After that they woke up and dressed in a neat and ordered day and had there breakfast and again started there journey for the excursion of animals.They went to Manas forest in Assam for animal excursion.They saw different types of animal like Tigers, Rhinoceros, Elephant,Giraffe, tortoise and many others.There were some places which were bounded by bamboo sticks on a circular shape and animals like rabbits, tortoise,hamster were kept there and these animals are allowed to be touched and can be feeded.After that they walked away from that place,after walking for some time some of them felt tired and wanted to take rest for sometime so they sat under a huge and big tree.When they sat under that tree the realised that something was moving on the branch of the tree and that's why the some of the leaves were falling down,then all of them looked up and saw that there was a Cobra hanging on the tree then all of them quickly ran away from that place.After that they all of them were tired and again went back to the hotel and had there dinner and they were felling so sleepy after that so they slept over.