Chereads / Demonic Moth (Custom made Demon King) / Chapter 20 - A Monster Hunter, Magician, Dhampir and Moth walk into a bar

Chapter 20 - A Monster Hunter, Magician, Dhampir and Moth walk into a bar

Despite it being a semi-sneak attack, Juniper did not believe that something like this would be enough to deal with this group.

She got proven right when someone rushed in front of Sypha at such a high speed that the moth could only see it as a blur.


Metal meets metal and the spear gets flung aside in a wild spin as Alucard's sword deflects the attack.

Unperturbed by this turn of events, Juniper merely flicks her hand at the spinning spear and causes it to change trajectory in an unnatural fashion as it returned to her grip under the influence of psychokinesis.

Catching the silver glint from the corner of her eyes, Juniper smirks.

'Time to test it out then.' Coating her fist in armament haki, she swings it at the flail like end of the silver chain whip that Trevor swung at her.


Sending the thing crashing into a pillar, Juniper's eyes flash with excitement.

'Haki negates the effect that the holy attribute has on me! FUCKING AWESOME!' Thrilled by the fact that she could swat away THE Morningstar whip, which is a weapon just as deadly against the infernal as it is against the creatures of the night, the moth lightly lands on the ground before charging at her foes with great eagerness.

Only three steps in and she has to tilt her head aside to dodge the icicle aimed at it.

Smashing the following two into smithereens with her armoured fists, she continues her charge.

Meeting her midway is Alucard.

Spear covered in haki, she meets him in a clash that causes sparks to fly with a loud *CLANG!* sound and sends the half-vampire skidding back, her size of easily two meters and T-Virus enhanced body covered in slender but powerful muscles allowed her to outclass the son of Dracula in terms of strength.

Not able to exploit the created opportunity because of an incoming flail from Belmont's whip, she sidesteps the attack.

Only to widen her eyes when an alarm starts ringing in her head.

Spinning around, she bat's the flail away after it had made some nonsensical turn and attacked her from behind.

Not getting any rest, a wave of fire comes her way.

'Fucking magician! Don't use fire in a god damn library!' Letting herself be bathed in the fire, Juniper decides that they need to change location.

"Okay stop! Stop that at once! You wanna burn down all the books in here or what!" She shouts at Sypha who cuts off the stream of flames in surprise.

As the fire dissipates, Juniper glances at the singed ends of her hair before glaring at the speaker girl.

"You of all people should know how precious this place is, don't fucking burn it to the ground." Scowling and pointing at the shocked, confused and embarrassed magician, Juniper gives the spear a spin and rests it against her shoulder.

"How about we switch location, none of us get anything out of the place being destroyed." The moth proposes while turning to look at the two guys of the group.

"Um, well, more than it is already anyways." Alucard mutters before Trevor pips up.

"Hey! This is my home, remember?" He shoots at his half-vampire companion.

Ignoring the Belmont's words, Alucard focuses his attention on the strange creature that so suddenly busted into the room and attacked the three of them.

"Who are you anyway? From what I can tell you must be some kind of demon, if the horns on your head and sulphur stench are anything to go by." Taking the moment of respite, the half-vampire tries to engage the demonic moth in a conversation so that his friends can regroup with him, and of course to gain some information.

"Aye, Juniper is the name, nice to meet ya'll. Am a demon summoned by a bunch of priests that got desperate because of your dad's temper tantrum." The moth casually introduced herself.

She didn't bother to lie, as the three won't be leaving this encounter… alive anyways.

"Of course, it's fucking priests again." Trevor groan's while facepalming.

"The church really isn't living up to its claims these days." Sypha chimes in with a disappointed sigh.

"Hm, so you are not on the side of my father. What is it that those priests wanted from you?" Being somewhat familiar with the proceedings that involve summoning an infernal creature thanks to his upbringing, Alucard asks the moth.

"Quite simple, kill Dracula. In exchange they offered themselves to me." Clacking her mandibles a few times, Juniper turns around before spreading her wings.

"Come on, let's get above ground to continue our fight." She tells them before starting to float up.

"Wait! You are also trying to defeat Dracula, our goals align, can't we just work together?" Sypha calls out.

Looking over her shoulder, the moth raises an eyebrow.

"Sypha, no. We're not working together with a demon." Trevor says resolute.

"He's right, for once. Even if our goals do align, it would be foolish to ally oneself with a demon. Not to mention, the reason she is here in the first place is all the knowledge stored here. We can't let it fall into her hands, who knows what kind of things she'll do with it." Shooting the speaker's idea down, Alucard starts walking towards the stairs.

Squinting at the two boys, Sypha turns back to Juniper.

"You wouldn't just stab us in the back, right?" She asks the moth with a bit of hope in her voice.

Half turning in her ascent, Juniper raises a chitinous claw to one of her horns and taps against it.

"Demon, just in case you forgot already." Watching the magician sigh in disappointment, the moth chuckles amused before landing on the upper floor again and walks towards the broken-down door.

Waiting there for the trio to arrive, she moves in first and then flies up the centre, matching the speed of the others who are using the stairs.

"Hey demon, how did you even get summoned? From what little I know about that kind of thing. It would take a lot more than some desperate priests that decided to dabble in the dark arts to bring something like you into this world." Trevor asks while walking up the stairs, keeping his eyes trained on the casually floating Juniper.

With her legs crossed and half lying in the air, the moth has folded all four arms behind her head when she turned to look at the last heir of the Belmont's.

"Eh? Well, you are somewhat correct. They dug out a book written by a practitioner from their horde of stolen shit and used the method documented within to do the ritual. Normally the best thing that those hypocritic fools could have summoned with that shitty thing they pulled off, is some random low rank fodder. Had that been the case, the summoned creature probably would have killed them all, eaten their souls, and then fucked off again." She begins to chuckle at that thought.

"But they didn't." Sypha states, quite interested in this conversation. It is not every day that one meets a real demon, well, one that could, or is willing, to talk.

"Yeah, instead they had the misfortune of being chosen by me." Rolling around, she now faces the trio while flying as if she laid on her stomach, elbows propped up and hands on her cheeks.

"It was mostly coincidence. I was on the lookout for a weak summoner with no idea what he was doing, been through a few already till I decided to go with theirs. Poor bastards didn't know what hit them." Grinning some more, she then looks at Trevor.

"But that isn't what you are asking. To make things simple, I am a special case. My rank in the hierarchy of demons does not reflect my abilities. This gives me some neat little freedoms." They end their conversation as they arrive at the top of the stairs.

Landing on the ground, the moth takes a step to the staircase leading out, but it is then that she heard something behind her.

"Um, did this painting always… look like… that?" Sypha asks while pointing at the painting of Leon Belmont.

A moment of silence hung in the room.

"It suits him, really brings out the family resemblance." Alucard remarks as all three turn to look at the moth who slowly turned around with an embarrassed smile and scratching her cheek.

"Eee…. Te he, sorry?" She weakly says with a tilt of her head and knuckles against her forehead.