Chereads / Laughing rabbit / Chapter 3 - Start of it all

Chapter 3 - Start of it all

I got used to changing my name every game, this game will be no different. I need to come up with a good name for this time period.

10 minutes passed …

August is a good enough name. I hope they don't laugh at me again when I tell them what I named myself.

I guess I'll make a shelter for now since I don't want to meet people right now because this world does have a problem of plagues. After 30 minutes has passed August made a simple small wooden hut with the resources he found in the forest. After he made his hut he looked for a strong sturdy stick. When he found it he practiced for a bit his swordsmanship since that was an easy thing to get used too. He then went to gather food . This forest was nice since the air was not polluted and there was an abundance of vegetation.

I'll need a plan on how I'm going to stop the wars and plagues of this world. I guess I should train to be the strongest or until I reach 17 since people won't just follow what a child has to say much less listen to what I say. First I'll recite the levels of swordsmanship on the ground so I don't forget.

August said the following to himself

1. First is a complete beginner that only knows how to swing the sword a bit.

2. This is the second level of swordsmanship in which the swordsman can freely use thier body however they want.

3. This level is an intermediate swordsman. This level requires a lot of meditation in order to begin using aura. The user can only use a little aura before running out

4. The only difference between this and intermediate is the user can use 5 times more aura then before. The user has to put themselves in a life and death situation for this.

5 . This is the advanced level of swordsmanship where the user has to kill 100 things that are stronger than them. This will result in them being able to be stronger than 700 intermediate swordsman and be able to use 60 times more aura then before.

6. This is reaching the peak of swordsmanship. The body is cleaned in this step. In order to reach this step you have to be able to kill 100 things stronger than yourself at once. At this point you can cut small mountain ranges effortlessly.

7. This can be considered the peak of swordsmanship. To reach this you have to defeat 20 swordsmans that are close to reaching the peak at once. You also have to abandon your sword. Once you reach this step you don't need a sword instead the sword needs you. Without the sword you can swing and cause a massive earthquake able to destroy country's. Anything you hold is a weapon of mass destruction.

8. This is the true peak. There is no definite way to reach this level. It can be defeating hundreds of others stronger then you or meditation, it can even be dying. But once you reach this level you will know. At this point you can go toe to toe with the strongest gods and kill minor gods easily. You can cut space at will allowing you to teleport effortlessly without using magic. You are now the nightmare of gods they detest you and try to stop you at all costs, but what matters most is you are the creature they are fear the most. Be proud of yourself for you are the fear of the universe and above all the living or dead. I guess the only bad thing about this level is you could lose everything .

I could realistically reach the 3rd level of swordsmanship in two years since that does not involve fighting and reach the 5th level in 7 years. But It can take hundreds of years before I reach the 8th level. I'll put it in the back of my head for now and just focus on my training.

Two years passed of my transmigration and I reached the third level without much effort since all I did was wake up and train then eat then train again and go to sleep. I should be 13 years old I guess? Keeping track of time is too tedious to do. After reaching the third level my objective now is to find a town or any signs of civilization. I'll just walk straight ahead and I should eventually find something.

August traveled for two weeks through the treacherous forest. At least the scenery was nice enough for him to enjoy. It was also nice how he seemed okay with no one else around, no one to talk too, and no one to comfort him. After two weeks he found he heard screams for help. He approached carefully with his guard up. Then he saw it, a man was being attacked by a massive creature, it looked similar to a bear. With a calm breath he leaped forwards with no fear in him , towards the creature that was twice his height. He stabbed it in its eye with his right hand, he knew the wooden sword he used to practice would prove to be ineffective since it would break immediately so he abandoned it. The creature started to yell out in pain and swung its claw at August. It managed to slash his chest which left August in pain. August asked the man that was paralyzed in fear if he had a sword he could borrow. The man still shook, swiftly went to his carriage and took out a sword and tossed it.

Finally, finally, finally!

A sword. It's been years!

August took a deep breath then went straight for the creatures blind side and slashed its neck.

Shit, it's too shallow!

The creature quickly turned arround and was about to swing at August but was too slow. August managed to jump up and attack again. This time the slash was not shallow, August fell alongside the creature.

The man thanked August and immediately began treating his wounds.

My name is David, what's yours young man? The man said .

It's August.

That's a nice name. Thank you for saving me, August. I thought I was never going to see my family again.

No thank you , it's been a while since I held a sword. Do you mind if I keep it?

How can I refuse my savior. I would be evil would I not David said with a smile

By the way is there any towns by here I could go too? August asked hoping he would say yes

Yes, yes there is a town you could go too. I'm actually going there right not. If you don't mind why not come with me. I'll show you around and treat you to a meal.

August of course accepted his offer with excitement and thus they began traveling together through the forest.

It was finally nice to have someone to talk too August thought to himself.

Apparently it will take them about a full day to travel too town. So they picked up the pace in order to avoid the night.

August made himself useful by killing small animals in order to sell them. His movements were more limited since he was injured, but that didn't stop him. He finally has a sword in his hands.

After a day a day of traveling they finally made it to town. It didnt seem like a small town like August imagined.

A huge brick wall that was as tall as a five story building stood in front of them. It looked like a work of art by how clean and prestigious it looked.

It's nice, ain't it? The town is called Auterria. David said with a smile

It does look nice. August said to him, followed by him asking David to show him around.

Why don't we get a meal first August. I'll introduce you to my family. I got a daughter around your age I think you may hit it off together. Who knows? David said with a cheeky smile.

August was embarrassed by this remark and obviously was against it since we was mentally already an adult. But he still followed David to his home, after all he was starting to feel hungry.

After a few minutes of walking they made it. The walk was nice to August since he got to see a bit of town. He got to see a lot of food stalls with everyone seeming to have the time of their lives with no care in the world. It was refreshing to see. Although the food stalls looked nice it just made him more hungry.

David's house was located more in the center of town. It was a nice area, but not too nice. David welcomed him inside and then introduced him to his family.

This is my beautiful wife, Gianna

Gianna had bright blue eyes unlike David dark brown eyes. She also had very dark black hair with a pale complexion. She greeted August and apologized if her husband caused him any trouble. August reassured her that her husband was of no trouble and that he was a nice person.

Behind Gianna, stood a girl with the same eyes as her mother and brown hair like her father. She appeared to be a bit taller then August. After her mother's introduction she stepped forward.

My names, Maria!. What's yours?

It's, August

August thought to himself and was thinking how she seemed like she'll be a handfull.

As she just said her name is Maria, and she is my daughter. She's thirteen, you two look about the same age so you should be able to get along.

Why don't I get dinner started. Get to know each other meanwhile I cook you up something delicious. Gianna said

And so August began making small talk with Maria but didn't know what a thirteen year old will like so he was a bit lost on what to talk about. She kept staring at his sword.

Do you like swords? August asked.