Chereads / Snakebite / Chapter 11 - Different mentality

Chapter 11 - Different mentality

I woke up on the moel starship. I was sitting on a bunk in a small but pleasant room, and my hands and feet were handcuffed with some kind of strong alloy. They were obviously afraid of me, even though I had personally provided them with weapons that, if used, would leave me no chance. I was surrounded by four young soldiers, staring at me as if I were a museum piece.

- Hey... - one of them whispered to a colleague sitting next to him, - Look, he's awake....

- Keep your voice down... he's looking right at us... - his comrade answered him without taking his eyes off me.

It's funny, they don't seem to realize that I can actually hear everything.

- Do you think... does he speak an intergalactic language? - the third one asked.

- I don't know. But their leader definitely speaks...- interjected the fourth.

- It's like he's been living in a gym all this time. Look at the way his body is pumped up...

- I knew they looked like that before, but... knowing and seeing them in person are different things.

- Did you know they're not all like that? They also have scrooges with no legs. It's got a tail instead, you know?

- Do you think he can break those handcuffs? He's probably not too happy about being handcuffed.

- I think if he could or wanted to, he'd break them.

One of them slowly stood up and walked towards me, treading carefully like he was walking through a minefield. As he approached me and looked into my eyes, he immediately averted them. Apparently, they were not used to seeing red-colored snake eyes on someone who looked like a human. After standing beside me for a while, he touched my shoulder.

The boy shuddered and bounced a few meters away from me.

- No, I haven't seen it... n-not in person... - he said in a shaky voice and backed away, afraid to turn his back.

- Don't be so afraid, - I grinned, - What am I going to do to you? You think I ran away from the ship to kick your ass?

The soldiers seemed to let go and laughed quietly.

- You're Kserd, am I right? - said one of them.

- Yes. That's been my name for thirty years, - I answered.

- How long do you live, anyway?

- Well, up to a hundred, on average. But sometimes longer.

- Is it true that you ran away from the ship because they killed your girlfriend?

- She wasn't my girlfriend. She was an object I was guarding.

- Do you really know how to love? You don't have women!

What an inherently idiotic question. Yes, we don't have women, and we don't have parents. But you want to fuck, and the emotional component of it does not go anywhere. Most men of our race want to feel loved and not live alone - but this problem is solved in a very specific way: women are literally sold as wives on Yaraat. And all of them are representatives of other civilizations enslaved by us.

- In that sense, we are no different from humans. Except for those who have been completely brainwashed.

The soldiers looked at each other.

- Brainwashed?

- Yeah, well, most of them are still convinced they're the superior race and the others are crap, - I summarized.

- Aren't you afraid that the conversation with the ruler won't go well?

- Be that as it may.

I felt physically weak, and I wanted to sleep all the time. That was because I hadn't taken the supplements that had been replacing my food for a decent amount of time.

- I kind of feel bad asking, but... do you have any vitamins or something?

- What do you need? - One of the soldiers asked.

- They replace my food. I don't know what you have, but I'd appreciate some pills at least. Otherwise you'll have to drag me off this ship, and I weigh a lot.

- How much? - One of the soldiers asked me.

- A hundred and twenty-five pounds.

- Oh, no, I'm not going to carry that much, - he waved his hand, and pulled out some pills from the back room, - Actually, our doctors give them to patients in the hospital when they can't eat, but I hope they'll work for you.

He came over to me and handed me a few, giving me water to drink. It was uncomfortable to do in handcuffs, but not that it was impossible. After a while, I felt better, and I felt energized.

We didn't talk about anything else. They only whispered to each other, discussing my appearance, my digestive system, the letter I had sent them, my Jaraat accent. We flew to Moelis for several days. As the starship approached the planet, I saw firsthand how the force field worked: the aircraft passed through it as if nothing had happened. After landing, the soldiers removed the shackles from my legs, and taking me under the elbows, led me outside. As soon as the starship door opened, I coughed reflexively: the air on Moelis was very damp and cold. The scenery before me was incredibly beautiful. The skies on Moelis were a lilac color, fading to blue. There were thick, green, turquoise and even some pink trees everywhere, contrasting beautifully with the sky. It was reminiscent of Earth, but the people of Moelis had obviously not yet turned their planet into a wasteland. On the contrary, it was obvious that nature was carefully protected - they cleaned the air, kept the space clean.

As soon as I stepped on the ground, anxiety seized me. I could literally physically feel all the hatred directed at me from the soldiers who met me. I heard a loud spit flying on the ground in my direction - that was how one of them expressed his contempt. What would happen if I were introduced to the people of this planet? It's hard to imagine. I was being led to a military base - at least, that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw a large metal-framed building standing in the middle of the training ground. The four guys who had accompanied me from the starship handed me over to the other soldiers once I was at the door to this complex. They were less kind, and pushed me in the back as they led me to the ruler.

- Move your feet! - shouted one of them.

- Do you think Laesvold will let you live? Ha-ha.

Every push made me want to shove them all to hell, but I had no right to do that. Eventually, after a long hallway, I was led into a large, spacious hall with seats and a table in the middle of it. The hall was full of military men, and sitting behind the desk was Laesvold the Third himself. He looked to be a trim man in his sixties, very handsome, and dressed in a silver, close-fitting jumpsuit, with some metal armor in places, all state-of-the-art. Not like the robed prince of Bonacis Locke the Venerable, still wearing natural jewelry and some long robes that looked more like a rug than articles of clothing.

To his left sat his daughter, her gaze read, at the very least, the hatred and contempt of the entire galaxy for the skroges. Or me personally.

Despite that, I'd never seen a more beautiful woman in my life - yes, she'd been shown on the color viewer many times, but in person she was simply stunning. Not only was she beautiful, but she had the stature of an aristocrat. Unlike her father, who wore a strict military suit, she was dressed in a closed long dress of black color. Though it didn't allow anyone to see an inch of her skin, it accentuated her figure perfectly. I looked away, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks - I'd never been in the company of such a lady before.

To his right sat someone else, probably a diplomat. Without removing my handcuffs, I was seated directly in front of Laesvold.

- Greetings to our small but beautiful planet, Kserd. My name, you probably already know. This is my daughter, Eline Adelyn the First, the future ruler of Moelis, - he pointed to his daughter, but her capricious scarlet lips didn't even quiver at the sight of me. - And this is our diplomat, Karel Myrtash, - the man next to Laesvold nodded at me in greeting. I hope you had a good flight, Kserd. To be honest, I was glad to receive a letter from you as a member of your race. It's nice to know that there are skroges who realize the perniciousness of such policies. In your letter, you mentioned that the Skroj are conducting cruel experiments on women from Earth. Could you elaborate on what exactly they're doing?

Damn, I didn't expect this: I honestly thought I was going to be thrown into a cell and tortured. But the Moels received me very warmly, even too warmly. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me that a few days earlier.

- I'm not a scientist. I'm a security chief, so I don't know the details of exactly how it works. But from what I've seen, they inject them with some kind of regeneration enhancing chemicals to make them look like us.

- Like you? Did they grow scales and tails? - Eline asked before her father could do so.

There was stifled laughter in the hall. My first impression of her as a well-bred lady was shattered. I looked into her cold blue eyes, feeling at least embarrassed for such tactless behavior on the part of the woman. To me, as a member of the patriarchal Jaraat society, it was at least savage - but also incredibly attractive.

- It should be taken literally, Princess. They did develop scales. Some had even been modified so that they no longer resembled humans.

She cringed when she heard the answer, as if I were some kind of trash rather than a person.

- Kserd, what is the purpose of this research? Alas, we have very little data on them.

- They seek to create females. One that can bear and bear children and increase their numbers. Without that, they won't be able to reach the number of skroge they need in a short time.

- But I've heard that the skroge are artificially created.

- That's true. But it's a very costly process, and despite the large number of laboratories and technological advances, there aren't enough of them to enslave more advanced planets than the ones they've already captured.

- I see. Kserd, you mentioned a weapon that can destroy your kind. How does it work?

- We've had regeneration since our creation, preventing us from dying from many wounds. This weapon simply disables it, leaving us vulnerable to various attacks.

- How can we trust you? - Eline asked in a harsh tone, once again interrupting her father.

I couldn't find the right word to describe her character. How could someone like her behave so cavalierly? Or was that the norm on this planet? I stared at her again.

- If you take off my handcuffs, I will clearly demonstrate it.

There was a rumble in the hall. The ruler and the diplomat looked at each other and began to whisper.

- I object! - A voice from the audience said, - Who knows if he'll harm you?!

- Who else would we test these weapons on but him?! - someone objected.

After a moment's thought, Laesvold signaled for my hands to be released. Several soldiers brought the weapons. I took a deep breath: I realized that I could lose my regeneration forever, but I had no other choice. I demonstrated my forearm, making a deep cut on it with my sharp claw. The wound healed immediately.

- Now shoot me with it, - I said.

The soldier did so, although, like me, he didn't immediately realize that it had fired after all. I made another cut in my arm. The blood flowed, and the wound would not heal. Everyone in the room gasped and began to discuss what they had seen.

- Then kill him and be done with it! Why do we have a skroge here? - someone shouted from the audience.

- What the hell are you talking about?! He could be a valuable soldier in our army!

Laesvold gestured to the audience.

- Kserd, it is very commendable of you to not only demonstrate how this weapon works, but also to prove your loyalty. After all, you risked your... health?

- I'm not sure if this weapon permanently disables regeneration. But when I escaped from the ship, I used it to kill one of the hostiles.

- Tell me about the skroge's plans for our planet, Kserd.

- It seems they've found a way to hack into your force field and begin their takeover of this planet. If nothing is done, they will be here very soon, perhaps as soon as a month from now.

Laesvold was about to ask something when his daughter asked the question ahead of him again.

- You mentioned in your letter that they want to kidnap our women. What do they want with them? Do they want to torture them in vain just like the earthlings?

That girl's temper was unbearable. It seems that she was never taught any manners at all, and this despite the fact that she is the princess of the whole blini planet, the heir to the throne. I couldn't stand the insolence, I replied:

- If all the women on your planet were as beautiful as you are, Eline, the skroges would fall at their feet without a second thought, - I smiled at her, waiting for a reaction.

There was a loud and shrill laughter from the audience. Eline's face, which had previously shown nothing but contempt, suddenly flushed, and she looked away, crossing her arms. She was evidently discouraged by this answer.

- Well, Kserd, you have a sense of humor. I think that's enough information for today. It will be a while before we can get a full understanding of how this weapon works. You'll be in custody for a while, but don't worry, we'll provide you with reasonable accommodations.

- Thank you for your trust.

Those present in the hall began to disperse, and two soldiers led me to a room.

It was obviously nicer than my quarters: quite spacious, in a calm color scheme, with a large window. There was a large colorimeter in the middle, and a water bottle and pills on a pedestal. Apparently the soldiers on the ship had given them my food preferences, if you could call it that.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. The princess stood before me, surprisingly unaccompanied by soldiers. That told me that she wasn't afraid of me at all.

- Well, to be honest, Kserd, you surprised me, - she stared into my eyes, not looking away, as if she were challenging me.

- Well, I'm glad.

- But I still don't trust you.

- I risked my life to escape from my ship. I used a weapon on myself that any skroge would be afraid to use. You can kill me at any time, Eline, just by giving the order. Isn't that enough?

There was a brief pause. Her face seemed to soften. She fixed her not-so-long, scarlet hair with her hand.

- You're right, I could do it. But I won't, - she averted her gaze, obviously unable to bear mine.

Of course she couldn't. No one can take it.

- Why not? Apparently, you hate the skroge. And deservedly so. I would, too.

- Because of you, the whole galaxy lives in fear! - she said, shouting.

I didn't expect anything else from her. I'd realized from the television how hostile she would be toward me. Apparently, I had become something of a scapegoat for the haters of my race.

- Is there anything specific you want to tell me? If not, I'm out of here, - I was about to go back to my room when she called out to me.

- Stop!

I glared at her.

- How do you have the nerve to cut the conversation off first? And turn your back on me?

This girl has a lot of self-importance. I'm shocked at her spoiled and ill-mannered behavior - as I said earlier, such behavior is not typical of aristocrats. Or is the monarchy on this planet in name only?! I was annoyed - even though she was a princess, even if she was a future ruler, her father ruled, not her.

- I'll obey Laesvold, but not you, and I'm sorry, - I tried my best not to be rude to her, though I was sick of the ingratiating way she spoke to women.

I didn't want to ruin my relationship with the ruler because of his willful daughter.

- Why is that?

I didn't know how to talk to princesses very well. Especially a princess like her. So I just answered on automatic the way I was used to.

- I didn't like the lady on top, - I shut the door, tired of listening to her chatter.