Frustrated cause they both noticed that no matter what mind game and technique they tried on me I just wouldn't bend, but the person who seemed to be more pissed was James. Trust me, I know James. Here's what he usually does whenever things never went his way he would just stand silent in a corner, bite his fingernails... Then the big finish mumble some words none of us would understand.
That's what happened in Slack's office he was so furious you could see a muscle popping on his head.
"What are we going to do?" asked Mr. Slack.
"I don't know!" James answered in frustration.
Of course there I was helpless but watching them carefully, I won't lie I did enjoy the show I mean after all seeing a person who set me up see their master plan crumble and the big bad wolf now hopeless as if one little piggy escape right out of his mouth.
"If you guys don't know what to do with me... How about you let me go?" I said.
Already at the scale to a ninety-nine I managed to push James a little bit more, I guess being friends with him kinda payed off I knew the guy and I knew how he handled his emotions... James comes to me with a cheap shot, lucky for me Mr. Slack jumped in and stopped him. It was so cute if I was a Disney princess he'd definitely be my prince charming.
"Easy, come on now. Really?" Mr. Slack calmed him down.
"Get out of my way Slack!" James fought.
"His not worth it I mean look at him, he's barely holding on... Come on let's talk outside" Mr. Slack insisted.
Honestly I have no idea what got to me but I was really doing everything in my power to push James or Slack if I was lucky to the limit. Mr Slack pulls James to go outside with him, James staring at me I smile at him mocking him.
"Argh!!!" He grunts and pushes Slack out of the way and he laid his fists on my face, I was blacking out and loosing a lot of blood cause James didn't seem to hold back he just kept punching and punching more likely he was pacing faster and more faster until I finally stopped breathing.
"Hey! Enough!" shouts Mr. Slack.
One more punch James must have thought because he wanted to keep going after all he didn't seem to mind whether I'm out cold or death nor alive I saw it in his eyes he wanted to end me. So after Mr. Slack's snapped he stopped seemed like he was afraid of him or something... Cause James stopped for some reason.
Finally they stepped out I was certain when I heard the door close behind them, helpless I was out of nowhere. I heard a voice or an echo sound I'm not sure I was a mess.
"Really?" The voice said.
I'm out cold I wasn't even barely awake I was in total darkness.
"After what you've just accomplished? Look out there that's all you that's your power... Our power" I heard.
"W, who are you?" I asked.
I didn't notice anyone next to me or standing there with me but I was talking at least I thought I was.
"It doesn't matter who am I, I am a friend and I'm here to help you escape" the voice said.
"How?" I questioned.
This voice wasn't a normal voice it was different from any human voice, this one was raw it felt raw and uneasy but it had that power. A Godly power it's voice sounded like it was everywhere it echoed yet it wasn't deep but subtle.
"You are asking too many questions for a puny boy" the voice said. "Listen to me you are tired it's been a long day... Do not question me any further just sleep. All of this is a dream" the voice continued.
I was too weak to fight back and worse I was tired to ask, so I tried my all to open my eyes I was so desperate to see who was there with me or better who was this strange unfamiliar person? I was told that I was dreaming so to check if I hadn't lost my marbles I wanted to wake up.
The funny part was. Listen to this, I was fighting unconscious I was in that moment but for a minute it felt like I was winning I mean I felt myself getting free from the robes and duck tape I was tied with. I felt it getting loosen feeling all inspired I gave a grunt. I mean I was so close that's what I told myself.
To me everything felt so real like that's what I was really doing, but as it turned out. That's not what happened my body was asleep no movement, no scratch no nothing I was still out cold... But.