped tightly in his gauntleted fist.

"I trust proper recompense shall be provided for the...unfortunate demise of my loyal followers," Blackbeard stated, his lips twisting into a cruel, mocking semblance of a smile that failed to reach his eyes.

The demon inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment. "My emissary will handle the terms of payment," he replied flatly, his tone betraying not a shred of emotion.

Blackbeard's twisted smile widened fractionally, his eyes glittering with a hint of malicious glee. "Excellent," he said casually. "Then let us address the true matter that brings us to this fateful meeting." He leaned forward intently, his piercing stare boring into the demon's eyes.

"I have recently encountered a...development that poses a grievous threat - one that could unravel and destroy all that we know," the demon intoned ominously, his otherworldly eyes seeming to smolder like twin flames. Blackbeard remained silent and stoic, his expression unreadable as the demon wove his portentous tale.

"Before the incident at the Green Lightning Village, Matu came to me with dire warnings. He claimed that if left unchecked, I would ultimately bring about the death of his wife in the future. Though resolved to accept whatever punishment came from breaking our binding vow, he was willing to risk it all to prevent this." The demon paused momentarily before continuing in a grim tone, "But before he could even attempt to break the terms of our pact, he was preemptively and severely punished - banished to an eternal prison realm."

"At the time, I was blinded by rage over Perun killing my people, so I foolishly disregarded the matter. But over the past 50 years, everything in this world has begun to divert from its predetermined course. The events now unfolding should never have come to pass." The demon's blazing eyes narrowed menacingly as he fell silent once more.

"What do you mean?" Blackbeard asked, his expression set in an uncharacteristically grave demeanor.

"Somebody...or something...has brazenly tampered with the very strands of fate and destiny that weave the tapestry of our existence," the demon pronounced in a voice laced with dire foreboding.


"Why did you divulge that sensitive information to that untrustworthy man, my lord?" the God of Sword questioned, his voice laced with concern.

The demon chuckled, pulling a hood over his head. "Orion, that man is the most ambitious being in this entire world. He has survived for a thousand years, even after slaying the Sun God. Do you not wonder why the others never united against him as they did against us?"

"This Blackbeard fellow likely believes I am weakened, which is precisely why I shared my discoveries with him. He thinks by doing so, I've created a faction between the three of us. He will undoubtedly seize this opportunity to expand his influence in the mortal realm." The demon's tone was laced with calculation.

"So, you intend to use this as a ploy to eliminate Blackbeard?" Orion queried, realization dawning upon him.

"Precisely. The stage is set for the final event, and we cannot afford any new distractions." The demon's voice hardened with resolution.