Chapter 35 - Conclusion




The clash between the giant bat abomination made out of nightmarish shadows filled with eyes and maws, and the towering moth demoness made out of green and grey gas ends with the latter being launched into the crimson river between the city of Braila and the malevolent dark castle of the vampire king like meteor.


Red water splashes high into the air as the large form crashes into the diluted blood, making it rain crimson.

'Okay, he's a LOT stronger physically than me… noted.' Thinking this, Juniper taps into the awakened ability granted to her by the devil fruit and vaporizes the liquid around her, splitting the water into hydrogen and oxygen before forming them separately into spheres floating around her.

A frown makes itself known as she does so.

'Powerful indeed but not cost effective. Creating gasses myself consumes a decent amount of magic power, controlling existing ones is cheaper and converting liquid into gas is the most expensive. It should be possible to vaporize solid matter like stone and even metals, but the consumption will probably spike immensely when I go from liquids to solids.' The moth ponders for a second before pushing these thoughts aside in order to return her focus to the situation at hand.

Filled with rage, Dracula did not simply stay put after sending the moth flying but instead charged right after her.

Once his shadow appeared over her still submerged form, she bursts out with four highly condensed orbs of gas floating around her.

Roaring, the king of vampires descends with claws at the ready.

Reaching out, the demoness grabs one of the spheres before rushing to meet the abomination.

Clashing again in the sky, the claws oozing malevolent power collide with the compressed sphere of gas.

Grinning widely, the sound of a snap is heard, and with it, a single spark ignites in the sphere.


Lighting up the sky, the explosion disintegrates the vampire's arm before the shockwave throws him into the city where he smashes through roofs and walls, bringing multiple buildings crashing down in the process.

"KEKEKEKEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA SUCK ON THAT!! FUCKER!!!" Gloating and crackling like a lunatic, Juniper reforms in the sky with the three remaining spheres orbiting her.

*ROOOOAAAAARRRR!!* Came the shout from within the city before a decent portion got obliterated by a column of fire that soars into the sky.

Gazing up into the dark clouds as she had traced Dracula's movement with her haki, the moth whistles in admiration as a hail of fire starts to descend from the heavens.

'Damn, he got the whole final boss thing down to the bone.' She thinks while watching the apocalyptic scene befalling the city of Braila.

Any vampires that had escaped the appearance of the [Sun's Tear] or the humans having hidden themselves when the vampire forces came to occupy the city for their ambush are now faced with the destructive rain of fire that sets buildings aflame or even outright blows them up.

As for the demoness, she solely focused on the giant meteor burning with crimson flames that flew towards her.

"Fuck me sideways, now he became a bloody elden ring boss!" She exclaims with a dumbfounded expression.

Getting a hold of herself, Juniper gathers the remaining three spheres atop her palm and spins them there before launching the trio of extremely combustible orbs at the incoming burning beast with a shout.

A blinding flash fills the sky as it shook from the explosion that blew even the falling flames aside.

Looking up at the devastating force of the explosion, the moth herself is surprised.

'It's really terrifying how much power you can produce by simply abusing chemical reactions instead of relying on magic power alone.' She ponders.

'Achieving this level of destruction by solely using wind attribute magic power would be almost impossible or leave me completely drained. But thanks to the special nature of my magic power circuit gained from consuming the gasu gasu no mi, I can not only convert my magic power into wind/gas attribute magic, but actually control individual gasses and abuse their properties so that a single spark is enough to kickstart reactions that can reach astonishing levels of power.' Lunching to the side thanks to her observation haki warning her, the demoness barely dodges the black and red blur that came crashing out of the smoke in the sky.

With his immense momentum, the king of vampires has passed through the explosion and continued on his path towards her.

As he passes the demoness, his amber eyes glint before the crimson flames covering his body explode in a wave of searing heat.

Caught off guard by this, the magic fire latches onto her gaseous form and starts burning her, temporarily restricting her elementalization enough for the shockwave of the detonation to send her barrelling through a couple walls.

Dracula himself also crashed into the ground, creating an impressive crater and causing a small earthquake.

"Okay big guy, that one actually hurt." Juniper growls as her form frees itself from the rubble and reveals her partially solid figure sporting severe burns.

Flexing her four hands, streams of air rush towards them and compress into orbs in their palms.

Clenching her fingers around them, a flash of orange sparks inside all of them as four beams of blue fire extend out of her fists and form burning blades.

The building in front of the moth, through which she had crashed, explodes and the angry abomination that is the vampire king charges out, roaring like the beast he has become.

Smile forming on her lips, the moth couldn't resist and points all four of her rip-off lightsabres at the incoming foe.

"Ah~, General Kenobi!" She says before twirling out of the way and slicing along the vampire's side with two of her burning weapons, leaving charred scars that immediately mend themselves.

Stopping his momentum, the enraged creature of the night turns back and leaps at her while sending arcs of razor-sharp shadows flying at the demoness with each swipe of his claws.

Black claws narrowly miss the misty green and grey form of Juniper while she swung her cheap imitations of weapons used by a more "civilized" cult of space wizards at her opponent, to little effect sadly.

They exchange multiple more attacks with Juniper scooring more but less impactful hits while Dracula lands fewer but more devastating blows.

Realizing that close-quarter combat is a rather bad idea when her opponent pretty much outclassed her in all stats except for perception, the demonic moth begrudgingly abandons her General Grievous tactic and merges all four swords into a single spear and chucks it at the vampire king.

The resulting detonation flung him away and demolished even more of the city.

From there it turned mostly into a shit-fest of spamming spells and slinging ranged attacks at each other.

This in turn quickly drained the magic power reserves of the demoness as her 400 points in that stat couldn't compare to that of her foe who not only had more than double her reserves but also actively recovered it by absorbing all the blood he comes into contact with.

'Well, fuck you! As if I'm going to be outclassed by you in a battle of endurance!' With that she starts releasing a colour-, scent- and tasteless gas she simply dubbed "conduit gas", which quickly spread out, forming into a sphere around her in a 10-meter radius.

As another spell of the old bat came flying towards her, it fizzled out before reaching her as the magic power making it up is absorbed by her skill [Draining Touch] which she's channelling through the gas, creating an anti-magic zone around her that blocked most spells and recovers some of her magic reserves.

Thanks to this she manages to balance things out a bit as the ancient creature of the night starts switching through a wide variety of spells and even combinations of them.

It's not until a venomous green bolt of lightning is released by him that things got heated again.

Haki blaring alarms, Juniper reinforces her fist and slaps the thing aside much like she had done before during the first phase of their fight.

But different from then, instead of praising the ridiculousness of haki, a shocked and rather ugly expression flashed across her face.

'It decayed my vitality!?' Feeling the pain and weakness in the limb as part of her lifeforce simply gets rotted away by the bolt of necrotic lightning, even with haki coating the area of contact, the moth reigns in her emotions and becomes serious.

Noticing her reaction which is different from before, Dracula seemingly comes to the correct conclusion that this type of magic is effective and proceeds to unleash a literal storm of this green stuff at the demoness in the sky.

In response, she expands the area of effect of her conduit gas in hopes that she could drain the magic from the strikes before the can reach her.

This plan fails spectacularly as these bolts tear through the air with so much speed that her skill doesn't have the time to drain any meaningful amount of magic from the spells.

Cursing in her mind as she is forced to deflect another of these venomous green streaks, she feels how once again part of her vitality painfully decays away.

Mind racing, Juniper comes up with a possible solution.

Her form quickly swells up before exploding into a giant green and grey cloud of smoke that expands to cover the entire city.

Bright flashes of light fill the cloud as the king of vampires spams his necrotic lightning, tearing holes into the thick smokescreen that the moth created.

Blending into the smoke and using it as cover along with pushing her observation haki to the limit, the moth manages to dodge most of the follow up spells flung at her as the abomination tried to track her with its supernatural senses.

'Tsk, didn't think he'll have something this annoying.' The demoness thinks while another arc of that cursed lightning rips a hole through the smoke and clips her body, taking another bit of her vitality with it.

As she continues to get hit by the vampire king's attacks, the damage begins to stack as time passes and slowly whittles her down at a much faster pace than what she could do to her opponent.

"Well, you brough this upon yourself." She mutters in frustration.

Having had enough, she starts channelling [Draining Touch] through the smokescreen.

Like this she begins to draw upon the massive amount of vitality contained within the vampiric bat abomination to replenish her own.

In turn, Dracula begins to absorb the blood filling the river and drenching the earth in front of the castle to recover.

With both monsters having access to large deposits of energy to keep themselves in the game, the fight went on and on, utterly razing the city of Braila to the ground in their confrontation.

The end only came in sight with the arrival of the first rays of the actual sun rising beyond the horizon.

At this point the river had returned to its blue colour and the drenched earth dried up as all the blood has been absorbed by the raging vampire king.

Both combatants are going feral at each other in close-quarter combat as they have either spent all their magic power completely or are using it very selectively.

This left them with only their claws and blades to rip into each other as they reform just as quickly.

But the winner has finally been decided.

Without magic to negate the moth's elementalization, which she is desperately keeping up by spending all her remaining reserves on it, there is no way for the ancient creature of the night to inflict any real damage anymore.

So, slowly but surely, the hulking mass of nightmarish shadows is shrinking as more and more of its form is torn away by the frenzied demoness.

Redirecting a swipe of the weakening vampire, she grabs both his arms with two of her own before kicking him in the chest, ripping them both off and sending the rest thumbling and rolling into the castle through the open gate, ending the fight where it had begun.

"Haa, haa, ugh! Fucking finally!" She groans as her gaseous form begins to shrink and solidify till Juniper returned to her demon form.

'Bloody hell am I dry. Not even a god damn drop left.' Struggling to keep her battered and bloodied body upright as pain and exhaustion ravage it, the moth pulls out the last batch of her crystals.

She had to spend another pair in the fight when Dracula caught her by surprise and flash froze her before drowning her in a sea of necrotic flames that almost killed her.

Shattering the two crystals, red and blue energy pulses through her body, healing all wounds and recovering her spent reserves of magic power.

"Ngh~! This is much better. I'm gonna take it easy for a while. These past few days were action packed enough." Muttering this while stretching her body, the demoness steps through the castle's entrance and into the destroyed hall stained with blood.

Lying still at the foot of the stairs leading up to the broken throne is the body of Dracula.

Walking up to him, she looks down at the empty gaze of her defeated opponent.

'Must have used all he had and then some to end up like this. Well, not my problem. I won, I had fun, and I grew stronger. Everything I wanted has been achieved.' Opening her system's creation menu, she spends a few hundred souls on a jagged silver spear with golden runes.

[Spear of Sealing: A being pierced by this spear will be knocked unconscious and placed in a state of stasis where they are kept alive but unable to utilize any of their abilities till the spear is removed. Requires target to be greatly weakened.]

Flipping the spear into reverse grip, she hovers the tip over the vampire king's chest.

"You fought well~. A bit disappointing that we didn't end it with a big bang, but I doubt that you have any complaint about this shit coming to an end." Chuckling as the amber eyes of her defeated foe move to look at the spear pointing at him and then to the demoness holding it, she grins before stabbing through his chest till the jagged tip comes out of his back and nails him to the stairs.

"Argh!" He gasps as the golden runes along the spear light up and begin to crawl onto the old vampire's body.

Gnashing his teeth with all the strength he had left, Dracula utters his last words.

"May your soul burn in the holy fire of the heavens for all eternity... foul demon." He growls as his eyelids grew heavy and consciousness dim.

"Sure, whatever lets you sleep at night buddy." Juniper says as the runes finish covering his body and successfully seal the ancient creature of the night in a state of stasis.

"Haaa, so that's dealt with… for now. Can't kill this fucker yet." She mutters before kicking the leg of the still body with her foot to confirm that he really is out.

"My contract would run out if I did that and I'll be sent right back to the abyss, can't have that now can I." Turning around, she eyes the mess that their fight has caused and sighs.

'Yeah, still got lots of work to do.' With that she recalls the [Sun's Tear] that had run out of juice from outside and starts walking deeper into the castle.