Chereads / The Teen-trage / Chapter 3 - The Teen-trage : ch.3 LOVES BETRAYEL

Chapter 3 - The Teen-trage : ch.3 LOVES BETRAYEL

As she wakes up, a hit of dizziness and nausea hits her from her being drugged and the rush of adrenaline.

A wave of emotions hits her like a baseball bat, she opens her eyes and a bright light shines in her eyes.

Squinting she looks at her surrounding and notices a staircase leading downstairs and a chair in front of her and a crack on her glasses.

The rooms dusty and damp like the storage room behind the school, "Oh wait! This is the storage room!" she thought a bit relieved that she knows where she is.

Trying to remember what happened she gets a massive headache but then remembers what happened.

As she try's to get up she falls right down, she finally notices the ropes that's tied tight around her hands.

She tries using her free legs but to no avail "Ugh! I should have not skipped gym!", she thought but it suddenly strikes her that she has a blade hidden in her blazer pocket she made.

"Ha! Ironic I guess this things is useful for two things!', she thought to herself.

Reaching for her homemade pocket she fails, she tries again fail, third times a charm she finally grabbed it and quickly cut the tough rope.

Struggling to cut it opens ignoring the pain of the ropes gnawing at her flesh she hears a loud thud! like a doors being slammed and a sound of a click! like a doors being locked.

Now scared she tries cutting the rope even faster! but then she freezes, a shivver goes down her sin as she see's her crush Devan walk up the stairs with 3 other figures following him.

It was Jessica and her gang except for Madi but th one person that stood out was Alice, her naïve friend.

Alice has her hand on the other arm and looking down like she's guilty, a pinch of pain and betrayal hit Natalie and she felt sad.

"How could you?" she asks sadly "I-I I'm sor-" Alice says before Jessica cuts Alice off "Well, well look who's awake~" Jessica says in a triumph tone.

"Looks like our loner is awake~" Jessica says with an evil grin, Natalie looks at the 4 of them confused and then realizes... THAT THEY KIDNAPPED HER!!!