"By following what we agreed on. I informed an agent that I was looking for a nice store where I could start my cookware business again,
I described the kind of store I was looking for, paid some money to him, and he began searching. In just a few days, he'd already found one, then I paid him the full amount we agreed on,
Then I bought goods and moved them into the store. I'm not done yet, I'm still going to buy more and move them into the store. When I'm satisfied with how many goods I've been able to fix into the store, then I'd start proper business". He explained.
I've already confirmed that he followed what we agreed on to find a store...
"That's nice, well done job. Have you started informing your customers of back then that you'd be back into the business soon?". I inquired.
"Yes, I've been able to inform some, not all. But once I've filled up the store with goods completely, I'd inform the rest". He responded.