Chereads / Purple Sunlight / Chapter 4 - Chapter Four Dead City

Chapter 4 - Chapter Four Dead City

莫温之前在冰水中挣扎了很久,爬上冰面的时候,冻得麻木了,箭射中了他的胸膛,但他并没有感到任何疼痛,只觉得身体剩余的生命力正在伤口中缓缓流出.莫温此时已经站不起来,他唯一能做的就是试着睁开眼睛,看着被马车带走的林若尘被胡人拉走,他看到林若尘醒了,但从头到尾她都没有说话,没有试图反抗, 她吓傻了.看着林若尘被带走,莫温做的最后一件事,他做的最后一件事就是难回头看母亲,这一举动很自然,仿佛是受了委屈向母亲哭求保护,但回头看去,看到的不再是一张温暖的笑脸, 但是冰面上的血和他母亲头上的利箭.此时的他已经濒临死亡,巨大的悲痛顿时让他失去了知觉,就在他失去知觉之前,他看到小舞还在挣扎着爬上冰面.中国人一向崇尚孝道,天道也赞颂孝道,父母落水不问潜水救人的本能,虽然最终没能救上父母,身上的棉袄里装满了冰水,这时棉袄里装满了混羊毛, 湿透的棉袄削弱了箭的力度,所以独眼胡那支箭虽然破皮进了肉里,但并没有伤到心脏.莫蔓很快就恢复了意识,还没等他睁开眼睛,就感觉到有人在快速的动了动右手,天空中还有些光芒,身后的感觉很顺畅,说明他已经很久没有昏迷了,还在冰面上."少爷,我们要上岸了.我们逃脱了.小五感应到莫某叫醒,气喘吁吁地开口."扶我起来."莫无奈的问道,他抬不高头,无法观察周围的情况."少爷,箭还在你身上.静静地躺着.五号的呼吸极其沉重,很明显,他也筋疲力尽,只是咬牙切齿.莫温说话没有再开口,而是试图抬起左手接住胸前的箭,悲痛和愤怒之下也没多想,接住箭后就拔了出来.小五一直想把莫拖到河对岸,没有注意到莫问了动.莫家是一家药店,莫问自然懂得医术,拔出箭后深吸了一口气,发现呼吸顺畅,呼吸不碍不碍,伤势不致命.莫蔓于是试着动了动手脚,发现两只胳膊都能动,但腿却动不了,"五,我感觉不到我的腿了.不要问,不要喘气.小五回头一看,发现墨已经拔出了自己的箭,赶紧低头查看自己的伤势,确定自己不会因为受伤而丢性命."少爷,我扶你去."小五蹲着的身子扶起莫问道,两个人的衣服此时已经冻得硬硬的,寒冷的天气一定要尽量暖和,否则就会被冻得要死亡.莫温被小五搀扶起来后下意识的回头看了一眼,然后痛哭流涕,母亲的尸体还在冰上,河对岸的杀戮还在继续,而马车上的林若尘和几个侍女已经不见了踪影."少爷,咱们先找个避难所,天黑我再回来,把我夫人抬出去."五号哭着继续往前走.莫问闻言语泪水转过身,他很清楚哭是没用的,必须活下来,只有活着才能报仇,只有活着才能找到自己的老婆.刚开始,莫温几乎走不动了,走了几步后,双腿逐渐恢复,走了几十步后,在小五的帮助下可以慢慢走路了,但四肢恢复后,伤口开始大量流血,三里后又晕了过去.当他醒来时,已经是深夜了,睁开眼睛,莫温发现自己躺在一间破旧的泥屋里,衣服干了,身上盖着茅草.房间中间是一堆熊熊燃烧的火,小舞不在房间里.莫醒来后再次哽咽着问道,他并不觉得自己活了下来,他很难接受家族死亡的巨大变化,昨晚一家人还聚在一起讨论婚事的细节,一个对后居然变成了这样的境地.当萧五回到莫夫人的身边时,莫温的哽咽立刻变成了哀嚎,他站起来把草交给母亲,跪倒在地哀悼尸体,小五和莫问的经历没什么不同,莫问哭的时候小五也在哭,莫夫人还躺在这里, 而他的母亲仍然躺在冰冷的河底.世上生活十有八九不尽如人意,无论发生什么事总要面对,哭泣只能发泄情绪,无法解决问题,最后莫要求先找回一点平方寸,劝告伤心的人不要赢小五."先生,我们该怎么办?"小五袖擦拭眼泪.莫氏问道,并没有立即回答,此时不管是官吏还是穷人,都是分居后嫁人.婚前,儿子听父母的话,婚后,长辈会让儿子试着决定儿子什么时候可以自己,然后父母才会和他分家.在他结婚之前,他只做了两件事,一是读书得名,二是学医不忘本分,另外,他什么都不担心,以至于他此时不能有丝毫的想法.



"The village is not far from the river. There is no one in this village. Maybe they have moved to the south for fear that the Hu people will call." Five sat listlessly by the fire.

"I'll watch the fire. You sleep." Don't ask.

"I'll just watch. It's my job." Xiao five shook his head repeatedly.

"I'm going to wake my mother." Don't ask choking again.

"Me too." Xiao Five tried not to cry any more.

Two people have been pushing, but don't ask have an injury in the body, and finally fall asleep first.

Wake up to the day has been bright, small five and not in the house, Mo asked looking at the mother lying on the grass, kneeling down and crying again, he was deeply self-blame, parents new death, he was not able to wake all night, this is unfilial.

He had been bleeding too much, coupled with continuous crying and tears, and felt very thirsty at this time, and the snow water boiled in a broken porcelain jar before he left was nearby, but he did not bring it to quench his thirst.

At that time, Xiao Wu came back with herbs and food.

"You went back?" Mo Man looked in surprise at the wooden box where the herbs were stored, which was the box of their Mo's medicine shop.

"You have to wear medicine, and we have to eat." Five was pounding the herbs with a mortar.

"Have the Hookers found you?" Mo asked discontent said, small five move is too dangerous.

"They're all gone, probably last night." Five free hands to take a bowl to drink water.

"Is there anyone alive in the city?" Don't ask questions.

"No." Xiao five shook his head and said.

"Little Five, let's go home." Don't ask the proposal, I don't know why his heart strongly want to go back.

"I'd like to go back, but..." Xiao Wu stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"I've heard that the Hu never go back. I don't think they'll ever come back." Mo Wen said, Hu people go like a group of wolves in transit, nothing will be left, nothing to rob them naturally will not come again.

"That's not what I'm worried about. There are dead people everywhere in the city and outside, and I am afraid I should frighten you." The fifth expressed his concern.

"It doesn't matter. Besides, there's nothing here, and we can only survive if we go back." Mo made a decision.

Small five see Mo ask insist to go back, also had to agree, after the application of medicine, Mo ask on the branches, small five carrying the body of Mrs Mo, two people on the ice across the river.

Yesterday Mo family all the first to get the news is still caught up with Hu people, others naturally did not escape, the river to the gate of this dozen is full of dead, complete bodies are very few, mostly decapitated, broken gut flow, to the elderly children and men, rare young woman's body.

Little Five had come back before, in preparation, do not ask how he had seen such a tragic scene, many of these people he knew, whenever he met the dead bodies of acquaintances he would not help but tremble.

When he got to the city, Mo Wen had become numb and no longer felt afraid. On the way back, he had been looking for ruts. Only his family had time to make a car when fleeing yesterday, and other villagers were on foot. There was a rut in the snow that crushed the snow stained with blood, which meant that this car was the one that took Lin Ruochen yesterday, but it was a pity that after entering the city, the ruts were cluttered with footprints, and could not be searched again.

Take the injury to go nearly twenty miles, Mo ask already exhausted, small five carrying the body is also extremely tired, after the city two people did not look right and left, but straight back to Mo home medicine shop.

When he left, the door was open, and because the door was open, Hu did not enter the house to search for soft, and the house remained the same as when they left yesterday.

Enter the threshold of the moment Mo asked again tears, home is the family living in the house, without relatives, this house can not be called home. But the people are gone, and only this house where his family once lived can bring him some comfort and stability, so this is still home, home is still there.

Two people walk slowly on the road, the sky has been dark when they go home, Mo ask injured in the body, the road also called the wind cold, fainted again after entering the door, the small five Madame Mo's body parked to the main hall, and then the other two fire pot all moved to the room, the point of fire charcoal for Mo ask to keep warm and cold.

As night fell, there was a dead silence around, and only the faint light of Mo's home in the dark city...