" Mai has been sending scouts.. sixty some now and all disappeared, assumed dead, he believes it's you. " I said.
He was genuinely surprised, but it made me confirm that he had nothing to do with it.
" As far as we concerned, they can scout all they want. What could they possibly see that is of any importance? " he asked rhetorically.
That was also true.
" Either way, someone wants to keep him in the absolute dark when it concerns this village. Maybe it's a good thing.. "
" Aye..and maybe Mai is just a misunderstood old man who just wants to be loved. " He said sarcastically.
We arrived back to tavern. He turned around.
" Have you mentioned this to anyone? " he asked.
" No..learned it yesterday. " I said.
" Let's not frighten ourselves or our family. Whoever this is .. they are skilled enough to move in secret and also close to Mai.. or has someone who is."
" You're right..otherwise how could they know when the scouts were dispatched. "
" Exactly..plus we now know, he or she is against him, let's wait until they peak out of the shadows. " he suggested calmly.
That reminded me of what Seline said .
" What's up with yours? Has a mind of its own? " I asked, pointed at his shadow.
" Up yours, Em.."
Zephyr walked inside, and my mind calmed but the same time racing.. who could this mystery person be? And why help Zephyr so much?..almost as if protecting him.
Zeph was kind enough to shut down the tavern for the time. The people were disappointed, but just until he, in exchange, cleared everyone's tab.
He was almost too generous. But his people would never take advantage of it.
Lylly went with the girls to train her shot.
" She finally focused a little. " Zephyr said.
We were sitting around mountains of gold that made even my man in the back drooling.
Did he want to count it? No.. but Anna and Ciren wanted to play, so he let them chuck the coins big as their hands all over the place.
Zephyr was just glad Lylly stopped splitting her focus on too many things. For me, it was a familiar problem that I easily got bored of anything and searched for something new it came with the privilege of being rich.
" Archery then? Those knives almost worked.."
His plan was to prove how mercurial his wife was working, but she ended up sticking with her bow and arrow thanks to his support.
" Those knives are incredibly .. the sisters' late mother came up with the shape and taught them since they were Anna's age. "
He looked at his little girl and knew she was well trained by her father. She will be the one fully inheriting his style of martial arts.
" Some day, I want to pass on my own knowledge to my children. " I said and hoped it would become a reality soon.
Shifted my eyes toward the kitchen where Seline was working on dinner with her army of helpers.
" There's nothing stopping you now, and I know.. because Lylly was traumatised by her mother stories. " he said, shaking his head.
He made me swear never to mention it..and too kill me if I ever called him.. pfftt .. son.
" Hope Ehlite bless us. How come you haven't... you know? " I asked.
He shook his head. " Vistellia... helped. "
" What do you mean? "
He leaned on the table to avoid the kids' ears.
" We would be fine if it actually happened.. but Lylly just started her .. being herself, you know? Getting pregnant would mean she would have to stop. Maybe for years. " he finished his tea while having a cheeky smile.
" So Vistellia helped. Apparently, on certain days when you have a better chance having a baby..on those days we..
" Won't do it? " I asked in anticipation.
" No..no. No.. wejust doing other stuff. It worked fine till now. "
"..and when? "
He shook his head with a little disturbed.
" You have to ask her. If I had to suffer through that explanation, you have too as well.." he said, looking straight ahead, staring at something only he saw.
Must've been .. lady things. I made a mental note to find time to talk to her. But first..
" I'm going to talk to your wife about our engagement party. "
" She mentioned something like that.. bad idea, Em. " he said with a knowing smile.
I let him continue.
He was very amused. " I believe in everything my wife does... but she is not the person for this particular job unless you like to have your engagement party when Ciren is an adult. "
" I am an adult. "said Ciren, overhearing us.
" Sure you are.. " I hushed my little sister and sat back down. " ..you might be right. Look how long it took her to decide on your age...or how she failed with your birthday. "
" I won't be 19 for a lot. " he said with a confident smile.
" What do you mean? Do you think she changed her mind? "
He shrugged. " I believe in everything my wife does, but..
" I get it... she's not good in these situations. " I got up and brought some wine behind the bar. " How should I tell her..
" You won't tell her a single thing. " he took the bottle and poured some. " I can't have her depressed.. instead you will let her flounder about doing her best and praise her for a job well done...in a year or two. "
"" Hahaha!! ""
We laughed out loud, drawing the attention of those around us.
Then he abruptly stopped being dead serious.
" ..but seriously..you will however ask Eleanor. She will accomplish it .." he handed me a cup. ".. some time before spring, then you pay her handsomely for the job and her silence. "
He was a manipulator for sure, but how nice when they work towards your happiness?
" Finish that and make an appearance..ask her how she's doing and let her sweat a little..it's funny...khmm .. then find the time to ask Eleanor. "
Downed the cup and saluted with respect. He does have a lot of knowledge.
" ..I'm working towards it, but then the Monroe's stayed then his shadows..I will work faster and get the information before spring. Besides, it's only been a day, Carlos, calm down. .." Lylly defended herself.
" I will continue to count on you. " I tapped her shoulder with a smile.
He was right it was funny seeing her explain herself. We were in their backyard where the pulley system the Revels used were set up.
They were improving.
It was group training, and the seven archers under the tutelage of the twins steadily hit their target dummies.
Despite the cold, they kept up their training every day.
Even from here, you could see the man working in the distance walking in and out of the giant barns..Nifa will have some fun painting that.
" Eleanor, your mother wanted to see you in the tavern. "
She nodded instantly. " Might as well walk with you, can't leave my people alone too long. See you ladies and gentlemen at dinner. "
We walked away in silence. Once the black house was behind us, I turned toward her .
" Eleanor.. I need your help. "
There is no place like home..