I enjoyed my victory a little and saw Lucian coming down the stairs in time to see Zephyr finish wiping himself clean.
" Zephyr, what happened with the..with ..why everything is wet? "
I blew a kiss to his annoyed smirk and went upstairs with Demelza and Eli. I did want to try on some and find tonight's weapon.
We checked in on Metill, who was having a pleasant conversation with granny and drinking some tea. He looked better, just slower his head was still wrapped, giving him an interesting look.
Mother was talking with Miranda, and the kids were playing normally for once.
We said a quick hello, and I briefed them about what Zephyr told us. Everyone was convinced that golden days were on the way. No more Emet, nor annual tribute to the army. The kids are saved.
That sounds like a pure win. Yet granny looked just as unenthusiastic as Zephyr. I guess they see something deeper in that gesture.
I went to the room. I, Ilianna, and Zephyr share for two nights. Eli went back down to cuddle with Lucian. Demelza and I were trying out underwear.
It took help to get inside the incredible expensive set I bought.. but my my..if that won't do it, nothing will.
" Lylly..this is beautiful. Look at the details on it. " her expression went from admiration to absolute terror as she was running her fingers along the exquisite stitching.
" Please don't let him damage it. "
" I won't.." I was firm.
Demelza eyes brightened when she saw the night fast approaching from the window.
" I heard the night here is beautiful..why don't we go for a walk? The four of us? "
" ..That sound like a great idea." - I turned and twisted in the mirror, checking on his view hopefully later tonight. Front, behind, side, looking up, down..
" What are you doing ? "
I stopped doing various poses and kept my reasoning to myself.
I put on a dress he loved covering my secret weapon and let Demelza work on my hair. I smiled at my overall finish.
My legs showed perfectly in this dress, and I never felt more feminine or sexy before. My breasts were accentuated, and with a little parfum, I was ready as I'll ever be.
Demelza changed also. She put on new panties she bought and a nice dress that complimented her figure.
We looked in on everyone once more, enjoyed their compliments, and told them where we were going.
We went down drawing lots of eyes. Including his own. For a second, he wanted to say something but then noticed the others looking.
I endured it because..I never seen him this irritated before.
He was so jealous I couldn't help but smile happily.
For some reason, his anger made me feel like I'm flying. It was such a rush of new feelings, I wish.. I could them into words.
I walked over and sat on his lap. He quickly grabbed me by the waist and rested his hand on my legs, covering them from others.
We locked eyes for long..really long. He sighed and finally spoke!!
" ...Hmm."
Or so I thought.
He adjusted me on his lap to be comfortable for him and went back talking to Alexander.
" Where were we? "
Demelza, quietly enjoying my expression, sat in Alex lap and just as a slap to me! She just kissed him.
Well, I would do that too..but it's a bloody war.
" We gonna take a stroll around the city at night. " - she poked her husband smile. " Go change into something that will complement the beautiful women around your arms. Go shoo shoo."
" Sound great Dem..good idea. Those dresses are indeed..." - he didn't even look at her, just kept his eyes on my cleavage. " ..Something else."
He pulled me in place, took and even better look at me sitting on his knee up and down, examining every inch of me.
He loved it. The proof was poking my thighs.
He looked ready to throw in the towel, but lucky for him, he had liquid courage to rely on.
He finished his red liquid in a medium glass that looked like blood and looked at me patiently.
Yeah.. I didn't wanna get up, not just yet.
I adjusted myself better and put my arms around his neck. I wiped off the last drop off his lips and tasted it. It felt fruity and sweet.
We were so close that I felt his heavy breathing on my nose. He let his hand from my waist to my ass and pulled me even closer.
I cupped his face with my other hand playing with his long hair. He looked so confused about what to do next, I felt in control completely.
" Zephyr ..we need to change clothes, haven't you heard, Demelza? "
I closed my eyes and let my breathing help my rage to settle. It's not his fault being born a tactless idiot.
I let go of his face slowly. He looked just as bad as me. Another minute, and we never wouldn't make it through the door.
Damn you, Alexander Jartok.
I was ready to get up, but his hands stopped me. He looked extremely reluctant. But, he quickly gathered himself and took off his hand.
He got up a little wobbly near the bar.
Rosemarie poured him another small glass, and he finished it quickly.
He lifted his hand to her and turned towards us as Rose refilled his glass. His tolerance is incredible.
" Alright then! " - he slapped the table and shook his wrist. " The fuck you all looking at!? "
Some of the patrons making eyes at me quickly turned away before, I could see their expressions.
I felt light again and repressed my smile but, it didn't work.
" ..Alex we go. Take me to my room. We be back soon."
He turned around and finished the glass then walked upstairs Alexander close behind.
I walked to bar and sat down and hid my burning face with my hands.
I scanned the room but, those poor devils still looked stone faced even with Zephyr left. Demelza joined me.
" I don't know what's happening..but you two seem to have fun."
"..you have no idea. " I asked a question from the bar maid. " Rosemarie? What was that red liquid Zephyr had? "
She reached behind her and handed me a bottle with some foreign words on it.
" It's wine made by folks from Lentila, they use the berries growing only there. It expensive stuff but your man bought all the bottles. " - she pointed at two empty bottles behind her. " He and Alexander been drinking it like water."
" Demelza let's try some." - I touched my lips and licked them a little. " I only had a drop before."
We were given a bottle and two glasses.
I took a small sip.. it was nice and smooth.
Really rich and had a little sour note at the end. It was also very easy to drink. Demelza closed her eyes and emptied her glass after her taste test. This stuff was amazing.
More people arrived in groups with woman and loud bragging idiots. I could even appreciate them now. They added a certain charm to the place.
We chatted about the trip and where to go tonight.
" I know the town centre all light up at night. There is a bonfire lit every night. It's lit by the church and others burn sinful things. "
Dem had her fourth glass and was pointed outside with it spilling some on the floor and her shoes. " They call it the bonfire of vanity, and it's been burning every night for years."
Sound like something the church would do. Burning thing they themselves love in secret.
I finished my third glass and I felt the perfect amount of drunk.
I looked at the label and it's writing on it. Made no sense but, someone draw his signature under every label. M.T.L.
" Rosemarie, how many bottles of this stuff Zephyr bought? "
" Its called Marooned wine and he bought all 25 bottles. With those and the ones the boys finished 21 bottle left. "
Hmm..good job my love.
I started to enjoy the song someone played about some ancient land across the ocean and its vengeful people.
The atmosphere was loud and mostly friendly then it became very quiet and all those eyes went behind me to the stairs.
Zephyr and Alexander walked down.
This time stealing the attention from the people.
He looked handsome as ever.
He put on his black jacket and a black shirt. With only his hair a different colour he looked very stylish considering the rest of the potatoes here.
He washed up and his hair was perfectly wet making his look even more irresistible. He always looked like that when we were doing it in the Sen.
And I guess Alex looked ok.
" A Blessed..the blue haired Blessed!!? " - they pointed at him with tapping and nudge one another.
Those who just arrived and didn't witness his ability an hour ago, dropped their jaws and some even clapped.
He just smiled politely and waved at some cheering him. He made his way towards us and apologised.
" Sorry about that..shall we? " - he slid his hand around my waist but, talked to the room.
Alexander just laughed and grabbed a new bottle and opened it with a loud POP and his wife just waved his apologise away.
" Don't worry about Zephyr..it's hard not to recognize you. Being the only one with that hair. " she slapped his husband hand and took the bottle slamming it down the bar.
" Alex stop drinking that stuff and let's go."
She pulled him towards the exit, he just laughed and picked up the bottle, brought it with him and followed his wife outside.
I waited for Zephyr.
With my black dress and his outfit we matched really well. He looked at my figure once more and offered his hand in silence with a crocked smile.
This night only just began.