Chereads / Purple Sunlight / Chapter 5 - Chapter Five: Exile

Chapter 5 - Chapter Five: Exile

人们曾经是北方狩猎的民族,肉食性,鸡狗走到哪里都不停留,西阳县现在是名副其实的死城,晚上不吠叫,早上不乌鸦.莫问伤在身上,也叫风冷,卧床三天,忙前忙后小五,用推车从城里的棺材里拉棺材给莫夫人防腐,再到城里到处寻找遗体食物,第四天莫问伤了,病情好转了, 他挣扎着起身,在大殿里为母亲设置了纪念碑,烧纸哀悼.第四天中午,小舞出门找食,直到太阳西边才回来.夜色渐渐暗了下来,莫问心里开始担心了,他不怕自己死去的母亲,他担心的是小五的安危.小五还没回来后,墨问坐不住,缓缓走到大门口,昨天又下起了大雪,在雪地上留下了一排脚印,按照脚印往东边的五号看,小五是东城.莫温喊了萧五一声,却没有得到回应,犹豫片刻后,莫温拎着风灯转身回屋顺着脚印寻找,脚印显示萧五在挨家挨户寻找食物,但逃跑的人不会留下食物,再加上胡人的寻找, 所以城里能吃的东西很少,萧五脚印延伸到他之前的读书讲堂,脚印从讲堂开始就一直向东进山.讲堂的门是开着的,里面一片漆黑,墨没有勇气进去一探究竟,可是若不进讲堂,他也想不通小五为什么离开这里后会进入东山.犹豫了很久,墨氏终于没有进入讲堂,而是顺着萧五的脚印找到了东方.走了几步后,他注意到了一些不寻常的事情.讲堂东边雪地上的脚印明显比之前深了不少,说明小舞离开讲堂时已经背负了重担.当胡入侵城市时,居民并没有全部逃跑,一些年老体弱的妇女和儿童选择留下来,他们的选择显然是错误的,因为城市里到处都是被雪埋了一半的尸体,莫温每次看到尸体,他的恐惧就增加了,他几次都想回头,但反复后他选择了继续寻找.脚印已经向东进入了东部的山脉,到了城边莫问道,在不远处的黑暗树林前,他实在是没有勇气进去,最主要的是他想不出为什么小五要进入树林,还有一个小五从讲堂拿了东西.虽然风灯的光线很暗,但是昏暗的灯光却给了莫温一些安全感,停了许久,莫温想了个办法把风灯的盖子拆开后,用油灯点燃了屋旁的一堆草,火很快就点燃了, 燃烧得越多,最后点燃了房子,城市的房子都是碎片,一旦烧毁,火在短时间内不会熄灭.房子着火后,周围顿时亮了起来,恐惧的心是贪婪的啧啧啧,扛着风灯进了东山.冬天,村民们会囤草过冬,所以除了政府禁止砍伐的大树外,山上没有杂草和灌木,莫温顺着脚印走进了山的深处,时不时地走走回头看看城里的大火, 从而增强他的勇气.穿过树林后,莫温看到了一大堆坟墓,这里是西阳郡的墓地,城里的死者会被送到这里安葬.莫本来应该不敢看到墓地,但他并不害怕,因为他看到小五正挥舞着脑袋在墓地的西北挖土,旁边躺着一具尸体.虽然远远看不见尸体,但莫蔓能猜到那是老爷子的尸体,老五应该是在找食物的时候进了讲堂.老五知道自己尊敬师傅,找到老爷子的尸体后就把老爷子的尸体埋在这里.莫问提着灯笼走到小五旁边正在挖坟坑,此时坟坑已经挖了三尺,小五正在平整土底,莫问走到老者的尸体前鞠躬前.小五见莫要求立即加快挖掘速度,莫问见波口,"放心.萧五听到点头,迅速将坟墓底部平整,然后把先生的尸体抬进坑里填土."先生,谁开导了我,应该把我裹在棺材里.这太仓促了.不要问和叹气.小五闻字转身看了莫问了一眼,然后回过头继续填埋.坟墓不大,很快小五就要填好了,莫温放下风灯,跪下磕头拜.向死者鞠躬应磕头三下,可是莫问只问了一句被小五打晕了,莫问看了看小五."对于老师滥用孩子,应该得到你的伟大礼物."萧五开口说道.莫问闻言一愣,一脸汗毛都站了起来,小五这句话不光是老先生的语气,就连声音都一模一样."不要问,也不要惊慌,因为老师只是想埋,并没有恶意伤害."五号再次开口.莫吓得目瞪口呆,颤抖着后退了一步.




"You, you..." Don't ask frightened looking at the small five.

"Sir, why did we go to the cemetery?" Xiao Five also looked surprised.

"I don't know. There are too many ghosts here to stay long. We must get out of here as soon as possible." Don't ask again and repeat the words of the master.

"Ok, I'll carry you back first." Five agreed to bend his knees again.

"No, I can walk by myself." Mo Wen shook his head and said, this time was not far from home, and the fire behind him was still burning.

After this change, Mo no longer trust the small five to go out alone to find food, no matter where they go, they set fire to the house at night, and try to let the city have light.

So after two days, Mrs. Mo finished the coffin into the ground, two people prepared incense, came to the river to burn incense to Lao Wu two and Mo master, three people were rushed into the rapids under the ice on the same day, surely can not live, bones also can not find, can only be sacrificed in the river.

Then Mo asked with a small five came to the Mo family ancestral hall, took out the father buried here on the day of the golden cake, these golden cakes are the father for the future livelihood of the preparation, did not expect to be used so soon.

Mo ask did not take all eight golden cakes away, he left a piece, this is learned from his father, life in the world who do not know what will happen, but always take precautions.

"Young master, where are we going now?" Out of the ancestral hall, small five asked.

"Don't call me young master anymore. Call me by my first name." Don't ask and sigh, for the afflicted servant has lost his worldly dignity.

"You are the young master at all times." Small five resolutely shook his head, Mo family ancestors saved the lives of Wu family ancestors, Wu family Thanksgiving do not forget, generations follow.

"My father has passed away, calling young master is not polite and disrespectful to our ancestors." Don't ask.

"My Lord." Small five immediately changed the name, after the death of the master, the master should be changed to the master, to show the inheritance of father and son, the continuation of blood.

"Say your name." Mo Wen does not like this with the color of the epithet.

"Where are we going now, Sir?" "Asked Xiao Five.

"Fifth, where do you want to go?" Mo Wen also changed his name, which is more intimate and can dilute the humble meaning of "master" to some extent.

"Sir, I listen to you." Xiao Five did not refuse Mo's change of name to him, because he had no parents.

"I have heard that the Hu people don't always eat them. Some are sold. I want to go north. If I meet my wife, maybe I can use the money to buy her back." Don't ask for the fifth advice, after all, going north is a very dangerous thing.

"Good," said Hermione. The fifth immediately nodded, not that he did not know how dangerous it was to go north, but that he had been accustomed to listening and doing.

After the agreement, Mo asked with the fifth left Xiyang County, uprooting, north to find his wife...