As we walked to the door way I couldn't help but notice some subtle differences in how Throgor walked.
There was a hint of a swagger about him now, and a readiness for what was to come.
Breaching the entryway of the Throne room we were greeted to the plaza having grown some new additions. Obelisks were rising in the courtyard below.
Then I felt the drain from my Magicka. Over our time here in the Shivering Isles I hadn't felt the drain much. So it only meant whatever Shirou was facing out there was a decent enough challenge.
Then came the fireworks.
(Shirou POV)
From Atop the walls I saw the many Obelisks sprout like weeds. Gripping the handle of the sword in my lap in my left hand, I stood. The Dedra around me scattered to their positions. Arming themselves with bows they began to stand ready.
The Knights began to spawn from the Obelisks shortly after. Only they decided to group into formations as they came into being.
For such an occasion I felt that I couldn't help myself without giving them a proper greeting. As their numbers swelled I held Kamaitachi with the blade down. The same grip of my bow. Channeling the new properties of the sword allowed something new to happen.
"Trace On"
My Bow traced into existence over the sword. The raw power of the Bow easily reached the standards of a B+ to A- range weapon by my old world's standards. Reaching My right hand out I spoke once more.
"I am the Bone of My Sword."
The "arrow" I had chosen was an old friend by this point. A twisted spiral of a holy sword.
"My core Is twisted in Madness."
Knocked, the "arrow" stretched as I pulled the string back. Then came the fun part. Overloading the arrow with Magicka It seemed ready to burst at the seams.
My arrow flew true, flying into the middle of the pack of soldiers. The impact alone tore into this plane destabilizing the terrain. Then came the next part that just put a smile on my face.
The Shockwave reached the wall as the sound echoed through the fields surrounding New Sheoth. Looking to the stunned Dedra I lowered my bow.
"Now would be a good time to attack." They came out of their stupor and began to give orders of attack all around. Looking out I couldn't help but say to myself chuckling, "All in a day's work I guess."
(Viola's Pov)
Feeling the ripple effects of the Magical attack from the older brother was enlightening. They always spoke of the servants from their world and just how powerful they could be.
But like many things it was time to work. Clapping my hands brought the stunned Dedra and mages around me back to focus. They all knew their jobs at this point. With crystals dotting the city we moved to put an end to them. As was our task.
I let myself feel the pride in these boys. All three of them.
Throgor the little runt who couldn't sit still to save his life, Shirou the brooding older brother who finally began to move past his scars, and Azarius my headache of an apprentice.
Two had grown stronger than most who had been sung in songs of the ages. One would potentially even become a God today. But my stray thoughts were interrupted as a stupid few priests came into view.
I was in Crucible where they decided to reveal themselves. But with those boys having done much to reveal themselves I figured I would do my own little show here.
They liked to show off even if they would say otherwise.
Thinking back to a time I spoke to Azarius of how my Stride spell worked allowed him to give a suggestion. An all to easy to think about solution to turn a movement spell into an attack.
his words If I'm not mistaken were, "Since you are already walking how about making it a step?" The cheeky smile of which I knocked off him quickly enough.
Griping my robes I raised a foot as if to step on a staircase. My stomp rang out as my Magicka Flared around me. Pockets where our enemies were situated felt the effects of the spell. Simple air, only it was being pushed down constantly right on top of them.
Then my Left foot left the ground as I climbed my staircase. The little brat after seeing it once decided it had to be named after some story he read, since they were so similar.
My left slammed down on the Invisible stairs added the second layer upon the spell and our enemies couldn't even stand that as they crumpled into paste upon the pavement of Crucible.
Letting the spell go but keeping myself raised in the air, the name slipped from my mouth.
"Ascension Step"
(Azarius POV)
With all the fun around and even the booming sound of Granny's new spell we had our own fight. Knights kept pouring from the Obelisks as we fought to close them. We kept fighting our ways through each of the back corners of the Courtyard where they stood.
Due to Shirou continuing to use large scale attacks I limited myself to use Spirituality. Thus I wasn't nearly as aggressive in much of our combat.
Dodging another errant swing from the one armed knight in front of me I limited myself to drag Fukanzen across his neck separating it from the body. With an open window to the obelisk I threw another heart into it, then It collapsed.
Throgor took the lead with one as I attacked the other. As my own disintegrated so to did Throgor's. We shared a look as if we both knew that this wasn't over. The knight's bodies began to be sucked into the air into a glowing orb of light.
And right we were when it erupted into a pillar of light that struck down into the center of the Courtyard with a shockwave.
From It emerged a kneeling figure. The sword rested deep into the pavement as he began to move. Standing up it looked around to see the two of us.
"Mortals, You dare to defy me with your presence?"
Drawing the blade from the stone it waved it in a wide arc.
"I am Jyggalag! Dedric Prince of Order!"
Though I'm guessing he wasn't expecting just what two really determined "mortals" can do. With a burst Throgor threw himself at the Prince. The Staff appeared in his hand as the purple hue blast came from it.
The prince was momentarily stunned and not just by our audacity either.
I myself moved then leapt to be level with his face as I prepared a large chunk of spirituality for an interesting ability of mine. Air cannon.
"BANG!" The prince's head was forcibly tilted just as Throgor arrived next to us.
He hefted the liquid like shadowy greatsword jumped and chopped at the Prince's tilted head. But we were just reminded that this was a Dedric Prince after all.
With a swing of his own sword he bashed Throgor away while he was still in the air.
For myself, I was fortunate to land only for a crystal boot the size of me to front kick me away.
Dazed I stood up from where I had rolled from him. Subconsciously using a healing hand on myself. Habit from many training sessions with Granny. If you had Magicka it always went to healing first.
Throgor had quickly recovered and was fighting toe to toe with the giant. As such with some clarity back I drew Amentia. Azazel also left my shadow to begin his own work.
Mental images of what I wanted to do were passed along our familiar bond. Then I began to pull the trigger.
Spells spewed forth as I kept pulling the trigger. While they weren't strong on their own they added up. Not to mention the one or two that buffed Throgor in the duel.
Though I did have to worry about the lightning he sent my way as he fended off Throgor. Just as I had moved from one piece of rubble in the courtyard to another I was singed on my back from one of them.
Gritting my teeth as the lightning coursed through me I pulled the trigger once more at his face.
Rolling off the rest of the charge I was running once more. Sliding into cover. My shadow cloak was almost gone by this point with only a little more of the sleeve left.
But It was time to spring the trap. I had begun to notice the draw from my Magicka was gone now and happily refilling. So I took it upon myself to fire one more shot while channeling a spell made just for the occasion. One that combined my pathways to Magicka.
Azazel made himself known with a stunning display of vast amounts of shadowy appendages reaching out to Jyggalag. They gripped his arms just as he was to lay a crushing blow against Throgor. Then they gripped his back foot and leg when he was taking a step.
My shot just happened to be a sun flare spell right into his face blocking his vision. Thus he was unprepared for the of what I was about to pull off. Then he fell to the ground as the shadowy appendages tripped him. Dropping Amentia I held Fukanzen with both hands and raised it.
The spell flared from my hands and traveled through the blade as it heat far beyond everything so far. Spirituality flames appeared on its edge. I dropped to a knee and drove the blade into the castle grounds below. My spell was unleashed.
Runes spread from the blade into my surroundings as the Magicka stirred the air around me. Words left my lips as I chanted practically shouting through the pain as my body bared the burden of the spell,
"HE Who Embodies Madness!
The King of the Shivering Isles!
The Ruler of Mania and Dementia!
Heed My Call and Smite my Enemy!
So asks, The Lord Of Mysteries!"
With my words Throgor holding the Staff of Sheogorath grew a smile. A very familiar Cheshire grin. His eyes Shifted into golden with slits in them. Raising the staff He stabbed into the back of Jyggalag with an explosion of power. Spirituality drained from me in a heartbeat.
Jyggalag screamed in pain and exploded in a flash of light. Throgor himself kneeled on the ground after the deed. I myself was barely conscious. Figures danced in my vision as new people joined the courtyard. The light broke into particles as it gathered into a visage of the prince's head hovering above.
As everyone readied themselves for another battle The Dedric Prince's voice rang out.
"Enough! I am Beaten. The Graymarch... Is ended. For millennia this drama has unfolded and each time I have concurred this land. Only to be transformed back into that gibbering Fool... Sheogorath. It was not always so. I once ruled this land a world of perfect order. My dominion spread across the seas of Oblivion!"
He turned the floating head surrounded by light to Throgor.
"The other Princes, Fearful of my growing power, Cursed me with madness. Doomed me to live as Sheogorath. A broken Soul, in a broken land. Once each era I was allowed my true form. Concurring this realm once more. And Each time that I did the curse was renewed. Damming me to exist as, Sheogorath."
The spite in his voice though.
"Now though, you have ended the cycle. You now hold the mantle of madness. And Jyggalag is now free to roam the seas of Oblivion once more. I will take my leave and you will remain here mortal. Mortal? King? God? It seems uncertain by what I have witnessed."
Looking to the skies above he continued as we all kept our silence.
"This realm is yours. Perhaps you will grow to your station. Fare the well Sheogorath. And Mysteries too. My eyes will be open as I watch your deeds."
I felt a calm embrace me as I was also literally embraced as shadows danced and climbed around me.
"Expect company Jyggalag, to harm my child and expect to get away with it. It seems a bit... Naïve don't you believe so?"
The bond which was blocked to not distract me in the fight was back in full. And Mama Night was here and she wanted her pound of crystal.
They disappeared just as soon as they finished speaking. So I let myself fall back into the shadowy pillows left behind by my mother. In the night sky as I looked upon it I could just barely make out a growing void of darkness with a star battling against it. Soon the light was fleeing away with pieces of light scattering from it. Nice.
What's more if we don't comply,
With the local wishes I,
can see us being sacrificed or stuffed.
Hence why we need stones!
An:// Thank you all for the support of stones and the few comments here and there. Hope you like the ending of this Arc. (Especially the touch of ritual magic of the final spell.) Now we will get into the journal entries next leading to the next Arc. Which will begin Our traveling Escapades! Timeskip imminent.