"..So it's good that you don't. That's what I think. I see it making you suffer just thinking about it."
I took his face to make sure not to let his mind wonder.
" You're Zephyr Astoria, my future husband. "
I managed to clear his clouded expression. His usual smile and my kiss sealed it.
I nestled him in my embrace and played with his hair. His satisfied moans made me smile.
" You know I got lucky that day.. I could've ended up anywhere or nowhere at all and just died in the Sen. " he sounded sleepy, his eyes closed. " I was found by Eli and you instead. Whoever I was. It died in that river."
Indeed. He doesn't need to know anymore.
I was so curious, just like all who knew his story. But for the first time, I dreaded the day it might come back and haunts him and all those close to him.
Either way, even if you were the devil. I'd still love you. That lazy afternoon you were found ..we were the lucky ones that day.
We spent the night cuddled up all three of us. I felt their breathing and let the night take me, too.
I even woke up his arms still wrapped around me with a steady warm breathing in my mess of a hair.
Must've been early morning.. except all the noise.
Demelza pulled the curtain and saw my eyes open. She mouted without words.
I unwrapped myself carefully, and without touching either of them, I crawled out like a spider.
She was right.
The sounds of life previously heard were everywhere. People walked around, cooked, training and generally looked relaxed.
It was like yesterday's little incident never took place.. I suppose for some in the wagons like my own daughter, it never did.
I went with Demelza to the now cold remains of breakfast.
Alexander was playing with one of the swords, taken from the bandits. The look in his eyes said he found his new Hilda.
" Alexander, why didn't you wake us..or just him at the very least? "
He didn't look up. he just kept spinning the sword by the hilt.
" I didn't wanna push him, that's why. He done enough lately. Battling monsters, bandits, gathering fruit for hundreds, helped the people move and still managed to find time to train with us and spend time with his daughter and his fiancee. " he sped up as he talked, then looked at me.
"..Let him sleep."
His explanation not only shut me up but also realized how far...faaaar away from being a good wife.
I felt guilty not thinking about it before. Before, though, I let it consume me. I sighed and shooed those feelings away.
I just got used to his amazing feats and forget he is just human no matter what power Ehlite blessed him with.
He gets exhausted with life..not to mention me draining him most nights..and other times.
I smiled gratefully. " Thank you, Alex. You're very right...yay."
I hid my annoyance that my brother in law seemed to have better eyes for his wellbeing than me, his soulmate, but I just ate some cold eggs and asked Demelza what can I help with
Just then, Zephyr, with a sleepy looking girl resting her head on his shoulder, walked out the wagon and towards us.
As always, he is stealing everyone gaze just by being in the same general area. It was a nice picture, beautiful man, beautiful kid.
The people greeted him loudly and cheered for Anna.. I came out not long ago people seemed very busy.
He and Anna waved, smiling, having their own fun with it, and walked over. " I suppose thank you's are in order. "
He looked at me, but I shook my head and looked at Alex.
He checked twice, but the results were the same.
" Oh..thank you brother. I needed this. Speaking of needs.. any breakfast for the blue haired guy and his dark forest princess? "
" Daaad.."
" Alright, alright.."
I spooked them so much. Anna eyes turned hostile for a second. I apologised and started on making some hot food at the very least.
Zephyr sat down the grass next to Alex with our daughter and saw his new sword.
" Hilda? "
" Alma."
" Yep, yep."
Their conversation told us his new chosen name for his long sword.
" Where is Lucian and Eleanor ? "
I looked up from the pan of eggs and sausage after Zephyr question and noticed that they were not within eyesight.
" They went for walk, brother.. a private one." - he raised his eyebrows, and they shared a similar smile.
"" Wooo!! ""
They really had their own language. Yay..
Considering how much time we spend actually connected to each other in a literal sense..I felt annoyed, but didn't wanna burn breakfast.
" Once they back, let's get going. We make it to Lime Lake tonight. Wake before dawn and be back home before nightfall in.. Emet! " - he pushed Anna up and swung her around, eliciting a happy laughter.
" Brother! Shouldn't we change the name to yours now that you killed its namesake ? "
He pulled Anna down and looked very serious.
" Look into my eyes, Alex. You will never bring this foolishness up in front of other people."
" Hey.. I think it would be a nice gesture.."
" Princess, go beat up your uncle."
Good. I was over the moons, and this trip was great, but it was long, and I wanted to do it in a bed again, to be honest.
I looked at Zephyr and instructed our five year old to expertly dismantle his body and that ridiculous idea of his.
We ate, and when my sister returned hand in hand with Lucian, it caused a bit of a commotion.
They looked like a couple.
They reached us and kissed in front of everyone!
She made up her mind.
She came over and got buried with hugs, and congratulations. On the other hand, Lucian was man handled by Zephyr and Alex.
" Finally..." - Zephyr played with his hair a little and opened his arm waiting . " You can stop mopping around all the time. I mean, you manned up and gone for it. I'm proud."
Lucian looked aside for a second but kept up his satisfied look and returned my Zephyr hug.
" It's true, young Lucian. Well done. I'll have more than a few pointers for.."
" Yes yes..we all chip in later, brother. Now let's move, we have others to tell this good news, don't we? "
I released my sister and watched her happy tears.
" Zephyr is right. Mom and granny will be incredibly happy, Eli." - I wiped off some of those and smiled brightly.
" Umm.. did he ask you to .."
" No, he didn't, Demelza. We just kissed and made our relationship official, that is all. We are probably not even getting married this winter and wait."
Probably, huh?
She might change her mind in time for that, too. Now that they can move forward both on the same page, their relationship will take flight.
Zephyr came over and hugged Eli.
" Let's celebrate big when you get home. Congrats, little sister. "
She hugged him back, accepting his good wishes, and now we have another reason to celebrate..this will make it three, if I'm not wrong.
Merger between villages.
Tori death.
Celebrate Lucia and Eleanor.
We had a lot to celebrate lately.
We arrived and spent the night at Lime Lake.
Some of the people went swimming and, of course, made it into a contest who could stay under water the longest.
They coaxed Zephyr into skipping on the surface of the water like a stone. He entertained them.
It was a lovely atmosphere.
He sat down next to me and put his arms around my waist. He wasn't even all that wet after all that running on water.
I leaned on him and watched Eli and Lucian replaying the scene from last time we were here and had fun with Anna swimming.
I felt his hand wandered under my dress and proceeded further inside.
It was so sudden that I scratched his neck with my nails.
" Zephyr, everyone is here.."
" It's our last night outside..."
He was very right.
I felt his fingers pull out and get picked up.
We didn't really need to say anything. Our family, aside from our daughter, knew exactly where he was taking me.
Our wagon was the destination since no one was around.
We were glued together the second we were inside.
My hand stroked him while he ravaged my neck.
He pushed me down flat and climbed down from my neck, arrived at my stomach, ..pushed my dress all the way up. I felt my legs shake as he licked me down there.
" I figure.. I should return the favour.."
Oh, he did..and then some.
It was fireworks in front of me the whole time. I just prayed my screaming won't reach the people down the river.