Werk Co.
Marching herself through the hallways of the building, Tanya Weber, daughter of a German family that came to the states in the early 1900s, held herself high as she held underneath her arm her clipboard and folders.
"This world is very bizarre, but I can't complain when the adult world offers jobs to children as prospective workers, along with rewards of stock options and pay. I can essentially save up for college early on, and earn my degree to affirm myself in a solid position within the company!"
Tanya held herself with a strict persona on her face as she walked through the hallways, adult workers giving her space with some amusement and pride that a young girl such as her was putting in the work to be a capable member of adult society.
"Honest, if I wasn't already acquainted with magic in my last life, the bizarre powers wielded in this world would have been beyond crazy, but no, it's just par the course for adult 'villains' to have powers to strike down nosy children and the nuisance that was the KND."
A smirk formed at the corner of Tanya's mouth as she approached Mr. Boss's office, his alias in the adult villain world, but Mr. Fullbright to the business world. Standing straight at attention, Tanya reached up to knock her knuckles against her boss's door, "What is it!? I'm busy!" Mr. Fulbright's grouchy voice echoed out.
Clearing her throat, Tanya hollered through the door, "I've come back with the quarterly results of our stocks, Mr. Fulbright!" she announced herself.
A buzzer went off, before the door was automatically opened to allow Tanya in, inside the office of her boss's room was the man himself in the midst of looking over annual reports of his business making profits. "Took you long enough" Mr. Fulbright grouched as he looked up from his papers, while Tanya let herself in, letting the door behind her shut.
"Apologies." Tanya replied as she walked into her boss's room, and approached his desk before hopping to plop her folder onto his table, "The printers were having issues, so I had to go all the way down and use the one down there." she explained with a straightforward face up at the man.
Mr. Fulbright grunted, letting his annoyance be known as he took the folders and opened one up, "Not my fault those stupid things don't work right! I keep telling the printing company to stop sending me crappy printers! Even my fax machine is failing me!" He was aware Tanya was far from lying, as his company had been having a problem with their printers and fax machines printing out paper, with many complaints from the employees.
Facing her employer with a curious but stoic look on her face, Tanya voiced her opinion on the matter, "Well, if perhaps we are in the exponential green this quarter, perhaps we should put in an order of new printers, this can't go on, or this business's efficiency will go down hill."
Mr. Fulbright finished going over his Jr. Executive's work, took his cigar out from his mouth to let some of the ashes fall into his nearby ashtray, and placed it back into his mouth, "You've done quite the good work, Miss Weber." He observed as looked over at Tanya whom was still standing in view away from his desk, he smirked, "Contrary to my hate for other children beside my own, you've outpaced yourself to be quite competent compared to most snot nosed brats and some adults I know!"
Unable to help herself of an ingrained response, Tanya gave her a salute of respect, "What can I say, Mr. Fulbright? Your junior outreach program that allows me stock options and a headstart career is something I can't ignore!" she answered, earning a pleasant smile from Mr. Fulbright.
"Hah! I bet your mother and father are proud parents then!" Mr. Fulbright mused as he leaned back in his chair, puffing from his cigar while doing so.
Relaxing her arm back down to fold it behind her back with her other one, Tanya continued to stand at attention for her boss, "Indeed." She nodded once, "They are. My father is head of his own adult company that makes sausages, and he even appreciates you for giving me a chance in the adult world of business." She was very thankful her father was very prudent in making sure to put in a good word for her, as his referral was practically a golden ticket.
Afterall, she was a very studious child in her classes, and now she was able to work on the weekends; homework was barely a chore at all, and she could leave school early if she needed to work early into the afternoon. With this much work ahead in her life, she could attaint her retirement plan and 401k within record time!
"Say-" Fulbright began to say with an evil smirk as he kicked back his feet onto his desk, and puffed some more smoke out from his cigar, "What do you say about moonlighting with me to take out some pests? Help me get rid of some kids that have been a thorn in my side?" he questioned.
Tanya offered her boss a shrug, and answered with an even tone, "I can only ask if it is an offer of bonus pay, otherwise, I still have work to do for you, and schoolwork to finish during most of my time. I have a very strict schedule after all." she nodded to herself.
"Hmm." Mr. Fulbright mused with a smirk, "I like how you make sure you don't get cut out from any pay, very cut throat of the business world of you." he mused, and smirked more, "I also like that you have a busy schedule, keeps you from interacting with those snotty brats!"
"I like to have a prospective future, sir, and the adult world offers much for those that put in the effort!" Tanya responded with a fastidious expression, her form stiff as she talked with her boss.
After a few silent ticks of the clock running, Mr. Fullbright finally spoke with a more stern tone as he removed his feet from his desk and sat forward to talk more seriously with his Jr. Executive girl, "How goes your coffee powers? Have you harnessed them as I requested?" he asked with a more focused look on his face. "Your bonus pay to help me will be assured of course."
Straightening her shoulders out, Tanya hardened her gaze as she looked back at Mr. Boss, the atmosphere changing into the world of adult villainy, "Yes sir!" Tanya saluted her boss again, "I have gained full use over anything that is coffee related, as well as using its super speed upon digestion!" she announced.
Mr. Boss smirked evilly, and wrung his hands, "Perfect! I have a mission for you, with bonus pay included! Put a few branches of the KND out of commission, I don't want them poking their noses into my upcoming project!" he commanded.
"Will do, sir!" Tanya responded, before offering her hand out, expecting something from her boss, earning a glare from him.
"I'll pay you later once the job is done! Impatient already kid?" Mr. Remarked with an annoyed look, only to earn a blink from Tanya.
Tanya furrowed her brow, "Uh…no, I need the dossiers of the KND branches I will be attacking, sir." she answered him, prompting a surprised look from the man himself.
"Oh, oh right! I almost forgot!" Mr. Boss said with an amused evil smirk as he reached down and brought his arm back up and tossed over the requested dossiers, "And since it's friday, you have until Sunday night to finish the job, or no bonus pay!" he grouched.
Hopping up to take the dossiers into her hands, Tanya saluted her boss, "With bonus pay on the line, I'll get this done by Saturday night instead!" She responded with her own evil smirk, mirroring Mr. Boss's own.
"That's what I like to hear!" Mr. Boss remarked, before he shooed Tanya away, making her take her leave.
Sector V
Within the main room, everyone was relaxing, Numbuh 4 and 2 were over at a table playing against each other with their yipper cards, Numbuh 5 was chilling on the couch watching the big screen tv, and Numbuh 3 was played on the floor with her stuff animals playing tea party. It was an early Saturday morning for everyone.
All was quiet at the moment as the operatives were enjoying their time afterschool, but it was soon ruined as Numbuh 1 came barging in through one of the doors while the base's emergency alarms went off, "Code alpha black two, this is not a drill! We have a code alpha black two!" he screamed as he ran into the room, while the others looked at Numbuh 1 with confusion.
As Numbuh 1 stood at the center of the room, he glared at them all for not remembering the emergency code as the emergency alarm kept going off, "come on guys! That's the code for the need to arm up!" he threw his arms up in exasperation.
Both Numbuh 4 and 2 looked at Numbuh 1 confused, with Numbuh 2 voicing everyone's thoughts. "But why?" he asked innocently.
Numbuh 1 breath out an annoyed sigh, and slapped his bald head, before sprinting to the main module computer to pull up the soon to be operation in progress, "Four sector bases around us have just been attacked out of nowhere consecutively, all operatives were sent to the hospital with their bases covered in coffee beans and that crude black liquid adults drink!" he answered.
A map was soon pulled out showing the bases that were taken out, tree houses decimated by coffee stains and beans falling out from them, Numbuh 1 sneered as his fellow operative ceased lollygagging around, and sprinted over to see the damaged that was done, "Stupid adults! I knew we should have decommissioned their coffee rigs in the ocean sooner!" Numbuh 1 said as he slammed his fist against the side of the module computer.
"Oh no!" Numbuh 3 said with worry as she saw the damage wrought on the bases, as well as the burnt faces of the operatives that were sent to the hospital, "I hope everyone will be okay!"
Numbuh 5 patted her friend's shoulder, "don'tchu worry a thang, numbuh 3, numbuh 5 is sure our medics are healing our fellow operatives just fine!" she assured her friend.
Numbuh 4 fisted his palm with a sneer of his own forming on his face, "Cruddy Adults! I say we find the nearest adult villain, and pulverize them, then root out the cause of who did all this!"
Numbuh 2 looked at his friend with an unsure face, "Uh, Numbuh 4, we can't just attack a random adult villain, I mean, we can, but it wouldn't solve the present problem."
Numbuh smirked back at his friend, "Worked last time!"
"One time!" Numbuh 2 told his friend with his finger raised, "it worked one time! The other times it just let the culprits get away before Numbuh 1 was about to track them down the last times!"
Numbuh 4 crossed his arms and smirked nonetheless, "I still say we go with my plan!"
Numbuh 1 sighed and palmed his face, "No, Numbuh 4, not this time, whoever is going around, causing this chaos, is going to end up going after us next!" he lowered his hand from his face and looked at all his fellow friends and operative, "And that is why we need to prepare for-"
Just before Numbuh 1 could talk any further, the wall to sector V's treehouse base was blown inward by a torrential blast of searing hot coffee, of which all operatives reacted quickly enough by whipping out their weapons and turned around to face the intruder.
There, standing with a pair of blue business slacks on that was held up by suspenders that went over her white dress shirt that had a few coffee stains on it, a girl not less than eleven years old stared down at the operatives with an apathetic look, her eyes shined silver while her platinum blonde hair whipped through the breeze coming in through the hole she made as liquid coffee hovered in streams behind her in mid air, "One last base to go." she told herself.
Not willing to let this doubtlessly evil girl that was teaming up with the adult villains do as she wished, Numbuh 1 pointed at her with a firm look on his face, "Kid next door, battle-" He was cut off mid sentence again, as the girl zoomed in front of her in a burst of speed and slapped him with the palm her of hand, sending Numbuh flying into the wall with a loud crash of wood.
"Charge!" Numbuh 4 yelled as he ran at the girl with twin bubblegum guns firing at her, the girl however whipped around and motioned with her hand to send a stream of hot coffee into Numbuh 4, flushing him out of the tree house and to the ground below, "Ah, It burns!" he cried out as he descended to the ground below.
"Ah!" Numbuh 2 screamed as he flew in towards the girl with his fly wings giving him an aerial advantage as he flew around above the girl, shooting his ketchup laser gun at her. Meanwhile Numbuh 3 and 5 charged in as well to split the evil girl's attention with their mustard gun and rubber band gun respectively.
The girl however responded in kind as she motioned with her hand again to make the hovering coffee fly in and surround her protectively as a hardened barrier of coffee beans, with narrowed eyes, she flicked her finger at where Numbuh 2 would soon fly after tragected his fly path, sending a rush of coffee bean to pelt him out from the air.
"Ouch ouch ouch ohahouch!" Numbuh 2 cried out as he felt welts form on his skin from the barrage of coffee beans pelt him, and destroy his fly wings, making him crash out of the air.
The Evil girl focused her attention on the two last operatives Numbuh 3 and 5, as she watched the two jump over her protective barrier of coffee, both were descending down with their feet aiming at the girl's back while she was focusing on Numbuh 2; The evil girl's eyes snapped up at them, and quickly reacted as the two operative girls barely landed their kicks into her, before the villainous girl whipped around at high speed to grab them by their legs and throw them around and released them to crash in the monitor.
Once everything settled, all the operatives were groaning in pain from the beatdown the evil girl laid into them; the villainous girl reached up to palm her ear, "Send the coffee bomb down now." she ordered coldly, earning an 'affirmative, ma'am' on the other end of her ear mic.
Numbuh 1 however finally pried himself out from the wall, and glared at the girl, before rushing towards the room's computer module, "not while I'm still standing!" he yelled as he made an effort to try and bring the shields up.
The girl narrowed her eyes at Numbuh 1 as he almost made it towards the module, before she zipped towards him and tackled him to the floor to stay in place, she looked down at him with a contempt look, "Wrong choice of words, operative numbuh one." she said coldly, keeping her hand down on his head to shove his face into the wooden floor.
"Wait, you're not going to leave and just let the bomb hit this place with you in it!?" Numbuh asked with a bewildered look on his face at the craziness that was the mind of the evil girl.
The girls smirked devilishly evil down at Numbuh 1 as klaxons blared to life of an imminent bomb heading its way to the base, "I'll be fine, it would be rude of me to not stick around and not make sure my job is finished!"
Numbuh 1 glared hatefully up at the girl as he tried to move his head to turn it to give the girl a sideways glare, "Who are you!?" he demanded.
The evil girl smiled thinly, and peered down into his face and the klaxons blared more to life as the imminent attack was on them, "THE junior executive!" she announced, it was something her boss told her to go by for now; and before anything else was said, the entire tree house exploded from being hit by a coffee bomb. All became black as coffee grounds spilled into and over the treehouse, coffee liquid poured through every nook and cranny of the treehouse base, making Sector V the next base to be destroyed for the time being until it could be repaired.
End transmission…