Remember while I was walking out of the house before I suddenly stopped and faced him again asking if he could call his son for me.
Yes, during that time I was walking out, I was expecting him to halt me and ask if I wouldn't help him out at all. But as said, he didn't.
After those explanations and all that, I just left like that...well, there was nothing I could do about it.
Again, I wasn't close to accomplishing the quest yet, another thing that was making me sad a little. I thought I was getting close to accomplishing it before that man began speaking again and ruined everything.
Well, that wasn't the end though, I still had days left to accomplish the quest. And I don't plan on relaxing, I was gonna keep working to accomplish it.
..There wasn't any progress for the rest of that day.
Right now, I was walking out of the ghetto. And after I'd done so, I planned on boarding a cab that would drive me straight to the hotel I was residing in currently.
It was evening, and it was getting very close to nighttime. After that man, I was able to meet some more families in this ghetto that needed help badly.
They were in great need of help...but none of them deserved to be helped 'cause there was no valid reason why they were in the situation they were in.
I kept receiving the system's notification whenever she didn't want me to help out a particular family. All the families I met after that man had one thing that was keeping them in poverty or that kept them in poverty.
Either the head of the family made certain mistakes in the past which kept him and his family in poverty. Or the kids in the house were somehow lazy.
..I even came across a family that were so entitled and were dying in suffering.
Both the dad, the mum, and the children were all lazy. They were like, 'Why would we have to kill ourselves working when there are people out there that can actually help us and change our lives?'.
Can you believe that? Can you imagine that level of entitlement right in poverty? I didn't even know people like that still existed...
Wouldn't lie, I was angry at the family, they were so annoying. That level of entitlement was just too much. They should keep waiting there until death would begin taking them one after the other.
I was even wondering how they were surviving with that level of laziness and entitlement...
Well, I was heading home right now, all my efforts for today were in vain. I didn't come close to accomplishing the quest.
But what I knew was that I wouldn't relax, I'd continue again tomorrow. I can't let a good $600,000 pass me by just like that.
And if I don't accomplish the quest, $10,000 would be deducted from my bank account as well. So apart from $600,000 passing me by, I'd also lose $10,000.
..To me, that was too much, I must try my very best for such not to happen to me.
But I have to give myself my flowers, I really tried today. Walking around in the hood, meeting with kids, meeting with their families, and so on. It wasn't an easy thing to do.
Money was the motivating force behind it to do such a thing.
I kept walking out of the ghetto until I'd walked out of it completely. Then I boarded a cab which was driving me toward the hotel currently. It drove and drove until it finally arrived at the hotel.
Then I came down from the cab as usual, paid the driver, then began walking toward the hotel.
I was lying on the bed in my hotel room currently. It was already complete dusk, and I was supposed to have slept off by now, but I couldn't due to the thoughts running through my mind.
I was thinking about the activities that would take place tomorrow and the ones that took place today...
I wasn't able to accomplish the quest today, but by tomorrow, I'd resume working on it. Once tomorrow reaches, I'd have 9 days remaining to accomplish the quest.
Throughout the whole day, I was trying to accomplish the quest in a certain ghetto that was somehow affiliated to another ghetto.
I remembered going to the first ghetto I was aware of to get the name of the other ghetto. And after getting the name, I moved there and spent hours there without being able to accomplish the quest.
..Tomorrow would be different.
I wouldn't be going back to the same ghetto tomorrow, I'd try out the one it was affiliated to. I might go back to the same ghetto again and all my efforts would go to waste once again.
Maybe everyone in that hood doesn't have valid reasons for being poor. I can't afford to spend days going there without seeing any progress.
So it's been decided, I'd go to the other ghetto tomorrow. If I go there tomorrow and get the same result, I'd try out another ghetto the upper day.
..And that's how it would keep on going, I must try my very best to accomplish the quest.
Slowly, my mind began getting free of thoughts as I was making decisions. And that's when I started dozing off until I'd done so completely.
The next day had reached, and I'd just woken up. I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed, then the activities I planned on engaging in for today crashed into my head.
Yes, I need to keep working to accomplish the quest given to me by the system...
I got up from the bed, dashed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and showered. Then I came out of it feeling so refreshed and all that. Then the next thing I did was hand over food to that waitress to prepare for me.
Remember, I still needed to cook and eat all the foodstuff I bought from the supermarket. I was still using them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 'cause they hadn't finished.
..And the hotel was doing a good job of preparing them so deliciously for me.
Well, they were supposed to do that, I paid for the service. After the food had been prepared, the waitress brought it into my room and dropped it on the table as usual along with a bottled water.
I began digging in until I finished eating the food, then I gulped in all the contents of the bottled water down my throat. Not too long after, the waitress came in again and took the empty plate away.
I glanced at the foodstuff remaining, and I discerned it would take a few days more before I'd be done consuming everything. Well, I began dressing up.
I put on a black shirt, blue jeans trouser, and nice sneakers to match them all. I put all the necessary things into my pockets like my phone, cash, my debit card, and so on.
And right now, I was fully ready to leave the hotel...
And just as I was about to begin walking out of my hotel room, I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. I brought it out and saw that it was truly ringing, but there was no caller ID.
And I was like, 'Who is this?'.
I didn't want to pick up the call at first 'cause I was heading somewhere right now and 'cause there was no caller ID. But I decided to pick it up to at least know the caller.
After picking it up, I was like, "Hello".
Then I heard a feminine voice say, "Hi, Casper".
The person fucking called my name...that means the person knows me. How come there was no caller ID? But the voice sounded somehow familiar though.
"Sorry, who is this?". I inquired.
"Have you forgotten me? It is me Ivy". The voice responded.
The moment I heard that name 'Ivy', I knew it sounded so familiar. Then I remembered the person, I met her at the swimming pool along with her friend, Lucinda.
She collected my number and must have saved my name as well, but I didn't collect hers, no wonder there was no caller ID only phone number.
Collecting my number that day means she was definitely going to call me, that I was aware of...seems like she was interested in me or something.
..But to be honest, though it's just a few days that had passed since we met, I had already forgotten her.
I didn't collect her number that day after our conversation 'cause I wasn't really interested in collecting it though we bonded, and I enjoyed her companionship.
She was the one that collected mine...