I was searching for a place where I might have been able to find the people who started all of this trouble when - beeeeeep beeeeeep beeeeeep beeeeeep beeeeeep - my security measures around my tower had been breached. Knowing I had no time, and also realizing that it was most likely the very people I was trying to find, I warped back to my tower and looked through a window. There were 3 black-robed people in front of the tower, So I leaped out my window to greet them.
"How is it going" I yelled
"Horrible, thanks to someone," said one of the men glaring at me. And then proceed to launch a beam of energy at me. The beam was powerful, and If I didn't do anything, my tower's defenses would be pierced, which is saying a lot because even I would have some difficulty breaking the barrier around it. I command the stone of the tower to move out of the way and I also move away from the tower. The tower managed to doge the beam in time, and I turned the ground that they were on into magma, noticing the heat, they flew away but I had the magma follow them. Seeing this, they collectively made a large tornado that pulled all of my magma into it.
"The fools, Now there is something even more dangerous to follow them around' I thought with a smirk. The Tornado was losing power, but before they could dispel it, I took control of it using the magma spinning around it and sent it to the nearest one, with not much he could do, he flew off trying to deal with the spell. I sent a couple of air slashes at them to confine them to the ground and had some tree roots come out of the ground to grab and swing at them. The two men appeared to be in a lot of trouble dodging and breaking the roots as they came, and I was about to make life a bit harder for them when I felt the air go cold. The one being chased by the tornado had given up trying to lose it and turned the whole structure, along with lots of the surrounding area to ice. He then bolted towards his team and froze the roots that had now managed to grab them, even with all the fire they had resorted to. The roots then shattered and they seemed to briefly come to an agreement and one of them flew up and started weaving a spell. I let him because, at this rate, It would be over far too soon.
From the perspective of the attackers, the fight had been going about as well as they thought it would have, even worse actually, Winter seemed to not be pulling many punches and it seemed like he was going to end everything soon.
'I am going to stop conserving energy so that we can all be together and we might have a chance' Higherup 2 said while telepathically communicating with the others. Telepathic communication is when you can talk to someone through thoughts.
'Well do it soon then! These roots are enhanced to the point where we can barely dent them!' higher-ups 1 and 3 yell simultaneously.
'What roots?!'
'Just hurry up!!'
It was now that Higherup 2 froze the tornado and went to freeze the roots.
'Who has the item' higherup 3
'I do' higherup 1
'We'll buy you time, go use it' higherup 2
Higherup 1 flew into the sky and started to activate the item that was the key to their plan. It was a piece of a mineral that a powerful spirit had dwelt in for a long time. Spirits are ethereal beings made up of pure mana and life force, Giving the mana consciousness. The stronger ones have intelligence and strength far surpassing most humans. The weaker ones, no more intelligent than a squirrel. The piece of crystal was an item that could call spirits to the user. The spirit that was being called upon took the form of a tall wooden pole with the heads of many creatures carved from the wood all along its body. It was nameless but was revered as a god of nature in some places due to its immense strength and its tendency to make its surroundings so mana-enriched that any fruit coming from near it would be able to cure any disease, the wood from the surrounding areas would be nigh unbreakable, and the soil would be fertile for many decades to come. This occurred because the spirit was exceptional at mana control and liked to absorb mana, the attackers wanted to use the spirit to hijack control of Winters tower. They were relying on this for their plan to work.
To Winter, there was a red glow that continued to intensify around the guy in the sky, and chains of red lettering were slowly forming around him.
'Seems interesting' I remarked internally.
The remaining two men on the ground created a downward force on me that sent me into the ground. When I dispelled the force, I looked up only to see a massive beam of energy flying at me. I had no time to even fly up out of the ground and was only able to create a force field around me and slowly move out of the beam. When I got to the edges of the beam, it started to dissipate to reveal my adversaries. They looked slightly tired, but I could tell that they had lots of energy left. I smiled and sent some pressurized water streams at them which one dodged and the other froze. I made the one that got dodged follow the guy and the ice was quickly working its way back to me so I vaporized the whole thing and bolted at him. Using Ice magic I made a blade for myself and slashed at him, not expecting something like this, the man was caught off guard and I got around halfway through his arm before he managed to flee. I was about to chase after but a barrier formation went up around me and the ground burst into flames. Flying to the edge, I cut the barrier with my blade which started to melt, and flew out. All of a sudden, there was a massive surge of energy above me and a flash of red light. It appeared that the man had finished his spell and a red gate was momentarily in the air. Wondering what they were going to do I let them finish up and a massive wooden spirit fell out of the gate and slammed into the ground. The figure was covered in wooden heads and it was topped off with some kind of bird head. Its eyes were glowing red and runes of all different colors were scattered around its body. CRACK. A splitting pain erupted in my head as I felt something wrestle control of my tower from me. Massive amounts of iridescent mana erupted from my tower and flew over to the spirit before turning red and seeping into its fabric. I tried taking control back, and if given time I could have, but I did not have said time right now.
"nice" I smiled, my blood pumping in a way that it hadn't for quite a while now, and I realized that I would have some fun now. The 3 men warped to the spirit and started taking mana from it. The spirit erected a barrier around itself and various rune strings started to be created in the air by the spirit. I recognized them as one of the ways that spirits use magic, and they seemed to be for strengthening, so I figured that they were being used on the 3 men as a boost. Their auras were enlarged and enriched, so I figured I was right and I took out my staff. My staff was a powerful piece of wooden equipment that was around 1.7 m tall. It had many veins of purple light pulsing along its surface and a hook at the end which surrounded a multi-colored gem with many smaller gems floating around the tip. I rushed at the barrier and brought out an attachment of sorts from a storage device, in the form of a long thin metal blade. Using the blade that was now on my staff, I coated its edge in pure mana and brought it down on the barrier. With much difficulty, it went through, but due to the endless mana that was being supplied to the barrier, it healed just as fast as I cut it. I decided to make my slash larger, but the same effect occurred. I flew back and opted for a simpler approach. Using my staff I forced the ground inside the barrier to slam them into the top of the barrier and crush them, but before this happened, a barrier formed along the ground and stopped the rise of the floor. My mana reserves, even without the tower, were immense. And throughout the fight had not shrunk much at all. I decided to burn a bit of it and conjured some red, almost liquid flames around the barrier. While the quantity of flames was not great. They caused an acre to immediately turn to magma and the surrounding land quickly followed. The barrier started to melt and even with the infinite mana, the spirit couldn't keep up. No matter what spells the men used, It appeared to be over for them.