Back to the present, A Merged Mecha Robot who resembled a cross between an Insect, an Octopus and a Spider, with wings spanning a full 100 meters flew in the sky slowly. It then paused before changing directions, the sand beneath in upheaval as it was scattered to and from.
Abilities Of MRS-Octopus1136
Ink Orb - Singular orb of ink to slow down enemies. Combustible.
Full powered fires off 16 Ink Bubbles
Camouflage - adapt into the color of he surroundings for stealth
Tentacle Whip(s). Swinging about of appendages for melee damage
*Abilities of MRS-Spider4412*
Jump 30 meters
Fully Powered 60 meters
Glide - Can ride upon currents if legs are fully outstretched.
Roll- Can Spin like a tire
Abilities of MRS-Insect6890
Sustained flight above ground
Beam Blast.
Firing off a single beam of high power
Mecha Soldier endures evolution for 5 minutes
(Metamorphosis Required)
Bombs Away
100-500 Orbs of beam blast condensed as spheres are shot out.
Pollen Bomb
1,000 orbs are shot into he sky to fall down
Tripod Blast
Firing off 3 beams of high power
Flight Evasion
All four wing parts moving in a direction to fly in the opposite
Flight Maneuver
Two sets of wongs going slight slower than the other two for skillful evasion
Can camouflage into solid substances
Merged Abilities of MRS-Spider4412, MRS-Octopus1136 and MRS-Insect6890
Enhanced ink orb
1-32 can be produced at once. Fully powered at 64
Flame Orb
1-32 orbs can be shot and be on flames to produce sticky flames.
Fully Powered at 64
Jet Fountain - Column of ink black spray
Fire Fountain - a column of flaming sticky spray
Spin- Tentacles and legs combine to make a fan which can cut through most hard substances.
Spin Pilot
Wings can bow keep the spinning Merged Mecha Soldier in one place.
Flight now permanent
Steering - During MRS-Spider4412's roll ability, direction can be changed by anchoring tentacles, mid - spin.
Division - During MRS-Spider4412's Spin ability, direction can be locked by anchoring tentacles to the target area so that victim can be split.
The limbs can now fire off themselves and plant themselves into a surface to puncture holes like writhing worms
Shield - Tentacles and limbs combine to make ball of protection.
Shield Attack shield can protrude spikes
Shield Roll - While in a shield, Mecha Solder can move and attack.
Shield flight - while as a shield mobility is possible.
19 minutes duration
After metamorphosis is engaged Tentacles and limbs will hang at the sides.
They can change direction mid air as they search for prey.
Bomb Celebration
Linear beams are released from all 64 tentacles.
Pollen Wind.
Wings clap and lock opponent within walls of wind before firing off 1,000 orbs of beams in their direction.
Pollen Nation
5,000 orbs of beams are released into the atmosphere to drop back down.
Jet world.
A sudden cloud of jet that reaches 500 meters is used to blot out vision.
Fire world
Jet world can be set aflame
Energy can be stolen from a weak Mecha Soldier.
Tumunomi Escaver, who was smiling, stood in the Primary Controller and was surveying the massing of dunes all about. In the Secondary controller was Jacob, the Tertiary held Andrew, John and Jake while the Tertiary Controller was Jason. Iri was given the position of Quaternary Controller, and her men acted as the hands-on-deck. A minute after moving in a direction that Jason's mind had suggested, a voice came from all directions.
"Part 3 To Commence; Relay Stations will be opened and have a time span in which the Mecha Soldiers can recharge their batteries and health and power."
In the direction that Tumunomi Escaver was waking towards because of Jason's mental suggestion, a cylinder emerged from the sands and rose to the sky. Then, vertical but straight lines drew themselves on its rounded surface before pushing out or in and braking off into segments that were held by a central column inside the outer the cylinder.
Finally, the Mouth of the structure rearranged itself like a Rubik cubes entering some secret combinations by itself, until it formed what looked like a squat cylinder. On its body were the obvious addition of components.
As it was being formed, movement caught Tumunomi Escaver's eye that make him almost gasp.
On a Charging station, at least 1,000 meters away, he saw so the head of a giant reptile with a viscous expression on its face. And instead of arms or limbs or even claws and digits, was what resembled a tail which was was crammed to the full with insidious looking spines that was what was left of ots body.
Then, eyeing him, it roared through 1,000 meters of space and the wind vibrated before Tumunomi Escaver.
Another 700 meters to its left was another Mecha Soldier which 25 meters in height. Its chest rippled with muscles, its clawed fingers were planted in the sand and its body started st the neck to stop at the waist.
Yet again, 1,500 meters to Tumunomi Esvaver's left was another one that began at the waist and ended at clawed feet. It also had a tail about 50 meters in length that resembled the leaves of a Pineapple with the way spikes choked themselves on its body.
"Final Scores will be given based off last man standing and performance skills"
The Mecha Soldier with dinosaur legs stabbed its tail into the ground and used it to raise itself higher into the air were it crossed it's legs as if in meditation.
All the Mecha Soldiers had now seen each other and marked themselves.
The head with the spiky tail slithered down the recharge station and then seemed to approach the direction of the Mecha Soldier with the chest and arms only. Tumunomi Escaver would have loved to watch it or even finish both of them of when they were down, but he had to recharge first.
So, their own Merged Mecha Soldier flew slow towards where a Recharge Station tood tall. And it turned out to be the same place where Jason's Batch had made base. The scattered ruined building were no more and seems to have formed a sort of foundation and a layer of ground that was evenly spread in a circle about the Recharge Station's equipment.
Like a tall tower it stood and Tumunomi Escaver led the creature up top to see a prompt in his mind to charge his Merged Mecha Soldier.
Looking behind himself as his Merged Mecha Soldier climbed the Recharge Station he saw Jason's men who were now his.
"Tell them we are now allies and will work together."
Looking ahead at himself as Jason rejoiced because he will still have command of his men he smiled in glee while Tumunomi Escaver was excited about the battles to come.
"That was to Iri and Jason, both of you will reach Tertiary Controller, all my team mates will be Secondary Controllers."
Iri smiled a bit less than Jason, though.
"Imagine if we could all win."
As empathetic as it sounded, Tumunomi Escaver was wondering how many points he would get. And his team too, as all of them had not been ousted at all.
If only Peter was here though...
He scowled at the thought.