A figure stands amid a landscape of verdant grass, gazing skyward, captivated by the breathtaking expanse above. The sky is painted in a dazzling array of colors, a stunning display that reveals countless stars illuminating the night. As he contemplates this celestial beauty, his mind drifts to the books he has read—works exploring the theories of the cosmos and the mysteries of the universe.
He reflects on the enigma of the universe, a realm filled with obscure forces and shrouded in the void of darkness. This contemplation ignites a profound interest in him regarding the universe and the origins of creation. Motivated by an insatiable curiosity, Jonathan resolves to seek the truth hidden within these mysteries. Known for his relentless pursuit of knowledge, he is driven by a desire to unravel the secrets of existence.
One fateful day, Jonathan finds himself standing in a barren desert landscape where an ancient door looms before him. This door is adorned with intricate symbols from a long-lost civilization, suggesting that it holds the key to answers that humanity has sought since the dawn of time. Although he feels an overwhelming sense of awe in its presence, he struggles to comprehend the meaning behind the cryptic symbols.
Despite his efforts to push the door, it remains immovable, sparking a sense of determination within him. Jonathan realizes that there must be a way to unlock this ancient threshold, a means to access the knowledge and understanding he seeks.
As Jonathan contemplated the means to unlock the ancient doors, he noticed a puzzle containing a sentence with one missing word. It became evident to him that he needed to locate this word somewhere in the world. Unbeknownst to him, the significance of the missing word resided in another dimension. Suddenly, he recalled the existence of a nearby kingdom that might hold the key to uncovering the final word needed to solve the riddle of the ancient door. Without delay, he set off towards the nearest kingdom in search of an answer or a hint that could lead him to this elusive word. During his hurried journey, however, a mysterious voice began to resonate in his ears. This voice, which was neither English nor any recognizable human language, seemed to transcend human logic and comprehension. Accompanying the voice were echoes of long-forgotten melodies that had vanished from the universe eons ago.
As a wave of shock washed over him, Jonathan paused, bewildered, trying to discern the source of this enigmatic voice that persisted in his ears. Despite his frantic searching, he could not pinpoint its origin. Gradually, the voice and the haunting melodies began to fade, leaving Jonathan both relieved and curious about the significance of this unusual experience. He resumed his run toward the kingdom, his mind occupied with thoughts of what the scene might mean.
Upon reaching the kingdom after an arduous journey, Jonathan was utterly exhausted. He approached the entrance gate, where several guards diligently checked incoming guests to ensure safety and order. The atmosphere suggested that the guards were on high alert due to some unspoken concern. Despite the kingdom's evident turmoil, Jonathan pressed forward and approached the gate. However, two guards barred his path, one of whom inquired about his identity, including his name, date of birth, and place of origin.
Jonathan answered all the questions posed by the guard, who then nodded and stepped aside, allowing him to enter the kingdom. As he stepped through the gates, Jonathan was greeted by the sight of numerous residents going about their daily routines without a care in the world. He wandered around the town, taking in the bustling markets, the merchants peddling their goods, and the various travelers and adventurers milling about.
After a while, Jonathan decided it was time to rest and made his way to an inn. Upon entering, he quickly secured a room and ascended to his quarters, where he lay down on the bed. Despite the comfort, his mind was preoccupied with a mysterious voice that had spoken to him earlier in a language beyond human comprehension. He pondered its meaning for about twenty minutes before finally drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
The following day, Jonathan awoke, stretching his body before making his way to the dining area. Upon his arrival, he was struck by the bustling atmosphere; the inn was clearly popular and filled with patrons. Remembering his objective, Jonathan recalled that he needed to engage with the residents to uncover clues about a missing symbol. He noticed a young woman sitting nearby, engrossed in a book titled "Scent of the Messiah," which seemed to contain knowledge relevant to ancient doors or possibly hints related to his quest. Recognizing that she might share a similar purpose, Jonathan saw an opportunity not only to gain insight but also to forge a friendship, as he had often traveled alone. With this intention in mind, he initiated a conversation.
"Hello miss, I saw that you reading that book. I heard that books had a knowledge of the Ancient Door." As Jonathan said. The girl looks at him straight into his eyes and says.
"Oh, yeah it is. I'm trying to solve the puzzles and I don't know where the missing symbol is, even though this book has a hint of the location of the missing symbol. But I cannot understand it!." After she said that she slams her fist to the table. That makes everyone shocks and look at her. Jonathan was shaken too and tried to calm her down.
"Hey hey, calm down miss. Maybe if I help you, we can understand it together. Isn't that a good idea? Besides we had the same goal. To find the missing symbol." The girl finally calm down a little bit and sighed then looked at the floor.
"Yeah, you're right if we work together maybe, MAYBE i or we can understand the hint." She looked at him again and gave her book to him.
"The hint it's on page 120, and it's very complex to understand it. Like someone designed it so that no one can find the missing symbol, I heard a lot of adventurer give up finding the symbol and some die while finding the symbol." She sighed and crossed her hands.
"Oh really? That's unfortunate." Jonathan said, and opened her book then went to page 120. And the hint is actually much more complex than the girl said. And the hint says.
"The concept of Creation is multifaceted, encompassing not a singular reality, but rather a multitude of realities that fracture and dissolve into nothingness; yet, existence persists. Each individual's path is merely a manifestation of their destined future. The framework of Creation can be divided into two factions: The Truth and The Lies. The Truth represents the foundational information that rests upon The Lies, while The Lies exist within the context of The Truth. Creation is suffused with enigma, harboring unknown knowledge and untapped power. The true essence of Creation remains elusive, suggesting its complexity surpasses the comprehension of even the most extraordinary beings. Each reality is associated with an infinite cardinality, exemplified by constructs such as the Berkeley Cardinal, intertwining with mathematical concepts and an endless array of timelines, even such concept of Cantor's Attics with undefined piles of it cannot be comprehended. It is critical to distinguish between 'Reality' and 'The Reality.' The latter constitutes a higher tier within the hierarchy of Creation and is bifurcated into two sections, details of which remain scant and largely unexplored in both contemporary literature and ancient texts. Regarding dimensions, they encompass an infinite spectrum of mathematics, set theory, and a plethora of higher-level cardinal numbers and axioms, including hyper-compact cardinals and intricate concepts of time-space. The magnitude of this diversity is beyond comprehensive description, eluding definitive categorization even within Cantor's Attic. Notably, there exists one dimension that exhibits peculiar properties, characterized by distinct powers and colors, unlike any others. Its unique attributes may stem from symbolic meanings; however, the origins remain a mystery yet to be unraveled."
"The information contained within the Ancient Library remains untouched, with NO ONE having ever entered its confines. The truth, much like lies, permeates the environment around us. Symbols hold a unique significance; they remain constant and intangible, as their essence is as weighty as the universe itself. Only individuals of great power or those designated as the chosen can grasp or wield these symbols. Managing the stability of a symbol requires immense power, as it demands energy to uphold the very fabric of the material utilized in its creation."
Jonathan keeps looking at the hint and try to solve it.
"Hmmm. Yeah, you're right this hint is more complex, but the hint said that there's 1 strange Dimension that different than any of the Dimension. Maybe that is the Hint and location of the symbol!" Jonathan said, he understood a little bit but was still confused, about why the Truth and Lies is mentioned on the Hint. And the girl just nodded because she really didn't understand it.
"I guess so. But how do we go to different Dimension? Isn't that impossible for human beings like us?" She said with confusion on her face.
"I think I heard that if we manage somehow transcend ourselves we can go to a different dimension," Jonathan replied as the girl kept thinking about the hint.
"Well, we don't had knowledge of how to transcend ourselves, maybe if we adventure to another ancient temple. We could find the book that contains the knowledge of transcend." Jonathan said again, and then finally the girl remembered something.
"Wait, I remember something, I heard that there's an ancient temple in Indonesia. I think they called it Candi Borobudur. Maybe there's a book inside of it." She said, Jonathan thinks and then he replied.
"Well then, let's go to Indonesia! But before that what is your name?" He inquired about her name, to which she replied, "My name is Mary Carter." Following her introduction, Jonathan introduced himself as well, and they shook hands, affirming their partnership.
"Let us begin our journey," Jonathan suggested. "However, we should first pack our belongings." Mary Carter nodded in agreement.
"I agree, let's go pack our stuff." Afterward, they went to their respective rooms to pack their belongings. Twenty minutes later, they had completed their packing and reconvened in the dining area.
"Are you ready, Mary?" Jonathan inquired, to which she nodded in affirmation. They then left the inn and made their way to the exit gate to commence their journey.