Chereads / The Slayer of Mount Mammoth / Chapter 12 - KNIGHT IN DULL ARMOR


There stood before them all. Was The Slayer, doused in the viscera of the slain Mauvila. Mikhali felt a cold sweat break out across his back. He knew that this wasn't just any old good Samaritan who heard the squealing of these piggies and felt compelled to help. 

Mikhali sized up the armored knight in front of him. He didn't seem to have any other weapon other than that old looking sword. 

"Can't afford to let my guard down. I end this fast and get back to putting those two streetwalkers in their place. And then, invite that hero captain wife to a nice dinner and talk business opportunities." Mikhali thought with a smirk, blood still leaking out his mouth as he summoned his barb wired tentacles to attack The Slayer. The Slayer within the blink of a eye attempted to stab Mikhali in his throat and would have ended him right then and there if it wasn't for his arm and fingers being suddenly restrained. 

The Slayer look to his right arm, now restrained by hundreds and hundreds of writhing barbwire tentacles both crimson and purple. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafting off them.

"Im so sick of that color." The Slayer thought to himself in disgust as he glared at purple barb wire more than the red one. He watched with detachment as the tentacles attempted their very best to get into his armor. He grabs the tentacles and ripped them apart violently, causing heavy internal damage to Mikhali. And To those without a Martial Art who wouldn't know what it like to feel the damage external Martial Art owners like Mikhali's would receive.

Imagine if someone hit your internal organs with a sledgehammer that had jagged spikes on it. 

Now multiply that by 10 and you got a pretty good idea of the sheer blistering pain he was going through at this moment. 

Mikhali grit his teeth, feeling the sweat bead on his forehead as the pain festered in him like a virus. 

Now Mikhali wasn't a stranger to fear,it was something that he tried to bury and snuff out whenever the feeling would rear it ugly head. He couldn't afford to be weak. Not now. Not ever again.

He used the barb wired tentacles to wrestle the Slayer's blade away from his grip only to get punched in the face and sent flying against the brick wall, the air leaving his lungs, but it wasn't over as The Armored Defender slammed into Mikhali using the full force of his body. The brick wall broke down as Mikhali let out a sharp gasp of pain. The floor was tiled by the feel of it, Mikhali could barely see through the crimson dust that formed around him. All he know is that he had to move, He quickly jerk his head to the left as the sound of a sword deeply embedding into the floor made it to his ringing ears somehow. 

"Sweet Muse." He said through gritted teeth, using the full extent of his Martial Art. 

"To think i be pushed this far, have i truly gotten weaker?" Mikhali thought, in complete disgust at himself as the Slayer is pulled away from him swiftly so he could catch his breath.

"I can't believe this." Mikhali muttered in anger as he coughed up blood, his vision was getting blurry. Something definitely shattered inside him, and not in the metaphorical sense either.

The Slayer was being snatched into the air by a creature of some sort. He gaze upwards to see that the creature was a hideous hue of red and indigo, it body a writhing mass of spiked tentacles with angel like wings, one bloodshot eye looking at the Slayer with distain as the Slayer look at the Summoned Martial Art with boredom. The Martial Art, this Sweet Muse that masked man called opened it gaping maw, sweet smelling slime trickle down onto The Slayer.

"This is a aphrodisiac. Bastard." The Slayer noted with anger as he was immune to such effects. The Sweet Muse monstrosity took him high above the buildings. Doing it damndest to injure the armored warrior as it slammed him into the architecture repeatedly. Chunks of bricks and plaster rained down below like a malevolent halestorm.

Mikhali knew that he couldn't keep this up. He look at the dead body of Mia. He saw Laura helping Mickey up. He scoffs, he deals with them later. He have all the time in the world to stomp these parasites out.

"Oleg. Let's go." Mikhali muttered, keeping his eyes on the duo. His eyes quickly spotting the cartoony toolbox from earlier and using some of Sweet muse to take the toolbox quickly. It struggle but tying it legs and arms together will keep it from doing anything cute.

Oleg nodded and he turned away. However he cast one last look at the trio, Laura gave him a look of appreciation. Mikhali and Oleg quickly made their way to the car that was parked by Starlight club, Oleg opened the backdoor for his boss and Mikhali slide in. He look for the first aid kit and painkillers he kept in the back as Oleg quickly drives off. The Toolbox squirming in his tight grip.

The Sweet Muse attacking The Slayer slowly begin to disappear, Slayer pop one of it many eyes and Mikhali felt a sharp pain in his head. Blood trickled down his nose as he recalled Sweet Muse to himself, his vision blurring in his right eye.

The Slayer fell from the dark skies above and landed on his feet. The ground beneath his boots having the consistency of a trampoline much to the bafflement of Laura and Mickey.

He looks toward the trio that was licking their wounds. Mickey regarded him with surprise and a sense of trust which Slayer could understand. 

"This mouse was probably thinking that i can't be worse than the masked bastard that showed up not too long ago." The Slayer theorized.

The mouse slowly got in front of the two. The smell of lavender and vanilla with hints of blood wafting off the boat captain. "Um thanks mister. Who are you if you don't mind me asking?" The mouse asked, he barely had any energy left to stand much less protect this poor woman if this scary armored man try to do anything. But for a odd reason, The boat captain doubted it. 

"I don't know, i just got a feeling about this fella." Mickey thought, he always trusted his feelings and they never led him astray. Heck that how he met his beautiful wife after all.

The Slayer smiled behind his helm. A fellow appreciator of having a good wife.

"I'm nobody. Are you three alright?" The Slayer asked.

The boat captain hung his head down.

"Um no. Sadly the woman lying on the floor is no longer with us." Mickey said, sorrow in his voice evident as he took the cap off his head and turn towards Mia who was laying on the ground.

Laura smiles at Mickey and pointed to Mia's slowly rising and falling chest. 

"She alright. Like you she also have a Martial Art. She basically produce anything in reality and make it feel real." Laura told Mickey as tears ran down her face. Mickey jumped for joy. Laura then look at the armored savoir in front of them. 

"Hey thanks. I don't think we would have gotten out alive it wasn't for you." Laura said appreciatively. 

The Slayer nodded.

"Will your friend on the ground be alright?" The Slayer asked, seeing the broken fingers on Mia's hands and the bruises forming on her face.

"We need to get her to a doctor." Mickey said in concern as he put on his hat.

"I know of a back-alley doctor within the general area. Hopefully she take rain checks." Laura stated nervously, she seen this doctor before and she was always unnerved by her.

The Slayer walked over. He squatted down. "I will help carry her there, you two are in no shape to be lugging around a body." 

"Damn he got a attractive voice." Laura thought for a moment before shaking that thought from her head, now was not the time.

"My wife seems to think my voice is attractive too, i never got the idea of someone voice being attractive until i came home after a particularly grueling day and i heard her voice calling out to me." The Slayer told Laura as he scooped Mia up as easily as a father would their daughter.

Laura stepped back for a moment, her eyes widening in shock.

"You have a martial art that can read people minds?" Laura questioned as she tried to steer her thoughts away from any embarrassing secrets. 

The Slayer chuckles, it came out way more threatening then he intended to be as both Mickey and Laura now look concerned and on guard.

"No, it just something i can do." The Slayer told them in a calm voice that ease the tension, if only by a little because his voice was very intimidating. 

They begin to walk out of the alley, With Laura leading the way to the back alley doctor, they had to be discreet so they don't run into any more of Mikhali's goons.

"Well as discreet as we could be with a cartoony mouse, me decked out in all green (I rock this look tho.) and a scary ass armored dude holding a unconscious short stack." Laura thought with a wry smile.

Oh yeah now she remembered something.

"You know Captain, you don't have to follow us. It bad enough we got you caught up in our mess." Laura told Mickey, she honestly felt bad because while her and Mia was planning to scam the shit out of the boat captain. They didn't want any harm to come to his wife. 

"And now because of our stupid get rich quick scheme, another poor woman is possibly going to lose their body and soul to that bastard." Laura spoke quietly, feeling guilt enveloped her very being.

Mickey stayed quiet.

"My wife is a lot tougher than you give her credit for. If anything i'm worried for that mean no good fellow." Mickey told her, more to comfort himself than her.

"Me and that Mia lady were made complete fools of. My precious Majorie doesn't have a special ability like me. I won't let that jerk get his dirty hands on her." Mickey thought with determination coursing through his rubbery veins.

"Your wife will not be harmed. You have my word." The Slayer said suddenly, snapping the weary duo out of their worries.

"And honestly? My wife is also someone that can handle herself in any situation." The Slayer spoke without even meaning to. 

Laura stopped and turn to The Slayer with wide eyes.

"Wait...You're married?!" Laura knew it was rude but she was genuinely caught off guard by this. She thought he was a lone wolf due to some tragic backstory.

"Now Laura that just rude, you should never assume anything about a person you just met. Having said that though, wow really?" Mickey asked.

The Slayer sighed heavily. Wondering how he could tell them in the simplest way about his fucked up situation.

"Although the whole tragic story Laura was thinking about was not too far off the mark." The Slayer thought with a bitter smile.

"Yes i'm married to the most wonderful woman in the world. She shines bright like the sun rising in the morning. Her kindness warms even the coldest of tundras." The Slayer told them both.

He look to the right and saw her, tears in her eyes and giggling at what he had said. 

"And you said you wasn't a poet!" She told him with a cheeky smile as she hugged him. The feeling of warmth that enveloped him made him feel whole. He held on to it for as long as he could.

"Wow she sounds like a swell gal." Mickey said with a tear in his eye as he took his handkerchief and wipe his eyes.

"Make sense, she sounds like a perfect counter to whatever dark backstory you got going on." Laura stated with a grin, happy that he have such a kind wife and also amused by the visual in her head. The wife welcoming him home and he just covered in gore and she has no problem with it other than the fact he was tracking it into the house because she just mopped the floors.

"Sometimes i would be too tired to take off my dirty boots and track dirt into the house. I would always clean up after myself because i didn't want her to put more strain on her body. I wasn't too good at cleaning but i always make sure to do it anyways." The Slayer told Laura who was once again surprised at his uncanny ability to read her thoughts.

"Can you...stop doing that?" Laura asked hesitantly, doing her damndest to keep her thoughts in order so nothing embarrassing would come out.

The Slayer did a slight bow.

"Apologies. Force of habit." 

It was a winding path of alleyways they had to go through, they passed by a Raccoon anthromorph (animal person) sleeping on top on the trashcan with a bottle of scotch in it paws.

They made it to a small building tucked in between a bar and a family restaurant. Laura knocked four times on the door. 

When the door opened, the fused aroma of peppermint and anti-septic hit Laura and Mickey like a truck. The Slayer raised his eyebrow at the inside of the hospice. There was a large black door that presumably lead to the medical room. there was some colorful chairs set up that look like they were ripped straight out of elementary school. The walls were a soft and calming pink. In front of them stood a middle aged woman, she took one look at the state of them and nodded.

"Alright, place her on the operating table. Let me work on her and then i check on you two." The doctor told the group calmly as The Slayer laid Mia down on the table. The Doctor had long wavy black hair that were intertwined with grey hairs. Her tired gray eyes had bags under them, her dark black skin, the worn doctor coat she wore over her navy blue scrubs, along with a mask that she wears to cover her nose and mouth and some baby blue surgical gloves.

Laura stepped forward, she knew this woman for a few months. Even though Mia was unnerved by her, even she couldn't deny that she was one of the best (and cheapest) doctors around in Hodia.

"Thank you so much Franz, i know this was very short notice and i know that we don't have the funds currently but i promise-" Laura was cut off from her promise by the doctor known as Franz placing her gloved finger on Laura's lips.

"Laura, it fine. Just treat me to a milkshake when you do get some sperlans alright?" Franz told her calmly and Laura nodded with a smile.

Mickey pulled out some Sperglans worth around a hundred dollars and gave it to Franz who stared at the little mouse in surprise. 

Laura was also floored but didn't say anything. She was not about to pull the humble "Oh golly i couldn't possible ask you to spend your money." routine. 

"Thanks Mickey, i find a way to repay you for your kindness." Laura thought, now feeling more like shit.

"Golly, it the least i can do considering you're helping us." Mickey admitted honestly. Franz took the money and than took off her glove and place her hand on Mickey's head.

"Cracked ribs, internal bleeding, bruising." Franz suddenly said with a measured tone. "I get to you in just a moment. Laura can you come here?" She asked of the emerald haired woman as Mickey was floored by the uncanny ability of this doctor to know exactly what ails them.

"bruising, also cracked ribs, dehydrated. Will you sit down next to the boat captain?" Franz gently asked of Laura who nodded and sat down next to Mickey.

Franz motioned the Slayer to follow her and he did. She opened the large black doors and he inside there was a operating bed that was recently clean, he gently laid Mia down on the bed and stepped back.

"Just give me a few minutes to fix her injuries." Franz told the trio as she went back into the room. The black doors closing behind her.

Franz then poked her head out between the doors.

"Do you need to be check on too?" The Doctor asked The armored warrior in front of her, the smell of death and blood not lost on her.

"I'm fine." He answered her curtly.

Laura look at the Slayer incredulously. There was no way he was fine, right?

"I mean, from what little i know he seems really strong but the fact that he survived a drop from that height. Who is he?" Lauren thought to herself intrigued. 

"I told you Laura, i'm nobody. When you're healed i need some answers about who this Mikhali is and what type of problem i'm about to deal with." The Slayer told Laura as she stared wide-eye at him.

"You can't seriously be thinking about fighting Mikhali?!" Laura asked concerned, it not like she wasn't grateful but...

"You barely know us, and Mikhali isn't someone to take lightly. I appreciate the help, i really do because it if wasn't for you we would all be dead but-" Laura was cut off by The Slayer raised his hand.

"I already made up my mind when i saw the bastard. Now who is this Mikhali and what organization or gang does he belong to? Does he serve a powerful entity? Is he in the pockets of a powerful politician?" The Slayer asked of Laura. The tone in his deep voice indicating there was no room for argument. 

Laura thought of her night thus far. "How the hell did me and Mia end up finding two altruistic people that want to help us? Do we even deserve to be helped?" Laura thought, thinking of the scams they committed, but she know that she shouldn't be complaining. If this armored warrior and the little mouse captain could get them out of this shitty situation then who was she to say no?

"Ok, i tell you. But let me warn you, there is no shame in walking away. I won't hold any resentment toward you or the captain here, you both did more than what i ever expected of you two considering the circumstances. Mikhali is a bastard that me and Mia used to work for. He serves under the Titan of Lust, Veju." Laura informed him.

"What is with me dealing with the servants of deities lately?" The Slayer muttered.

Laura was confused. "Wait, you been in this type of situation before?"

"Not this exact situation but i had recently helped a woman named Hera who was dealing with a piece of shit not too dissimilar to this Mikhali." The Slayer explained to Laura who sat on the bench as she waited for Dr.Franz. 

"No way. How did that end?" Laura had to ask. She was hoping for a good ending so that she can feel a lot better about their odds.

"From what i know, Hera killed him. Apparently she had awoken to her Arcadi-Martial Art, and she used that ability to make insects feed on him from the inside out." The Slayer explained to a now horrified Laura and Mickey. 

"What the hell did he do to deserve that?" Laura asked with wide eyes, the fear in her voice evident as she try to not think of that macabre image that The Slayer had painted.

"That fella must have hurt that woman really bad but seem so brutal." Mickey said with a shudder.

"What else do i need to know?" The Slayer brought them back on topic.

Dr.Franz surprised the trio with cold waters bottle, she placed them on the table and went back to work. 

"Almost finished." She called over her shoulder as the door closed behind her.

Laura pluck a water bottle from the table and handed it to Mickey and then took one for herself. And then she offered the last to Slayer and he declined.

"Thank you, but i had enough water for a last time." The Slayer told her.

Laura look at the Slayer and the fact he was covered in gore and dust and yet he smelled like fresh flowers. 

"Seriously, who is this guy?" She thought nervously as she continued giving him information.

"Mikhali is one of the top dogs in Black Damiana Inc. It a organization that owns many of the businesses around here. Black Damiana Inc also invested in the city of Hopdia itself, going decades back. Funding most of the infrastructure and businesses that you see today." Laura told him. 

"So they're were sowing the seeds for awhile, smart. Black Damiana wouldn't happen to have a true leader would it?" The Slayer inquired. He needed to start somewhere and he knows that taking down a whole organization is easier said than done.

But he was never one to back down from a seemingly impossible task.

"Now that i have no idea on. But if you defeat Mikhali, he might give you some information on the top dogs in that corporation." Laura offered to him.

"Do you two owe some type of debt?" The Slayer asked of her. 

"That would explain why you and that Mia gal was trying to steal my diamond ring." Mickey theorized out loud.

"Um no, we luckily don't owe them anything except for our loyalty and they broke that when they were actively screwing us out of profits. Look Mickey we just really needed Sperlans, enough to get by for a few weeks, and do some much needed laundry." Laura told Mickey truthfully.

"You two don't smell that bad." The Slayer said honestly.

"Well thankfully Mia stole a bottle of air freshener the day before, also you were covered in gore when you arrive on the scene, so your sense of smell might be a little screwed up." Laura told him honestly.

Mickey took a whiff of the Slayer much to Laura's surprise and Slayer's non-reaction, like this was the most normal thing that had happened to him in the past century. 

"Wow you smell like fresh flowers and honey." Mickey observed with wide eyes.

"Hold on really?! Let me-" Laura took a whiff and got a completely different smell.

"Is that cinnamon and roasted ham?" Laura asked, her mouth watering at the thought.

The Slayer sighed. All the smells came from his wife's immaculate cooking.

The door opened to reveal Dr.Franz, Laura turned to her and was about to ask the most obvious question before Franz answered it for her.

"She will be fine. But you should let her rest. (Dr.Franz chuckled as she adjusted her surgical mask.) Her first words out of her mouth was 'Is Laura ok?'." She recounted, Laura's teared up at this. Mickey was just thankful that Mia was going to be ok.

"You're up next Laura." Dr.Franz told Laura who shook her head.

"No it fine, Mickey got banged up worst in that fight with that bastard." Laura said, flicking a thumb in Mickey's direction.

"Gosh Laura, are you sure? You got hurt pretty bad-" Mickey asked but got cut of by Laura raising her hand and smiling at him.

"Dude, we try to scam you out of your precious wedding ring and put you and possibly your wife in danger. The least we could do is let you get treated first, i be fine. And i apologize for trying to scam you, and Mia would most likely apologize to you too once she wakes up." Laura said with guilt as she held his gloved hand in her own. Mickey nodded.

"Thanks Laura. Thank you for watching out for me back in that fight." Mickey said gratefully. 

"Please, i should be thanking you for not abandoning us when you have every damn right to." Laura told him.

Franz took Mickey into the operating room. 

"Tell me some of the businesses they own, unless you got his address?" The Slayer asked Laura who shook her head.

"Nah, Mikhali was always paranoid about trusting other people and i guess he was right to be when i kicked his ass for hurting Mia." Laura stated with a proud grin.

"So i'm assuming he didn't have a Arca-Martial Art back then right?" The Slayer assumed, because from what he saw Mikhali had almost killed them all before he got there. 

Laura place her hand on her chin, if he did then she must been really lucky.

"No he couldn't have, he usually relied on his hand to hand combat and weapons. Did Veju give him a Martial Art? Wouldn't be too far fetched. But why would she give him that now and not before? Damn times like this i wish i was still a follower of her but she probably wouldn't tell me anyways." Laura muttered to herself.

"GOOD GOLLY!" Mickey yelled in fear.

"I know, i know, it pretty disturbing but it doesn't hurt just hold still." Franz said to him in a calming voice that alleviate some of the captain's fears.

Laura just shrugs with a smile at the Slayer before going back to what she was saying.

"No, i never saw him use it before in fights when me and Mia was working for him. He must've unlock it after i left him in a heap, nice job me." Laura stated with self-hatred at what her lack of control have wrought upon them.

"No, no. I still do it all again, nobody lay their hands on Mia and get away with it." Laura said with conviction. 

"Understandable. what about the businesses he owned or have some sort of stake in?" The Slayer continued.

Laura took a sip from her water bottle.

"Actually i did overheard from him while we still under his employ. He invested in a maid cafe known as Sweet Cream, A very popular and expensive night club that called...i don't know something something peach. He also invested in a bar called the Midnight Express. The Sweet Creme should still be open about now, but you got about a hour before it closes. I recommend getting the apple pie with whip creme, also the maids there are so diverse in personality it so cool. My favorite is Juri the sadistic maid, she really know how to-"

"Got you, Sweet Cream. Midnight Express. Something with peach in it name." The Slayer said turning his back, he can already see the destination. 

"Hold on! I got to warn you, these locations got some powerful people running it, they were directly handpicked by Mikhali himself, just be careful. And thank you, trust me once me and Mia heal up, we're going to help you as well. I'm done with keeping my head down and hiding, scraping by. I miss soft toilet paper." Laura stated, giving way too much information but it didn't bother the Slayer none.

The Slayer walked out. Leaving the three for now.

First stop, Sweet Cream.

The cool air hit The Slayer through the eye holes in his helm. Silence fall upon the realm, even the cars that were once audible through the clinic were quiet. He sighed, knowing what this meant.

"Hello again dear!" Eris said in that same sing song voice that brought his blackened heart to turmoil. 

"What do you want?" The Slayer asked slowly, continuing his walk.

"Aw can't a wife check on her husband?" Eris asked mockingy as she hugged the Slayer and wrapped her legs around his waist as he continue moving.

"I thought you were already married? I wonder how your husband would feel if he saw you hugging me like this, wearing my wife's face?" The Slayer inquired of the Goddess of Discord. Her husband was somewhere in the core of this twisted realm.

Eris tilted her head at her little toy, that infurious smile leaving her face. Somewhere in the Slayer's mind, his real wife put both her hands to her mouth trying to hide her smile. 

For once, The Goddess of Discord face was entirely blank of emotion.

Next thing the Slayer knew he was flung headfirst into traffic, he knocked over a blue car containing well dressed men. The sounds of honking and panicked screaming filled his ears. A cherry red SUV crashed into him and the driver went flying through the window and Slayer managed to catch the man by the leg.

The once once flying man fell face first on the concrete. He was saved although both of his shoulders were dislocated and he now have some serious head trauma. he was kinda lucky all things considered.

"Touched a nerve did i?" The Slayer thought to himself with a smirk.

No answer from her.


The escort he hired hopped out the suv and rushed to check on the now unconcious man. She was wearing a maid outfit, she pilfered through the man's pockets and got a little extra for herself. She still left some Sperlans for him, she wasn't heartless.

"Excuse me miss." The Slayer asked politely of the woman with the pixie cut and who had three longs fingers on each hand and deep orange skin along with three blue eyes on her face. She took one look at the Slayer and rubbed her eyes and look again. The maid did a full backflip and landed on her back. What a complete failure of a escape. Just terrible really.

"Aww Kana was right, i need to start exercising more, please don't hurt me mistah!" The wierd looking woman spoke in a hick accent as she groan in pain. 

"MOVE YOUR SUV!" Someone yelled from behind the totaled suv in a green sedan.

"HOW ABOUT YOU MOVE YOUR SEDAN ASSWIPE!" Another one yelled on a motorcycle behind the green sedan.

He offered his hand gently and the alien maid was scared as all of the seven hells but accepted his hand anyways. Considering that she just saw him stop a whole suv with his body, if he really wanted to, he could tear her apart. But he offering her help.

"Um thank you kind..knight?" The maid said awkwardly, not sure what to call this purple and gold plated cosplayer. Or he might be a actual knight? But the colors are weird and off putting for a knight. 

"Just call me Slayer." He told her simply as some cars speed past after being fed up with waiting for the suv to move, thus causing more accidents down the road. More cursing and screaming mixed together into a droning sympathy. 

"You wouldn't happen to work for Sweet Cream would you? (The Slayer takes the maid and the passed out man off the streets and onto the sidewalk of passersby who tried to their best to ignore the situation.)

The Maid look at him like he was stupid.

"I am pretty stupid." The Slayer thought before a phantom smack upon his head set him straight. He could hear her voice now.

"Never talk bad about yourself!" She admonished him with a pout. 

"No, that knocked out fella has a fetish for these type-of course i work at sweet cream. Why? You wanna go there and sample some of the finest maids this side of Hopdia?" The maid asked with a flirty tone, force of habit.

"So Sweet Cream rent out it maids?" The Slayer asked, raising a eyebrow that she couldn't see.

The Alien looking maid look nervously to the left and right and motioned him to follow her as the police and paramedics started to arrive on the scene.

The Slayer did so without hesitation and deja vu because once again he was being followed-

The Slayer turned around to confront them, they were wearing outfits similar to what Mikhali wore. Except they had different colored shirts, one of them had dual leather holsters for his pistols.

"Now now Bola, don't be hiding behind this cosplayer. You and i have some unfinished business, isn't that right?" Maz said while licking his chapped lips. 

The alien maid named Bola was struck with fear. The Slayer saw the way her eyes dilated. 

The Slayer took a step forward, blocking Bola from the two men.

"Freeze!" A filtered voice said behind their mask. Everyone turned to the new annoyance that came on the scene. They were wearing heavy body armor with dark red long sleeve shirts, black gloves, black knee guards and boots. The most striking thing about them was the mask 

The sentinels took one look at the scene, one of the well dressed men who wore a fedora with a feather in it scoffs and pulled out a phone and fiddling with it because it has a cracked screen now ("Thanks you gaping fuckbucket." He insulted the Slayer who shrugs.) and one of the sentinel's phone buzzed with a cha-ching sound!

"Thank you for your patronage!" The sentinel said and both he and his partner went back into the squad car and roll out. Leaving the two snazzy dressed men to their inevitable downfall. 

"And what do you want from Bola?" The Slayer inquired, his deep voice sending a twinge of fear down the duo's spines.

"Oh nothing much, it just that i hired her for a special job not too long ago. Something along the lines of her taking care of a C.E.O that got too big for his britches and thinks he could rally against Black Damiana Inc." Maz said with a cocky smile.

"Yo Maz don't you think you revealing too much?"

"Nah Donny calm down, Our new cosplaying friend here deserve to know what kinda people he trying to protect." Maz responded, he took out a sword handle and polished it with a rag he kept on him at all times. Donny never understood why he did that before he was about to stab someone but he don't like to judge. 

Maz then ignited it, a glowing green blade came out of the hilt, simmering with energy.

Bola back up a little as The Slayer were unimpressed.

"I wasn't about to kill a innocent man with a family!" Bola yelled out to them as the civilians on the sidewalk started to speed up, nobody wanted to get caught in this shitstorm. 

"For Veju's sake, when the hell did you become such a bleeding heart?" Maz asked angrily.

"It was different when it was complete scumbags and creepy bastards!" Bola argued back angrily.

Maz shared a look with Donny.

"Honey, killing is killing, no matter how you try to spin it." Maz said slowly as he was explaining to a dumb child that kept burning their hand on the stove.

"Look spare the philosophy talk for later, you are not about to touch her and that's final." The Slayer calmly told them.

"Says who?" Donny asked, reaching for his guns.

"Me. I'm the one who said it. Donny are you brainless?" The Slayer asked of Donny, making Bola giggled despite the fear she felt.

"Ok now i'm about to make you brainless." Donny said angrily before being stopped by Maz holding his lazer sword out. (Donny:EASY! You almost cut my hand off motherfucker!")

"Sorry bout that Donny. But just sit back and peep the light show. I got this." Maz told him with a cocky grin.

Maz charges Slayer, The Slayer step past him, dodging the lazer sword with ease and grab Maz's by the collar and flipped him over. It was like slow motion to everyone witnessing this. He slammed Maz face first into the concrete, his teeth went flying in every direction, the sickening crunch of his nasal bones made everyone flinched. He was down for the count. 

Donny wasn't about to let that shit slide, he pulled out his twin golden pistols and aimed at the Slayer. He prided himself on being a marksman of sorts, all he had to do was aim for the eyes. He fired off six perfect shots, his pistols flawlessly rotating in his hand between each shot he took. 

The Slayer just scoffs at the unnecessary flourishes that the gunman did. He watches as the bullets aim at his eyes collapsed in on itself just inches from blinding him temporary. 

"Little too close. Guess Eris is definitely still angry at me." The Slayer thought in amusement as Donny was flabbergasted because he knew that he didn't miss so why the hell was he still standing?! 

The Slayer speeds towards Donny and grabbed both his hands and shattered them completely. Donny let out a blood curdling scream before the Slayer headbutts him, shattering his teeth as well and threw him into a alley. Donny was absolutely done. Finito. 

Bola looks absolutely terrified, which the Slayer could understand. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, his deep voice sending a shiver through her spine and not in the good way.

"Y-y-yeah totally fine. Um you wanted to go to Sweet Cream right?" Bola asked, now knowing for sure this isn't a person you wanted to piss off. 

If this monster can even be classified as a person after the things she witness.

The Slayer nodded.

"Yeah i can take you there, just promise you take it easy on some on the girls there, alright?"

The Slayer chuckled. "I just want the person who run the place. I have no intentions on harming the poor, poor workers." 

Bola seemed surprised at the comment but didn't say anything, she just motioned the Slayer to follow her which he did.

"You definitely not from around here so how did you know about our conditions?" Bola wondered as she led him on a shortcut. Most people didn't really care about the maids that worked there beyond just simple lust. Sure you have people who treated them with genuine affection and care but those few and far between.

"If those two imbeciles over there is any indication, then i imagine most people around here treat the maids at your work like objects." The Slayer summarise.

"Comes with the territory." Bola responded simply, her eyes downcast to the surprisingly clean sidewalks below her. She pushed down her feelings of hopelessness because that didn't help put food on her table or take care of her son.

The Slayer was silent for a moment.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean you or any of your co-workers should be getting caught in dangerous situations like this. A safe place in your line work is never guaranteed, but it shouldn't always be a death trap." The Slayer told her honestly.

Bola turn the corner, Sweet Cream was just a few blocks away. This armored man was weirding her out with

"Geez uh, thank you mistah. That means a lot." Bola told him, tearing up just a little. 

"Don't thank me yet." The Slayer told her simply.

"Alrighty then i will thank you at some other time." Bola responded with a small smile.

They embarked on the short journey to the Sweet Cream Cafe, where even more chaos awaited them. That was the one truth that stay constant in The armored warrior's life, even before the armor.

But like fear, loathing, pain, and misery, The Slayer was used to it.