Ram and Nandini discovered Uma and Venya poised at the entrance and gaping at them in disbelief when they turned in the exact direction through which the noise emanated.
In a startling tone, Uma questioned, "What tend to be you guys planning to? Why are you wielding weapons?"
She was unable to comprehend what arguments they were having or why they were brandishing weapons.
Although Uma was aware that Ram was skilled with a sword, she was unprepared for him to turn the blade on his own spouse.
Uma was bewildered and astonished to discover that Nandini was also brandishing her weapon as she engaged Ram in combat.
Venya was immersed in her own thoughts, wondering whether she was a skilled sword fighter as well.
"Good heavens, since arriving in this hamlet, why am I surrounded by individuals of this nature? First of all, Gowthami the bridge almost crushed my palm during a handshake; moreover, this Nandini is a proficient sword fighter. Venya glanced at the knife in Nandini's palm and asked herself, "Will she slay me with that knife if I notify Ram about her?"
" No, auntie, we're simply having fun" , said Nandini right away.
Uma exclaimed in incredulity, "What? You were swordplaying!"
She didn't understand what type of individuals would like playing with swords.
"We like playing with them all the time. Actually, we cross paths in a battle", replied Nandini.
His assertion is accurate; their initial encounter commenced with a physical altercation.
Ram to recall their altercation after hearing the news. "True enough, there is a fight when we come into contact with. "
Uma was daydreaming about the beginning of their romance and their first feelings of love.
"It makes no difference what you do, these items are not permitted for play in this residence." She peered at the still disorganized room.
Uma inquired with a touch of ire, "Where are Sashi and Gowthami?, I instructed them to tidy up the area around the bedroom."
Ram gave an instant explanation, saying, "I had just pushed them away and promised to vacuum up the space. Have no fear; we're going to vacuum the room in a matter of minutes."
He didn't want Uma to reprimand Sashi and Gowthami, and he is aware of the precise reason why they left the room.
Without saying anything further, Uma turned to face Nandini and said, "Tonight, you and Venya will be sharing a room. Since there are really more guests, I merely gave you girls the single room."
Nandini was overjoyed to hear the words and said, "No problem, Anty. We'll share the room right away."
'I may learn some strategies to win Venya over and in his mind thanks to this aunty, who is really assisting me.' He was happy and humming within.
Ram cut him off right away, saying, "No, I aren't going be okay with that."
Ram cannot allow Nandini to remain in the same room with Venya when he is fully aware that he is a boy.
Ram gave a tremendous yell. Uma and Venya were taken aback by Ram's outburst and couldn't understand why he had refused.
In a perplexed tone, Uma questioned Ram, "Why Not, precisely why can't they inhabit a single room?"
When Uma proposed that Venya share a room with Nandini, Venya consented. She reasoned that she could instruct Nandini in this manner. She is able to generate thoughts and instigate arguments between Nandini and Ram. But she was a little taken aback when he objected.
Ram remarked right away, "Nandini will bunk up in my room considering that there isn't a room for her in the house."
" Ho God, what is this ram cooking to? Why is he preventing me from sharing the room with Venya? ",He reprimanded the ram silently in his mind.
Incredulous, Uma responded, "What? Nandini will move into your room?"
" Sure, what's the fuss about" , ram said jokingly, without really thinking too much about it.
He neglected to mention that Nand is now portraying a female in the part of nandini. Since he is a boy, he believed that sharing a room with a man would not be too problematic.
Uma glared at him and became enraged enough to pound words. Ram didn't understand Uma's ire at him.
"I guess, this stupidly lost who I really am", Nand began to doubt himself.
Uma exclaimed in a furious tone, "What?, she intends on sharing your room? No, it can't be feasible. You haven't tied the knot yet, the manner in which can I permit you two to inhabit the single room?"
Ram didn't realize why Uma was upset with her until then.' Oh my goodness, I completely omitted regarding Nandini's true identity. Today, I am no longer alive'. He muttered to himself, 'Ram, can't you curb your dumb tongue. '
Venya was devastated. She wondered why Ram wanted to share a room with Nandini, whether they had done so before, and if they had begun dating. These and other questions consumed her.
Uma wondered to herself, "What are these kids up to? I know the world is advanced today, but how can they share a room before getting married? Do they take into account our culture and everything else?"
" They're going to share the room", uma fiercely declared, " not just today nonetheless until they depart this home. Except for Venya, Nandini is opposed to sharing a room with anybody."
" Ram, arise to my chamber. I intend to get back to you". She replied, glaring at him. " Plus fret not, I'll clean this room with Radha and another server". She said that and then walked out of the room.
'You just taunted me right, Look at you, you're done in a nutshell", pondered nand in his mind.
" Ram, you are finished" . He smiled evilly.
"Where have you been hiding in your thoughts?" said the other corporate executive. "Shall we sign the agreement?"
Abhi responded, "Sorry about that, please continue," right away.
Abhi and the other employees of the workplace started to pour after singing the agreement.
Abhi's phone rang out of the blue; it was Sashi calling.