Around noon, we were all cooking, decorating, or otherwise preparing for tonight.
Zephyr made many trips and was away now.
Ciren and Anna played with the and ate some candied fruit Ciren brought.
" Why Dog? "
" It's easy."
" You're no poet.."
We smiled, listening to their exchange.
I heard the guys packing and went outside to check.
Barrels of aged whisky, dozens cases of wine, and of something that looked like water but was called vodka from potatoes and giant ham legs, he even indulged the guys and brought meat filled buns.
Which they were now munching on.
Zephyr has made 7 trips already.
His speed was astonishing and only stopped so far from drinking some water.
This time, he arrived with Carlos on his back, who arrived with loud screams wearing an all black ensemble with gold accents around it.
He jumped down and stepped closer with a big smile.
" Dearest sister. "
I received his hug and asked how he was.
Now that I knew more about his past and motivation, I understood Zephyr loyalty to his cause and his affection for this strange man from Dharma.
" How was your journey? "
" We rode the skies as the ancient gods of old. Next, we should do it in capes."
" Ohh.. I bought a blue robe for him! It will be perfect. "
Others came over and out to greet him.
Anna gave a little hug and accepted his good wishes. She saw her father interact with him enough to understand. He is family.
" Lord Em, thank you coming ." mother came out still wearing signs of cooking all day.
" My Lady Seline. " he stepped forward and took her hand for a quick kiss. " It's my honour to be here attending such an occasion and see my brother's home. Hmm.. something smells absolutely delicious. "
" We been preparing all day for my little granddaughter here. "
" It's unbelievable. I'm looking at grandmother such as yourself. It boggles the mind ain't that right, Zeph? " he looked behind for confirmation.
Zephyr was resting his back on a very important tree for us. " It quite right, well said Em."
I noticed his eyes and maybe something here.. he cleared his throat.
" Seline.. let the others take over. Why don't you show Carlos our village? I can't think of a better person than my mother in law.."
There he was..Zephyr the manipulator.
" shall we? "
" Y-yes. Thank you. B-brother you will.."
" Leave it to me... you go enjoy yourself, maybe drink something. "
I waited until they were 100% out of earshot before I spoke to my manipulator husband.
" What do ..." instead of losing it, I took a few deep breaths. "..Zephyr. It's a stressful day, and I'm on let me be blunt. Do you want Carlos and my mother.."
" Yes."
Since I've been with him, I almost came to hate when I'm right.
" ..j..jus..Why!? "
He shrugged while grinning.
" I don't like his wife.."
" You can't !!! "
" Shushhh..." he played his fingers on my mouth.
" Ughh.. I swear.."
" Lylly, you forget I can't force this on them, can I? " he seemed like asking for not permission.
" You can't.."
" Baby, that's what I said... in fact, I'm on my way to bring the man's wife. " he stepped back and pointed at the horizon. " But as his trusted brother, I believe Seline is perfect in almost every way and .. would be nice to see them happy? But, as I said. It's not up to me."
I calmed down somewhat and cleared my mind from that image.
Don't get me wrong.. I want my mother to be happy and Carlos is know what ? I'm done even thinking about this.
" So..crafty idiot. Last trip? "
" Thank God.. I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go, I need to find her first. " he played with his neck absent-minded.
" Hurry and rest before it starts. Her father shouldn't collapse on her birthday. You do like tired. "
Along with his glistening arms and face, his shirt was damped from his sweat.
He took his shirt off and was ready to leave.
" What are you doing now??"
" I'm heating up like a ugh.. I put it back on when I arrived, dear. Now come here .."
" Nah ah..half naked, sweaty? Go..go, now I'm busy."
" As long as you're sure..."
" I'm obviously not. That's why you need to leave quick. "
He blew a quick kiss and left for the last piece before the party started.
30 minutes later, nobody was back.
I knew two facts.
1,- Our village, even the new sight, didn't take 45 minutes to traverse.
2,- Zephyr could found a specific animal by now, let alone a woman who most likely was waiting for him.
Did it cross my mind that he ran into trouble?
Not at all ...
Just as I walked outside, I saw a lonely man all alone carrying no lady.
" Don't look at me like that.. she proclaimed she's sick after, "I been waiting around for her.. I'm telling you my love..I dont like her."
She does sound rude. Getting sick hours before attending. I don't really care..
" Well, if she don't wanna be here all the better. "
He took his shirt off and sat down leaning next to our tree. I joined him and enjoyed his heartbeat as it slowed down.
" Where are they? I figure with his voice, I would already hear him."
" ..They not back yet."
" Reallyyyy?"
I turned my head a little and bit his arm.
" Don't just marry then off yet. "
" ..Say what you will but, I remember a certain lady taking me around the village. We spent hours out..sounds similar? "
" Stop it..he is married Zephyr. All I can say..let's not do anything. You want something similar...then let's fate take care of it. Just like it did it with us."
I felt him nod and let it be. your thing.
" How long we have? "
I looked at the sun setting on the horizon.
" Two hours..then it's back home to start."
" Hmm.. how is it? How is the cake? "
I reached behind and massaged his neck, earning some kisses on my arm.
" The house is all lined up with pink and white fabric and a ton of flowers, even cut off branches with my sword and placed it everywhere.
" I remembered the ladies shrieking with excitement as I brandished my rapier.
It as close to a forest as it can be. The cake is in Miranda house, two layers with strawberries on top."
" Hmm.. how the sword feel? "
" Light..perfect. I love it.. thank you."
He pulled me even closer, and we enjoyed this time of peace and tranquillity.
We worked hard for weeks, built, planned, fought, and made up. What comes next probably be even more taxing for not just us but everyone around us.
But, all that is fine now.. today is about a special little girl born six years ago today. She didn't start her life with us. Instead, she chose us on her own.
Now let's celebrate her. The princess of Emet village.