All of a sudden Laksh felt shivers in his spine and fog covered the area.
He could not see anything because of the fog. He heard a loud roar of the creature. He saw the shadow of the creature flying in the sky.
It landed near him and now he could see the creature. The creature was a griffin.
The griffin roared loudly. The shockwaves from the roar send Laksh flying. Laksh was about to get up when it landed another hit with its claws.
Laksh then said "Holyday Phase 1"
The particle surrounded one kilometer range from the center. But was not of any help a Griffin possessed more raw strength than magic.
But now Laksh had a little advantage as now he can teleport inside the holyday's range
Laksh teleported behind the griffin and landed a hit which barely did any damage. The griffin again landed another strong hit with his leg. Laksh flew towards a big rock.
Laksh's hand was bleeding. He somehow again stood up and started teleporting around the griffin.
He put all his energy and delivered a bunch of punches in its torso and each punch was followed by a lightning strike.
This did some damage to griffin. The griffin flew out of holiday's range in a supersonic speed.
Outside holyday's range it healed itself. On the other hand Laksh did not have the power to move.
The griffin after healing came back to Laksh and when it was about land the final hit on laksh Night stepped in the fight. He shot a fire ball which distracted the griffin.
It then chased Night and Night was also damaging it by fire ball. This continued for some moment then the griffin became angry.
It increased its speed hit Night. Night spitted blood out of his mouth.
Night flew and hit a tree an enormous speed which did an enormous damage to night.
The griffin flew towards Laksh. Seeing laksh in danger Night launched his final move The Hell Fire Cannon.
Two gates of hell opened from two sides. A chain came from one side and the chain tied the griffin and pulled it near the gate.
From the second gate a big bust of fire came and hit the chained griffin.
Night fainted after that attack. The griffin was about to die when the barrier of holiday broke and this restored the magic of the griffin.
The griffin healed itself and again started moving towards Laksh.
The griffin launched its final attack toward laksh.
The sand flew because of the attack.
Then a familiar voice said "Holiday Phase 2"