Delightful Mansion
Earlier at the start of the party
Outside the mansion, children were walking up the pathway towards the entrance to the building, while further down the walkway was the roundabout driveway with cars dropping off the guests; at the curved driveway that looped around from the street and back into it, parents were stepping out of their car to bid their children to have fun, before getting back into their vehicle to drive off.
Conversations were being held by many children, wearing their best gowns and suits, excitedly looking forward to the party inside; among all the people, Tanya herself was walking about with her hand up to her ear with an earpiece in it, letting her communicate with the staff, "-Understood, get Miguel to cook more pork cutlets, the party will need more than just that number…yes, please have more punch juice at the ready, kids enjoy sugary juice beside soda…"
Tanya turned a bit as she continued to listen in on the conversation she was having with the staff, while in the background, from out of the hair, an aircraft flew down out of the air; the aircraft itself being a front half of a limousine, the back half was part of an airplane with its jet and wing part attached to the the top of it, while its wheels were replaced with propellers to allow it to hover and fly.
Tanya narrowed her eyes as she watched the aircraft land, "Copy that." she radioed back while keeping her hand over her ear, "Have the landscapers noted they'll need to fix the grass tomorrow, we have rude guests that can't be bothered to land their aircraft on the designated spot this mansion has." she instructed with a frown.
As the KND tech aircraft hovered above the ground, its side door opened, allowing the operatives of sector V to exit their ride, along with Lizzie Devine as she exited out after Nigel. "Thank you so much for the corsage, Nigie~" Lizzie smiled as she patted the flower on her dress.
Nigel turned around to speak directly with Lizzie while crossing his arms and shook his head a bit, "It's not a corsage, it's a two way communicator!" he corrected her, with his finger up in declaration of its purpose, "And essential part-"
"Ehem." Tanya's voice cut Nigel off from going any further into his tirade, as the evil girl herself approached the group of kids that arrived in their limo-jet; she level a flat look at everyone, before glaring at Nigel, "We don't have a Valet to park that anywhere, so you better have one of you park that thing at the appropriate site, or else!" Tanya jabbed her finger at the very spot where there was a large helipad landing zone for aircrafts.
Wallabee was the first to protest as he stepped forward with a glare at the girl, "Or else what?" he challenged back, bringing his fist up at her.
Tanya focused her attention at Wallabee first, "Or else I will have that thing impounded, park it!" She demanded while jabbing her finger again towards the designated spot.
When none of the children moved to do anything, she reached up to her ear and walked away, "Security, have Joe come in with his men, I have a vehicle parked on the grass." She radioed in, leaving the kids to themselves to watch the evil girl walk off.
Hoagie spoke up first while looking over at Nigel, he showed uncertainty on his face "I mean…I can just move it now…I just made the beauty!" he shrugged afterwards.
Nigel looked over at Hoagie, and shook his head, "Negative Numbuh 2, she can threaten us all she wants, no way some measly adults can impound your vehicle, right?" He questioned and reasoned.
The sudden sound of twin propellers said otherwise, as a cargo helicopter flew up from behind the mansion and hovered over the aircraft the operatives and Lizzie exit out from; not a second sooner, the cargo helicopter lowered its magnet and picked the Limousine-jetplane up and flew off with it to most likely an impound lot.
Silence permeated amongst the Kids Next Door operatives, even Lizzie, before Hoagie finally spoke up with an annoyed tone, "Oh come on!" He gestured with he hands where his creation was hauled off to, "Of all the-"
"Save it, Numbuh 2." Nigel silenced his teammate with a sigh while facepalming himself, "We can collect the ride later, the mission is what's important right now." he shook his head, leaving Lizzie to trail after him with an excited hum.
Abigail scoffed with her arms crossed, and looked at Hoagie, "Now that Numbuh 5 thinks about it, that's the first time anyone impounded our vehicles." she remarked, they were so used to just leaving their KND vehicles where they left them, and come back to where they left them.
Kuki decided to break the atmosphere with a more chipper one, "Come on Wally!" She cheered while grabbing him by the hand to lead the way into the mansion, "I wanna go dance!"
While Kuki and Wallabee went on ahead, Hoagie and Abigail were the last ones of the group to head in, with Hoagie speaking up with a downcast look on his face, "Man, they better not scuff up the paint!" he remarked while hunched forward in depression, "I worked all week on that thing to get the right parts!" he lamented.
Abigail smiled somewhat as she walked beside her friend, "Well, let's look at it this way-" She began to say while pointing her finger up, "We can scavenge more parts when we go to the impound lot, after this!" she helped cheer her teammate up, which it did as he smiled a bit now.
Picking himself up from being hunched over while walking, he glanced at Abigail beside him with an appreciative smirk, "Yeah, I suppose you're right, it'll be hitting two birds with one stone!" he remarked.
"Mister Gilligan." Tanya called out for him, making both Abigail and Hoagie halt in their walking as they reached the steps leading up to the front doors.
Hoagie turned around and glared a bit at the evil girl, while Abigail turned around as well to cross her arms and give the girl an annoyed look, "What is it now!? You already took my ride!" he asked and pointed out.
Tanya approached the two while she was jotting down something in a notepad, before ripping it out to hand it to him while expressing a sharp look, "This is the lot where they impounded your vehicle, the fine is one hundred dollars. You have two days to pick it up." she warned after handing off the note, before walking off with her hand back up to her ear.
"-No, Miguel, the candy is not meant to be set out till nine!" Tanya ordered while she walked off, her voice trailing off to both the operatives.
Neither Hoagie nor Abigail said a thing for a few seconds as they looked down at the piece of paper Tanya gave them, before both looked at each other with Hoagie speaking first, "One hundred dollars! That's like, a bajillion dollars worth of candy!" He cried out and worried, while Abigail shook her head and walked off into the mansion.
"Well, guess it'll be a sneak in and steal operation, we don't have that sort of cash on hand!" Abigail said back to him, while Hoagie ran after her to catch up.
Inside the Delightful Mansion
It was bad enough that the Delightful Children were most likely up to something, but after Lizzie insisted Nigel cheer up and just have fun while calling him 'Nigie', it was beyond infuriating when the Delightful Children called him that.
Once the group finally entered through the doorways leading into the ballroom, everyone was greeted to the sight of a massive ballroom and dance floor; chairs and tables were situated to the sides, with quite a few tables filled with refreshments and food.
Plenty of kids were already partaking the festivity, from relaxing at a table with a friend to eat some food, some were beside the catering tables to grab themselves some fruit punch, food or both, many others were on the dance floor dancing while the rest stood at the sidelines chatting it up with each other.
While Nigel's team and Lizzie excitedly spoke how it all looked exciting, he on the other hand began warning them with a focused look on his face, "okay team, remember, we're on a mission." He reminded them with a glance at them.
Abigail crossed her arms before thumbing off to a general direction of something, "hmph, Numbuh 5's going to be doing some reconnaissance on those sandwiches." she said, before walking off.
Following his teammate, Hoagie smiled, "got you back on that!" he cheered.
"Ugggh!" Nigel groaned in disbelief at his teammates while he rubbed at his head in frustration, "Numbuh 4-" He turned to point at thin air, "and keep an eye out for-Hey!" He realized Wallabee and Kuki were already on the ballroom dance floor.
Nigel groaned again while pinching the bridge of his nose, did any of his teammates not think any of this seemed off? They all were on board that this party was suspicious.
Shaking his head, hopefully, they were just doing all this to keep a low…ish profile. Partaking in the festivities to keep any suspicion off of them.
Lizzie broke Nigel out of his musings as she gazed at him while batting her eye lashes at him, "I think there's a ~slow song coming up Nigie~!" she expressed with a smile and hands clasped beside her head.
While Nigel laughed nervously at Lizzie's forwardness, Tanya made her presence known as she passed by them with her hand cupped to her ear, "Yes, please, get the shrimp skewers ready…" she commanded while halting beside the two to give Nigel and Lizzie a glare, "There will be no slow songs, this isn't some teenage romantic balldance!" she warned harshly, before marching off into the ballroom to continue issuing out orders to the staff.
Nigel realized that did indeed seem like some teenagers would do, and cringed a bit, while Lizzie glared at the girl's back and planted her fists against her sides, "Hey, it shouldn't matter if we were teens or not!" she cried out, glaring all the while.
Nigel shook his head and pointed at an empty table, "Why don't you get a seat, I'll look to get us something to eat first." he suggested, he needed to see how Abigail and Hoagie were doing on their end of things.
Lizzie smiled excitedly while turning to him, "Okay!" she said, before skipping off to an available table she could sit down with Nigel and enjoy the food he would be bringing to the table.
While his girlfriend skipped off, Nigel walked off towards one of the catering tables with Abigail and Hoagie standing beside it.
Meanwhile, with the aforementioned operatives, both Hoagie and Abigail made quick motions with their hands over the food, before their watches signaled everything was okay. "Sweet!" Hoagie said as he reached for himself to grab a plate and put some sandwiches down on it, "mmhm." He mumbled while eating one of them, before speaking up, "Fine dining food!"
Abigail smirked, "Heh, that Tanya had me on edge beside those Delightful dorks…but just to be sure…" she mused while thumbing her watch to scan the nearby fruit punch bowl, "..mmm…yup, just fruit punch!" she smiled as she grabbed herself a cup, and poured herself some juice with a ladle from out of the bowl.
While the two had made a quick check of the complimentary food and drinks, before taking part in them all, Nigel had been able to see them do it all as he approached them, making him glad they were just on edge as he was with the Delightful Children's party. "Anything beyond your sensors can identify?" He questioned them both.
While hoagie continued to munch on his sandwiches, Abigail spoke for the both of them while shaking her head, "Nope, but the punch juice sure is good!" she declared while holding out her cup.
"Hmm." Nigel mused while looking at it, before shaking his head, "Well check on the other tables too, who knows what those Delightfuls or Tanya is up to." he warned, earning two finger salutes from his teammates as they walked off to the other catering tables.
Walking back to the table where Lizzie was waiting for him, Nigel walked back with two sets of plates with sandwiches on them, "Well, good news, I managed to procure the food!" he smirked, while he placed down his plate for himself and put Lizzie's down in front of her, "Numbuh 5 even said the fruit punch is okay, so feel free to get a glass." he added.
Lizzie smiled demurely at Nigel, "Guess what! I just heard there will be fireworks tonight, which means we can sit under it all while holding each other's hands~!" She remarked, before bringing her sandwich up to her mouth to bite from it, and began chewing her dinner meal for the night.
Nigel laughed nervously once more while stretching his collar out a bit, "Um, sure…" he responded, before quickly taking his sandwich to take a bite out of it.
Waiting in line for their photo to be taken, Kuki smiled excitedly as she stood in line with Wallabee, "Hey, you think they'll let us use custom backgrounds?" she asked, earning Wallabee's attention as he stood next to her.
Wallabee glanced beside him at Kuki with a shrug, before speaking, "Eh, who knows, I just want to get this over with, and get something to eat!" he smirked while thumbing back at one of the catering tables, "All that dancing, has me famished for some shrimp!" he expressed with eagerness.
Before Kuki could ask anything else, from out of the doorway leading into the photo taking room, the Delightful Children stormed out after slamming the doors open, "no photos! Get back to the party…this whole thing just stinks!" They shouted in anger while they stormed off through the crowd.
While the line for the photo room dispersed, Kuki bemoaned the missed opportunity to have her picture taken of the night, "Awww, I was hoping to save a nice memory photo for this!" she threw her hands up in exasperation, before Wallabee smiled and pulled her by her hand.
"Who cares! Come on! They have free food waiting, I think I have see rainbow monkey cake-pauh!" Wallabee was cut off from saying any more, as Kuki bowled over him towards the aforementioned table.
"Rainbow monkey cake!?" Kuki shouted out in excitement, "I want some!" she cried out in excitement, with Wallabee picking himself up off the floor to walk after Kuki while brushing his suit off of floor dust.
"Crimeny, mention rainbow monkeys, and her mind changes!" Wallabee grimaced with annoyance.
After Nigel and Lizzie did a bit of swing dancing to an upbeat dance song, the two were now at present beside the punch bowl table. Nigel spoke up first after taking a sip of his punch, "you know, I was half expecting those delightful idiots to do something nasty, but I guess it was just a party afterall!" he mused with a smirk.
"And fun too!" Lizzie added cheerfully as she bumped her own cup of juice against Nigel's own, and took a sip from hers. In the distance, his teammates Numbuh 4 and 3 were eating at a table, while Numbuh 2 and 5 were talking with some other kids from school.
Before long, atop the stage where the band was playing, Tanya walked to the center while the band ceased their instruments as the girl reached for the mic on the stage to speak into it, "It's about nine p.m., please enjoy the rest fireworks, they should begin shortly within a few minutes." the evil girl instructed, before placing the mic back to where she grabbed it, and walked off.
Nigel shrugged to himself, it really was one of those odd missions that nothing happened; they were rare, but it happened.
"Come on, Nigie~!" Lizzie said with delight in her tone as she wrapped her arm around his and pulled him with her to the outside, all the while he saw his teammates exit out as well.
Nigel allowed himself a smile and walked with Lizzie. I supposed tonight really was just one of those things that the Delightful children wanted to show off their wealth and what not, to rub it in everyone's faces, while at the same time hosting a party; it certainly ruffled him somewhat that they did get under his skin, perhaps that was the plan theirs the whole time? They put him and his team on edge the whole party, only to never do anything and leave him wishing he had enjoyed the party…well…jokes on them!
It certainly felt like a petty thing of them to do afterall.
Meanwhile, at the impound lot
Dress in overalls, dirty as can be with a face full of dirt, worn boots and gloves, Jack the impound man sighed as he reached up and scratched at his scalp, "How in the sam hill do those kids make these things!" He asked himself, looking at the limousine welded into the back half of an airplane.
Walking up beside him, a tall and stout man dressed in a blue jumpsuit scratched at his beard, "I think my kid made something like this…" Greg mused in a deep voice, eyeing the vehicle, before shrugging.
"whelp-" Jack began to say as he walked off, "better tighten security, pretty sure that Kid's club thing or whatever it was made from, is planning on getting their vehicle back like the last times…" he grouched, while Greg followed after him.
"Let's just give it back to whoever it belongs to! Too much paperwork to document this crap!" Greg grouched back, earning a scoff from Jack.
"Pheh…Fine!" Jack responded as the both of them entered their office, leaving the impound lot empty, save for a few vehicles and one outrageous looking flying vehicle.