Apr 20th 2029 Oabra forest.
In the massive test Lex, Izzy, Risa, and Johnny are standing in front of a 10 ft cage and 15 ft wide. Laying down in the center of the cage is a 8ft tall wolf with beautiful silver fur, and gorgeous blue eyes. Lex comes out of his days and sees that the wolf is injured. He reaches to his back he grabs his med kit and some blankets he found in the corner of the tent and runs up to the cage. Johnny comes to and sees what Lex is doing. Alexander Michael the fuck are you doing this time you retard? That thing will eat you! Izzy just coming out of her own days look at what Lex is doing she reaches out to Johnny and shakes her head. Let him the wolf isn't acting hostile. Risa uses her magic to unlock the cage. Lex then walks into the cage the wolf looks at Lex being on gard as Lex gets closer to the wolf. He knees down next to it's hurt leg where he can see where a trap had got it. Lex looks up to its eyes as Lex stared getting this feeling rushing into his chest it didn't hurt but it's a warm feeling as if he is connecting to the wolf. The wolf reaches out it's snout and started sniffing Lex then it licks lex's face. Lex with his eyes closed wiped off the slobber off his face. Thank you now let's get this leg wrapped up and maybe Rachel has more stuff or able to get more stuff to help you out. Lex looks to Johnny. Hey Johnny can you grab two of those spears from out side and bring them here. Johnny looks at Lex dumbfoundedly.you know I think Mama Shelly would have done the same thing as you just now. Lex chuckles at that and gos back to the wolf. Izzy found water and some other rags she found just to help out a little bit. She looks at Lex. Your pretty good at this. Lex looks away from what he was doing for a moment and smiles. Well I love animals my mom is a veterinarian. So when I wasn't at school or at the dojo or finding something to get in trouble with Johnny. I was at the clinic helping out where I could. My mom used to tell me. Animals need us just as much as we need them. My mom would also say that animals are one quarter of happens. Izzy smiles at that. Your mom sounds like a interesting person. Lex laughs at that. Yah she can be.as Lex cleans up the open wound and dresses it . Johnny comes back with two Spears and some rope he found. Him and Lex brake off the spear tips and place them on each side of the wolfs leg for a splint placing them as close as they can so it's not uncomfortable for the wolf. Izzy look to Risa. Hey Risa what type of wolf is this? Risa looks at her. She is a finra she a magic beast and is what they would call a calamity ranked beast. Risa is surprised that they captured her and even wounded her like this. They all gasp. A Finra?!? No way? Lex didn't that book you have back home talk about them? Well just one that was Loki's son from Norse mythology the one that's supposed to kill Odin during Ragnarok. Izzy chimes in. Yah I've heard about that. But seeing a Finra here in person and she beautiful one at that. the wolf looks at Izzy and sniffs her then nuzzles her faces. Izzy smiles at this. Wraping her arms around her head giving the wolf a hug. And she is the sweetest thing. Risa flyover and lays on the wolfs head in an attempt to give the wolf a hug. Risa like how she feels she's so soft. Lex finishes up with her leg and stand up. Then walks up to Izzy and the wolf. Izzy separates and the wolf then looks to Lex and nuzzles Lex. He smiles and pets it's head. Well you ready to get out of here? The wolf looks at everyone and then trys to stand up she struggles a bit at first but then stabilizes and stands up tall they where all taken back. Wow she big. Johnny was blown away at the site. She is very beautiful! Izzy clasping her hands together. Risa is happy she will be ok! As she flys around the finra. I wouldn't do this normally but you need a name! The Finra looks at Lex with her head tilted to the side. You don't mind do you like the finra nuzzles lex's face again. Ok ok girl I get it! Ok well how about Luna? The finra barks at that. Ok Luna from now on. Izzy comes up to Luna and pats her side. Hello Luna! Luna nuzzles Izzy's face. Risa flys to Lex. I never seen a finra form a connection with a human before much less two. Johnny walks up to Luna and holds out his hand up to her nose. Luna sniffs his hand and the then sneezes on Johnny. Lex,Izzy, and Risa look at him and start laughing at Johnny. See this is why I have cats back home. That's when they all go back with the rest of the team when Johnny stops. Hold on you guys! Let me go head of you and let the team know what's going on don't need them shooting Luna. Lex stopped, yah didn't think about that. A few moments go by and Johnny radios to Lex. Ok guy you guys are good. Lex with Risa on his left shoulder and Izzy next to them and Luna behind them walks back the team everyone sees the wolf and are speechless. The elves and beast people are shocked at the site of a Finra following two humans. One of the elves runs up to Lex and Izzy grabbing there hands. My lord and lady tell me how did you two form a Bond with a Finra. Lex looks at Izzy then they both look at Risa. Hey Risa dear you said something similar. and now I think about it what do mean by bond? Risa thinks about it. Well I can feel a connection between you two and Luna and Lex when you named her she connected her self to you and Izzy. They both look at each other and then to Luna was looking at them both wagging her tail. Makeing soft grunts and small barks to them both. Lex puts his hand on her side. Well never thought I would have a 8ft wolf as a pet before. Izzy looks at Luna and pets her leg. Well I don't mind at all but she is a bit big for the Fort. Lex looks at her then thinks, well I guess we will think about that when we pass that hurdle. Jackson gathering his thoughts now looks at one of the elves. Excuse me ma'am but I think we should bring you all back home. The elf he spoke to looks at him. Well sir I am Larline I'm the daughter of the the cheaf of the wood elf village that is 4 leagues away from here. Larline is beautiful with long straight green hair and light brown eyes. Our home was attacked by those bandits there, they killed our warriors and my father and they kidnapped our children and all of us women the beast kin here where already here when we got here. Our homes are gone and we now have no where to go. Jackson knows he can't get involved but it brakes his heart that he is thinking about leaving theys people with no where to go. That's when he gets an idea. He looks at Larline. Hey miss Larline I want you to know that we cannot get to involved but if you come with us back to Fort Teddy asking for asylum. My country could provide you that as refugees. Larline look at Jackson. Good sir are you sure it's ok? Jackson nods, yes it would keep me up at night if we left you here to fend for yourselves. And if my wife finds out I did that she'd kill me. Jackson gets on his radio. Charlie lead to command lead over. This is command lead brigadier general Baker go ahead Charlie lead. We have refugees sneaking asylum sir. A moment of silence over the radio when Jackson was thinking there is no way that the brigadier general is going to accept this. Knowing that they are low on resources and they are still deploying forces here. Lieutenant colonel get those refugees back to base for processing and we will give them asylum. Roger that sir we will need a medivac and we have 18 prisoners sir. We will handle them son don't you worry. But I will need an explanation about these refugees and those bandits. Sir yes sir. Jackson tells the brigadier general what the elf Larline told him about the elf village and the beast people takin way from there homes now having no where to go back to. One of the beast girls walks up to Lex and bows her head. Thank you sir for helping to save us my name Kimiko I come from the far East I'm bound by honor to serve you. Kimiko has golden hair and and purple eyes and a golden tail and animal ears like a fox . She had rags on and can tell this beast woman has gone throw a lot sents she was taken. Ma'am we are Americans we don't believe in taking slaves or servants. Kimiko was taken a back from this. Then she shakes her head and composes herself. That doesn't matter I will be by your side from here on out. As she walks up and grabs his right arm wrapping her arms around his and his arm being involved by your breasts. Izzy sees this and runs to lex's left side wrapping her arms around his left arm and pulls Lex to her breast engulfing his left arm. Get off him you hussy! No you get off I will serve him and be his mate! As the two of them bicker back and forth a stunningly beautiful elf with dark green hair and silver eyes. Walks up to Lex she wrapped her arms around lex's neck moving Risa in the process. Lex looks at her in the eyes she leans forward and kiss Lex on the lips everybody was shocked at this Johnny is on the ground laughing at him. Izzy and Kimiko and Risa look at this elf in shock. Hero my name is Silph! I will also stay by your side from here on. Izzy, Kimiko and Risa trys to push her away from Lex. As for Lex? Well he doesn't know what to do. He looks to Jackson. Sir a little help? Jackson looks at the four women and shakes his head. Sorry kid I like to live to see my family. As the four women bicker back and forth pulling. Lex to every side. The team is looking at this with amusement. Well evac is on its way lady's and gentlemen let get ready to roll out!