" Here as they are, as requested. "
Rachel came out with her husband. Little younger than Olaf. With a round face and short chestnut brow hair and eyes.
Her son is a Zephyr student since he is almost from the start. She had an incredible talent and helped create wedding rings and necklaces whenever someone had coin for them.
She used to sell her jewellery in Malai like she did back in August.
She put some incredible black pendants made from the claw. Some had different shapes and sizes but were all beautiful.
" These are exquisite, Rachel. They gonna love it."
I picked up a few and examined it closely. The black..metal? Bone? Well, either way, it had an ethereal glow about them. I did a quick count.
" Why so many of them? "
Rachel seemed happy watching out expressions looking at her creations.
" Well Master Zephyr here asked one for your mother, Vistellia, Jartok's wife Demelza, Eleanor, Alexander himself, the Mordin boy, and little Ilianna " counting on her hand as she went on, it slowly made better sense why the dozens of medals
"..and one for each of the 11 who participated. He told Olaf we should make a few extra as well."
Zephyr took out a silver coin and put it into Rachel hand. She was very much against it, tried her best to refuse it.
" T-there is no need. You already paid Olaf. This was part of it." she pointed at her work that must've taken her a lot of effort.
" Nonsense. This is not even enough. " he closed her hand around the coin.
" We asked the impossible from you two, and yet you delivered. Please accept this with our thanks."
I watched the elderly couple in tears from the compliments. They must've been working incredibly hard. Olaf here almost lost his mind trying to smelt the thing, and working Ehlite know how long until it could be shaped.
Zephyr picked out two identical medals and two of the bunch of leather straps and put it on them.
They both had on almost perfect circles.
" I want you to have this. As the ones shaped them. Please accept this. Take them."
He handed them something they could pass down to generations to come.
He invited them for tonight meeting and we left with a bundle of necklace.
" I wanted others like bracelet too, but I was afraid they would take too much material and we won't be able to give to everyone." held my wrist, imagining a bracelet on it.
" I'm sure they would've loved a pebble of it, my love. " I grabbed his hand and reminded him of the state these people lived not two months ago.
" Remember, how proud Alexander was showing off the little hair around his neck? These necklaces are one of a kind. These ones are here and no more. "
We stopped near Alexander and Demelza's house. He took them out.
" I need my ladies to pick one of them. Princess goes to choose one." he placed Ilianna on top of the table and placed them next to her.
" My love, I have my ring. There is no need for this."
He grabbed me from behind and kissed my neck a little.
I felt all squirmy inside his arms. We haven't done it in like...forever. So every touch made my heart and mind race.
" Of course it's needed. Now go pick one. BUT .. He placed his hand on my breast and teased my nipples a little.."
" Most importantly. Stop rustling around before.. I lose my mind."
I smiled and reached behind to feel it out with my hand. God, I missed this...
He slid his finger in his mouth, and I almost lost my mind.
I had to push him away before I climbed him like a tree.
I adjusted my clothes and took some deep breaths walking to Anna.
"Okay, okay fuuhh..let's find a necklace then... sweetheartdid you find something you like? "
I went to see our selection, and she held up two.
" I like this shining one.. but also this."
She showed two almost identical ones. To her credit, they did resembled little leafs.
I browsed through and found one the almost same triangle shape like they pale blue stone I got Zephyr. Except in black, like my hair.
I quickly picked it up and showed him.
" Ohh..it's almost looks like mine."
He pointed on the one dangling around his neck.
" We gonna match. Don't you love it? "
He took it from me and placed it around my neck.
He saw it and looked disappointed. " I'll get you two some silver chains to put it on."
He walked away then and there.
" You going now!?"
" It's only like twenty minutes round trip, love. I'm sure Carlos has some. He did brag about his own collection of jewellery when we bought the gemstone for your ring. " he talked along while stretching his body and shaking his legs a little.
He pointed at our daughter, then the necklaces.
Take the princess and the jewellery home and let them have at it. I'll be back soon."
He blew a kiss and was gone.
Anna ran into the wind of his disappearance created, to twirl around.
" Alright, my little princess, you've heard your father. Let's pick one for you and take this back ..our old home."
She ended up with something similar to mine and his father. Once we heard our talk, she threw away the leaf ones.
I saw my daughter throw away something priceless like it was trash.
We grabbed the rest and went to my old house.
I can't believe we're move moving in tomorrow. It will take some time to make just like I wanted, but we had help.
Zephyr also talked to some of his students who understood wood to build some basics like chairs, tables, closets and other trinkets but the most important our bed where the most luxurious mattress money can buy will rest.
Walked in a lively scene as always and extended my hand.
" Guess what? It's gift time. Here are the only remnants from Emet the Lion King. Go pick one. Alexander and Lucian, too. " they were too shocked even though I knew it was coming eventually that I had to put them on the table.
" There should be enough to remain for all members who went up that mountain."
They all surrounded them, and the frenzy began. I took one back with me. One of the leaf shaped ones.
" Is that for you, Lylly? " - Demelza asked while looking at one in the light.
" No.. I already got mine. " I showed her the one hiding under my dress. " This is for Rick, who died. We gonna give it to his widow and mother once things settle. "
The atmosphere changed a little remembering that not all returned.. Thinking back, there was barely anything left to bury from him.
Granny broke the quiet.
" Where is Zephyr? "
I put Anna down the table and poured her some tea first.
" It's hot sweetheart be careful... " - I was busy blowing the tea but answered in between breaths.
" He went back to Malai to grab some chains for our necklaces. Sweetheart, go show yours to Big Granny."
" I swear only he would care for something like that. They will look so much better with it though..but it's too much."
Demelza was so happy yet unsure..
Maybe I should've specified that it's only for me and our daughter, but why ruin their smiles?
They picked their favourites and admired themselves in the mirror.
Alexander and Lucian went to give out the ones to the other 8.
We opened a bottle of wine and complimented each other on our new jewellery.
" What shape Zephyr choose? He'll have two now."
I told Eleanor what he said about never wearing jewellery other than his wedding ring and the stone necklace I gave him.
" Ahh.. he loves you very much, Lylly. It's so romantic." my mother pinched my cheeks being so happy for me.
" I know...he proves it every day."
I'll enjoy my mother and the others' expressions.
" Why wait until tomorrow to move? " Demelza was ready to move us. " We still have a few hours until the meeting later. We can start today."
" No, it's fine. The trip was long and I know you are all tired, because I am too. Tomorrow, when everyone refreshed, then..." I looked to the outside towards the wagons still filled with our purchases.
" I'll use all you like our personal servants."
I saw them already regretting to agree before.
" Don't worry.. I want to invite the ladies here, including Liz, Miri, and Setil too tomorrow night. " I wanted to celebrate and unwind with everyone before the crazy starts.
" We open a few bottles of rare drinks. Zephyr bought some marooned wine. It's red and it's fruity, and it's delicious. We have some fun."
That all made them very, very happy.
Free food and drinks will make everyone more agreeable.