Civitaas Dei.
It was said to be the oldest city on Longinus, boasting a thousand years of documented history.
159 - Cortez Kings.
211 - Aragona Popes.
Since its founding, it maintained a steady number of blessed, mostly in popes or kings family but never a true army.
The pope had his priests numbered in tens of thousands but as far as the king's man?
Maybe less than Emet village.
Faith and Crown. What a farce..
It might have been different at some point, but since I lived on this planet, the royal family is nothing but puppets, and if rumours true some times toys for the previous Pope's personal use.
The city itself was ..breath taking, literally.
We were falling..
I remembered my first time..the wonder. The sight..the fear of helplessness.
Now, even ice cold, I just enjoyed the ride.
The city was surrounded not by walls but hundreds of giant 60 feet square stone towers. It housed something called devil's fire, and it said to be a perpetual flame.
It lights up the water like pitchers.
Space for dozens of holy arches. Priests raised with the bow since they could walk.
I saw the gigantic church of Saint Sophia towering out from the tiny houses surrounding it.
Its glass work reflected the sun, and its size was even more impressive from this distance.
I wish we could see the inside, but we were pressed for time.
I looked aside and caught a glimpse of Zephyr diving like an arrow cutting through the air.
He took quite a lead, but before long, he flipped around and reached out, smiling.
I dove myself, keeping my arms tightly on my side, reaching out, and touched his hand.
We were about a two hundred feet above ground just outside of the towers.
My surroundings blurred, and I landed on the snowy grass with a loud thud knocking the air out of me. He landed on both feet, some way kneeling and rolling in the snow before spring back up.
" That wasn't that bad.." He said, shaking his arms and legs.
I ate some snow and mud , but he was somewhat right.
We did just cross country in less than a day.
I got up cleaning myself a little and cursing geography for placing this damned place so up north.
The towers were intimidating even as a grown man.
We used to climb them when we were younger and dared to annoy the holy archers with precise rocks landing on their heads.
" Let's go and get his over with. "
He smiled back, playing with his wedding ring.
" Well said.."
He walked behind me as I took a look at my own ring..I didn't caress it or had any particular emotion towards it.
I hope to be as happy as him and the rest of our family once we leave for home.
Happy couples, all of them.
One giant family without envy or hidden agendas. I want this over already..he is right .. once we were finished, I probably only came back for Heimy.
" Who goes there! "
Two priests in white and light blue armour called us out, nocking their arrows some distance away.
" It's Carlos Julius Em. Child of the God Ehlite. "
They put their arrows away and rushed forward.
" We apologise revered one. And your y-you.."
The boy lost his speech, looking at Zephyr, who unwrapped his head and massaged his neck.
Their eyes only got larger, moving them on his hair.
" He is my guest, Zephyr Astoria."
He waived and mostly ignored their stares, looking up at the towers.
" I s-see..welcome home, Lord. Sir.. please proceed."
Walking past them and entering under the archway, we were greeted by bustling early morning crowds.
" Pull something over your head, at least on the streets. "
Now that the archers saw him, it will reach others, but at least we can avoid the commotion from others.
He covered himself but kept his eyes wide open.
It was a nostalgic seeing the familiar streets and shops still standing after all these years.
Soon enough..
I bunch of holy arches in perfect formation marched past.
Here we go..
I grabbed him and pulled out the way so they could pass without unnecessary fuss.
The crowd bowed their heads in respect and gone back to their business once they walked away.
" Boy.. I'm already annoyed. Image doing this every time they appeared. "
" I don't have to imagine it, Zeph... Lived it.. for almost thirty years. Now let's find a strider's a form transportation. " I added once the local lingo confused him.
" the meantime tell me how our stay will go..I mean..a rough plan."
We passed some people in a hurry while I kept my eyes open for striders.
" Basically, we meet the family, my mother, father, maybe some cousins who happened to be here, then.. I'll leave for Yelena and be done with it. Tomorrow morning, I'll sign some papers with blood, and we can shop a little for the family before we leave. "
He smiled, listening, and pointed at the right.
" Are those the people we are looking for? "
Following his line of sight, he saw it was indeed a group of striders pulling a two-seater half wagon. I waived them over.
" Take us to the main castle on the Em estate, please. "
I climbed in and made space for him.
" So they basically.. they just human.. horses? How is that any better than just.. running? " He asked with furrowed eyebrows.
The wagon moved through the streets pulled by the three large men wearing heavy coats.
" It's not really.. " I leaned back and rested and stretched my legs. " It's just to spare us the sweat. "
" Lazy people, got it..." Zephyr adjusted himself and took a breather. " Still ..not much different than Malai.. I expected a more flamboyant display. "
" In the summer, this country comes alive, and if you want flamboyant treatment, just wait until they see your power. "
" Is it necessary? I'll could use a break from this damned cold. " He said, looking up towards the sky.
I smiled how naive he was.
" It's up to you, of course. "
With the city passing from the merchants sector, towards the rich, various supposed famous houses flashed with their opulent displays among them...
I elbowed his arms." See that big red one with the columns? That's the Anola main family house. We're close now. "
Passing her house, knowing she's inside meant nothing to me, once again just wished to be done with this and head back. Visit the family vault and raid it. Shop a tiny bit and fly away.
The ride came to a slow end. I paid the poor devils and stepped outside.
" Holy archers.. Em, you family sure swimming in it, huh? " He asked with a coy smile.
Shaking his head, looking at the just the gate surrounded most of the estate..and that was just the main one..Gilly lived a little further up.
It was strange to be back only been a few years, but it changed nothing.
Giant iron bars cover much or maybe more than Emet village. Soliders, actual soliders, stood guard wearing the same colours as mine did back at Malai.
" It's dreadful as it ever was.. " I walked ahead, taking some of my layers off. " Once inside, they will ask questions, probing you, but don't feel pressured.. "
" Never do. "
His confidant smile actually made me nervous.
Ehlite, let him remember his promise to his wife and just let the count down begin.
We leave in 48 hours.