Chereads / In Search Of True Heart / Chapter 48 - She is your sister in-law.

Chapter 48 - She is your sister in-law.

"If Rajeev is in his clinic right now, he may be surprised to see me". As he entered Rajeev's office, the man thought to himself

"I have to tell him everything that has occurred in the last three months," he said.

When the individual got to the Rajeev clinic, they first looked around and saw that nobody was there.

in that moment, Rajeev was meant to be in the clinic.

So the guy started to wonder where Rajeev was. The individual then proceeded to Rajeev's home since they believed he could be there. The house was secure.

"Where did he go? ", the person pondered as they cast their eyes toward the closed door. "Let's wait right here for him."

The person got an idea all of a sudden.

"Hold on, I have an extra set of keys here", he said. "I'm sure Rajeev will be startled if he sees me, so let's go inside and wait for him".

Later, that person used spare keys they had on hand to enter Rajeev's house.

When Gowthami and Rajeev arrived at their house, they saw a person standing there with a kind, sympathetic look on their face.


The eyes of a holy man suddenly opened.

"It's time for you to change your way of life, Rajeev. The woman you are now with will be your future spouse. Nobody can alter the fate she has already predetermined for you. You two go together like a glove. You will experience success unparalleled by anybody else thanks to this woman, who will have a significant effect on your life. A lot of buried mysteries about your life will come to light as you struggle to get that artefact."

The Saint called his disciple Dharma and told him he had to go to a place and that he had an appointment. I have a scheduled appointment. I have some work to do.

Curious, Dharma asked, "Where are you going, Master?"

The Saint smiled gently and replied, "I have to clear some disputes in a marriage."

Dharma furrowed his brow in confusion. "Disputes in a marriage? But Master, what do you mean?"

The Saint chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with a secret knowledge. "You will not understand now, Dharma," he said, patting his disciple's shoulder reassuringly. "But in time, you will see."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Dharma standing there, still puzzled but trusting his Master's wisdom.


When they both got home, Ramakrishna was waiting for them, staring at them with awe.

Rajeev has only ever known Ramakrishna as a buddy. Ram Krishna arrived at Rajeev's residence, and Rajeev welcomed him.

"Where were you, dude? For the last three months, I have been seeking for you."

"Rajeev, I'm so sorry, but I had to go since I had stuff to do. But when I do those errands, I return to you. Now that I'm free from everything, I can be with my partner forever."

Rajeev was aware of Ram Krishna's past, but he stayed mute. Rajeev was holding the hand of the woman as she walked up to him.

"Who is this girl?" , Rama Krishna wondered

"She is your sister in-law."

After hearing Rajeev's statements, Rama Krishna immediately opened his eyes in shock and said, "When did this happen?"

Gowthami was exhausted, so just come in and relax, Rajeev murmured, turning to face her." I want to go with my friend since I have some things to finish in the meantime."

The story of their love is later brought out by Ram Krishna after Gowthami had been sent inside to recover. As they entered Rajeev's clinic, Ram sat down next to him and inquired about their romance.

"I can't wait to hear it."

Next, Rajeev begins to describe how he discovered her in the wilderness, later took her to the hospital, discovered that she had lost her memory, later gave her the name Gowthami, and ultimately how they came to fall in love. Rama is horrified to learn about Gowthami.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm acting like a jock?"

"However, man. She is a lovely young lady."

"Anything is within my power. How can I express my admiration for her? Love is a single word that is little wider than an edge in length.

It is only a razor or an edge.

It rises through it, tearing the core of your existence in half. Earlier and later.

Both sides are a disappearance of the outer world.

The taste of her lips, the touch of her body, and the scent of her hair appeared to have pierced the air around me or me. She had changed into a real demand.

This was love—a series of events that at first glance seemed unconnected but took on a meaning and a mystical quality.

You know, love is really, really amazing when it works. It's not over the top at all. Every piece of music has a purpose. I was in love with her, the world was lovely, and even if the future seemed to be perilous, I was still able to make light of it.

Love has no bounds; under pressure, it will always climb to the top and win. In our circumstance, home is not a fixed location. There is a person. We are at home right now."

"My brother, you seem to be a love master" . added RAM.