Chereads / DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 58 - I only need one [Part Three]

Chapter 58 - I only need one [Part Three]

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






This was the result of copying a ghoul's regeneration, even though he didn't know about this change, but that wasn't the only change.

Because, as he stood there looking at them with calm eyes, a light brown spark came out of both of his eyes.

Micael knew that at that moment he had nothing that could give him a chance against the speed of these two, perhaps the full shringam would help, but the recoil was still high for him, making this method ineffective.

So unfortunately his approach would be to rely on a higher healing factor, the problem was that he would basically be a punching bag.

It wasn't to his liking, but he didn't have much of a choice.

And as for the Zone, its purpose, more than helping him in combat, was mainly to reinforce his mind against all the pain he would feel, his tolerance to pain was high but not that much.

Basically, a deterrent for him to develop possible PTSD.

And he finally realized that he would have to use his plan c, with a small adjustment and not as risky, but still risky.

If their relaxed demeanor and complete lack of concern for Grayfia's arrival were any indication, these guys had complete confidence in beating him at that moment, it might be a facade, but it also didn't matter.

So, what was left for him to do was put plan c into practice.

With his mind in a different state, his thoughts becoming scattered and less focused, a single goal seemed to occupy his entire mind leaving the rest empty.

Micael, under the effect of the Zone, returned to the attack without saying anything else.

And in Hector and Francis's vision, the boy moved quickly, but didn't disappear like the other times, catching up and attacking them.


With a thud, Micael's fist hit Francis' forearm covered in Touki's aura, the man just smiled in amusement at that.

With his calm face unchanged and sparks coming out of his eyes, Micael quickly switched to a kick, his foot moving quickly.


With another thump, his foot hitting Francis's leg, which he raised defensively.

Micael then looked to the corner, raising his left arm in defense.


With the audible crack, Micael's arm broke as his body was pushed to the side by Hector's punch.

His feet dragged across the floor until he stopped, looking at Hector silently.

With his fist outstretched, Hector slowly lowered it as he looked at the boy as well, he was sure the boy had realized what he did.

And in fact, Micael knew that that punch could have landed much faster and more unpredictably than that, the white man threw that punch that was easy to defend on purpose.

Micael understood that he was trying to convey the message that resistance was futile, but Micael responded with a simple gesture.


With a snap, his twisted arm instantly snapped back into place and, raising the same arm, Micael exposed his middle finger to them.

Seeing that gesture, Hector laughed lightly. — "Haha, you're really funny, kid, it seems like you haven't lost your fighting spirit yet, but I have good news for you, we won't kill you anymore."

Francis looked at him as he turned his head slightly, he didn't ask because his look spoke for itself.

Hector noticed his gaze and, without taking his eyes off Micael, responded. — "Did you also notice how unusual the abilities demonstrated by the boy are, it is not magic and does not even appear to be a Sacred Gear, It will be better if we capture him and take him back, the high priest will certainly be interested in him. "

"Hmm." — Humming in agreement, Francis turned his gaze to Micael as he spoke with a sigh. — "Sigh, it's a shame, just when I was about to have some fun beating up the brat."

In reaction to Francis's words, Micael raises his other arm and also shows his middle finger.

A big smile exuding fun and mischief appeared on Francis's face seeing how Micael gave them the middle finger with both hands.

Without interest in letting them say anything else, Micael returned to the attack, with a Soru launched himself forward.

Appearing in front of Francis, a punch with tekkai and ripple went towards the man's face.

But Francis effortlessly deflected it with his forearm, causing Micael's fist to hit nothing but air.

And in a counterattack, Francis moved his leg, kneeing Micael in the stomach.


With that thump representing the force of the impact, Micael's legs left the ground when he was lifted, but his mouth remained closed without releasing air.

With his expression unchanged, a spark came out of his eyes as he wore geppo.

Kicking the air as if it were solid, his body quickly rotated as he performed an ax kick.

His heel with Tekkai and Ripple quickly closed in on Francis' head, but the man's smile said it all.

Moving his arm languidly in his own perception, Francis used his forearm to block the attack.


With a thud and a wave of wind, Micael's heel hit Francis' forearm with a huge impact.

Moving the same arm, Francis grabbed Micael's leg and with little effort, swung him toward Hector.

Being rocked like a doll, Micael only had time to raise his arms as a block when Hector's fist hit him.


His arms were broken at the sternum, but that wasn't the only damage because, as he spat out blood, his internal organs were almost crushed by a shock wave.

And with Francis letting go of his leg, he was thrown away again.

Micael rolled on the ground for a moment before placing his hand on the ground, lifting his head, he wiped the blood from his mouth while his bones and organs finished regenerating.

"I thought we were going to capture him, why did you use all that force?" — Francis asked Hector with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm testing his healing ability, this ability he's using should be more efficient than that yellow energy." — Heitor responded relaxedly, with his eyes turned to Micael, studying him. — "No need to worry, it's not like the boy let himself be mortally wounded either."

Micael naturally heard those words but didn't say anything, his mind still focused on his plan, but as it was now these guys seemed wary of letting themselves get hit.

At least that was what it seemed like or they were very confident in that barrier, regardless of the cause, he would still have to create an opportunity.

'I only need one.'

With that thought running through his mind, he used Soru and went back to attacking.

This time appearing in front of Hector, his fist with Tekkai and Ripple heading towards his face.

But the man simply dodged, moving to the side and raising his right arm, now with the sword, he attacked him with a cut.

Micael could only watch helplessly as the sword cut him from the waist to the shoulder, the sound of his flesh being cut along with the tear in his shirt.

And also in his vision the cut was only there for a brief moment before it started to regenerate, but his focus was no longer there.

With his eyes in the corner of his eye, Micael used Kami-e without even seeing the attack.

His body twitched as a gust of wind passed by his side, in his eyes Francis's foot appeared.

Without leaving the opportunity, Micael ripped off his bloody shirt and covered it with Ripple, in a swinging motion, he used it like a whip when attacking Francis.

And the man in question was so surprised by this that he barely reacted when the shirt hit him, his arm moving in a loose defense.

With a snap as it moved through the air, the shirt hit Francis's forearm, but the man remained where he was, his touki flickering as it resisted the impact.

Frowning slightly, Micael wasted no time in changing his strategy and threw the shirt in Francis' face.

Seeing this, Francis just smiled as the shirt covered his field of vision.

And in succession, Micael punched Francis in the stomach, his back changing with Demon Back at one hundred percent and his arm complete with Tekkai and Ripple.

Unaware of the vaguely bulging veins around his eyes, Micael was unaffected by the intense sharp pain in his eyes as he kept an eye out for Hector's possible attack.

But he wasn't stopped, his fist moved until it hit the target.


With a noise that resembled an explosion, his fist hit Francis's stomach, but it didn't have the effect he wanted.

With his fist against his tense belly, Micael saw how the touki's aura flickered irregularly.

Looking up, he saw how Francis took the shirt off his face and looked at him, the smile from before still there.

"You should understand this by now kid, resisting is useless." — Francis spoke and at the end of his words he attacked using his sword, the weapon covered by the touki.

The sound of his flesh being cut and blood splashing appeared before Micael again, the sword passing sideways through his belly, but he wasn't even focused on that.

From the corner of his vision, he saw a foot approaching in a deliberately slow manner, and in response, he could only raise his left arm in defense. 


With his arm broken and the force pushing him, Micael felt the force of the blow hit his head through his own arm, ending up being thrown without resistance.

But reacting quickly as always, his body barely moved a few inches in the air before he used a geppo, projecting himself back at Hector.

Spinning around, Micael executed a kick towards Hector's head.

But the man, as if he wanted to demonstrate the veracity of Francis' words, didn't even bother trying to block him, simply letting the attack hit him.


As if a shot had been fired, Micael's foot hit Hector's cheek in a sharp blow.

But the man only tilted his head as a result, his touki aura flickering as he calmly looked at Micael.

Micael just frowned again at that sight, and as he looked, he was once again unable to react to the attack that came from the side.


His bones were broken once again when he was struck by a heel, and his body was thrown against the ground.

His body collided with the ground as he broke it, but he didn't stay there for more than a second as he returned to the attack, his body rising quickly as he spat into his hand.

With a throwing motion, Ripple's covered saliva flew like a bullet towards Hector, who only raised an eyebrow at the attack.

Without looking at the result of the attack, Micael used Soru and appeared in front of Francis again, with his foot already in the middle of the attack.

In one swift movement, his foot moved between the man's legs, but as if that wasn't enough, his lip twitched as a Ripple-soaked spit was ejected like a bullet from his mouth.

Francis, like Hector, just raised an eyebrow when he saw the nature of the attacks.

With a tilt of his head, Francis effortlessly avoided the spit attack and with the between-the-legs kick attack he just raised one leg quickly and blocked the attack.

And with the thud sound resulting from the collision, Francis used the same foot that blocked the attack to kick Micael's side.

Micael's body moved to the side as if he was going to be thrown again, but he planted his foot firmly on the ground as he restrained himself and returned the attack by kicking again.

But in the midst of his attack, Francis spoke. — "I told you, brat."

Ignoring the man's speech, Micael hit his side, as the man didn't even try to block or dodge.

Indifferent to the attack, Francis continued to speak. — "Resistance is futile."

Ignoring the man again, Micael retracted his leg and kicked it toward his head.

And once again ignoring Micael's attack and allowing it to hit, Francis spoke again. — "Even if you break my aura."

Micael's foot hit the man's neck in the middle of his speech but as before it had no effect, so, retracting his leg he attacked again but with a punch.

And before Micael's punch landed, Francis finished. — "You would still have to break my barrier."

As if by combination, the barrier appeared blocking Micael's punch, his fist hitting the surface where the Ripple spread harmlessly.

And combined with that, a lateral attack came again, but this time it was Francis himself who attacked.

His sword pierced Micael's side as he attacked, but not only that, thanks to the strength he used, Micael was thrown to the side as a result.

And being thrown to the side again, he was once again attacked and thrown to the ground, with Hcitor's kick being the culprit.

Micael barely hit the ground when he got up again and started attacking again, this time towards Hector.

But the man didn't give him a chance as he dodged and counterattacked, sending him back to the ground.

But Micael seemed unfamiliar with the concept of giving up as he got up and attacked again like nothing.

And so the next scene began to repeat itself, Micael attacked, was blocked or dodged or his attacks hit without effect, he was attacked in response and was cut or had his bones broken and thrown to the ground.

It was a ridiculous scene and, to a certain extent, regrettable, but it would only be for those who had no idea about anything, like the two men who attacked Micael.

As if they had lost their patience, right after Micael got up from the ground for the tenth time, Hector and Francis appeared behind and in front of Micael respectively in an instant.

"That's enough." — Hector spoke behind him, and in one quick movement his sword pierced Micael's neck and with Francis in front, piercing the corner of his abdomen.

And with a swift movement from both men, the swords were drawn, cutting through everything in their path.

During that brief moment, the visible scene was of Micael nearly split and severed, with only small pieces of his flesh serving as ligaments between the separated parts of his body.

And during that brief moment, with that scene, it could be said that Micael "died".

But that act seemed to be an attempt by the two men to make Micael finally give up, but they didn't know that this was the moment he was trying to create.


With this thought vaguely passing through his mind, Micael punched his right fist as his body regenerated.

His fist moved towards Francis' face, the man in question completely unresponsive, completely confident that this was just another attack like the others.

Well, it wasn't.

With Demon Back at full strength, Tekkai and Ripple, the fist moved towards its target, coming within a few centimeters and when it reached that mark, said fist lit up in an orange aura.

'First comes the stone.'

Micael noticed how the indifferent Francis's eyes slowly widened in reaction, but he was mistaken if he thought that was all.

With the bulging veins in his eyes becoming even more pronounced, a sharp pain, greater than he had ever felt before, enveloped Micael's eyes as they began to bleed.

Then, with his fist almost touching his skin, he spoke the attack that would end the fight.

"Flash Negro." ("Black Flash.")

Amidst the electricity, muttered in a calm tone, the black rays of the familiar technique appeared crackling in the air and releasing its sound.

Micael watched with complete satisfaction as his fist practically crushed the touki's aura and that barrier as it hit Francis' face.

He wasn't a sadistic guy, but Micael admitted that he was very happy to feel the sensation of his fist crushing a human skull.

And with an explosion and a sonic boom that spread with a strong gust of wind, Francis was thrown across the street, colliding with the wall of a house.






