Chereads / Spawn of Nothingness (Discontinued) / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8, Death Riding

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8, Death Riding

" ^ " is talking

' ^ ' is inner thoughts

* is sounds


They went into the fitness room and Kronos had on a t-shirt and shorts while Aaliyah had on a black yoga Nike short and a black top

He picked up a seventy pound dumbbell and with both hands started bicep curls

Unsurprisingly Aaliyah stood to the side watching him quietly

Doing one hundred of the bicep curls and switching to wrist and arm exercises in ten minutes put them back

Inhaling a few breaths going to the clean mat, he took off his shoes and lay down

Quickly Aaliyah saw him immediately doing push-ups and he did a set of two hundred then fifty exploding and fifty staggered

He went to a punching bag nearby and he did a fury of punches

Workout music rang in the room and it made him energetic

An hour later went by..

"Alright, I'm going to bed, see you" He got his phone, orange juice, and went to bed

His bedroom suite in the second floor had a pleasant view of the whole estate much to his liking

Without giving much thought, he thought that Aaliyah must have been exhausted or something to not say anything

He brushed his teeth also took a bath and tucked himself to bed

In the gym room she stood standing at the spot where she stood an hour ago

No movement came from her body only her torso slightly twitched

Aaliyah made a frown and stood there for a couple more hours

After a few hours her figure changed, she went from six feet to seven foot tall and her hair was stark black

Her face contorted to an even more bueatiful face that not even Jade skin could match

Walking out of the gym there was this cold oppressive pressure around her

It being so late almost morning Kronos in his bed slept in deep sleep

The footsteps of hers made no sound as they went to the staircase

She opened the bedroom door to Kronos sleeping soundly, no snores

In her hand a long golden spear materialized out of thin air

It had a white golden aura to it and glowed in the dark

"You cannot exist...the enigma of your name..your life has to end..Posiden told me something would happen....." Aaliyah right beside his bed held the golden spear tight and did a stab at his head


The spear got deflected seconds before it hit his head and crashed outside

Kronos extended his hand and opening his eyes sat up very fast

Aaliyah backed up quick and disappeared abruptly

"Decieving woman, my naivety is still lingering, or should I say the wisdomer Athena..." He only had his boxers on as he went to the smashed window

Seeing the spear gone and the Goddess nowhere to be seen a sigh escaped from him

Turning his back he barely had any time to react when the same spear got lodged into his chest area

Athena clad in a armoured dress materialized in front of him and burried the spear deeper

She pushed him to a wall taking out four knives sticking them in his eye sockets in quick succesion

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....." Coughing out copious amounts of blood and screaming his lungs out, pain rushed at him like a thousand tsunami waves of lava

Kronos didn't have the neccesary will power to endure and do anything


He could not feel the sword respond to him and his will power all but left him for the force

Kicking him in the groin Athena seemed to realize something and a vial glowing black appeared in her hand

"This should do it" Kronos couldn't see anything and was still in pain as she poured the black substance on him

Unbearable pain scratched the surface of his skin and slowly his mind started to drift

"You thought you were invincible but your not, learn it from this. I had a very easy time manipulating you.." Athena had this weird smile at this point and sliced his throat open

Pain is all what clouded his mind and then it happened.

Blood cells to skin tissue and flesh regenerated at a small but visible rate

His throat healed itself then his chest, the eye sockets that had blood spilling out of them didn't

Kronos felt his mind returning only that he could not see, a realization set in him that not seeing didn't mean he couldn't do anything

He heard Athena standing there and backing up?

" are a mortal! Impossible!" Hearing the uncertainty and shock in her voice, he stood straight up

Taking out the knives stuck in his eyes, there was a sudden pop and squeeze

The two eyes of his rolled on the ground with a plop

Pain of the highest caliber assaulted him when this happened but he held on

Focusing intently a found powerful sense entered him and he held up his hand

Athena slammed into the hand of his in a few seconds

"Hesitate no more."

[Error! Err..]

[System shutting down..]

Stopping his actions when he saw this a look of astonishment was on his face

'No way. No, no, no, calm down...'

Squeezing her throat without any second thought, he searched zangetsu and gripped the hilt of the blade

He was quite annoyed at Athena and even with his eyes missing bore right into her eyes

She was struggling and squirming as he had his head right in front of her

Energy seeped into him the more he kept his head trained on her

Kronos could feel her trying to get away or use some type of magic, he wouldn't let her.

"Stare into my soulless eyes! Reap what you sow." He grabbed her head and let her stare into him, unknowingly his eyes somehow left and reappear mysteriously

Her energy and magic seeped into him and he felt it indeed, until he had enough

"This will keep you down for a while" Pushing her away, zangetsu eviscerated her to tiny pieces

After he put the pieces of the goddess in the ground, he put on a huge black robe on himself left with a satisfied smile


{ABC News}

"This just came in we have reporting of a fire, Dave can you fill us in?" The camera zoomed in to a middle aged man in a coat talking in the mic, a fire billowed in the background

"Yes, I am here at the fire that is currently burning a mansion by the looks of it, firefighters and police officers are recommending people to stay away...the police say two bodies of grown men in gear appear to be burnt as well. There is an ongoing investigation as we speak..."

Suddenly in the corner a lighting bolt hit the grass out of nowhere shocking the man

It came back to the news channel

"There we have it folks this is a fire at main Street and 6th, we have more feed coming in live.."


[San Francisco, California

1 month later]

Reaching the top of the mountain Kronos let out a small sigh and gazed at the very visible being that stood 20 feet tall holding up a sky