Chereads / Apocalypse Queen and Her Commanders / Chapter 8 - Patient Zero

Chapter 8 - Patient Zero

With a total of 10 people saved from chains and 3 in my group I decide it is best to take the three cars the thugs came out of. Finn comes me and three others while Xander and Sawyer each take a full car.

The road has been cleared by the dead criminals so we all have an easy ride into Mountain City. The trip is short. The same distance would have taken hours on foot. We are lucky enough to get into the city before nightfall.

Mountain City is considered a small scale city. Barely a city at all for most people, but residents would take pride in the old historic sites that were at the centre of the modern metropolis. However the glistening glass towers are now shattered and abandoned. Stores have been looted. The normally well preserved historic sites now look like they've been through a war.

Signs of battle are everywhere. Used bullets, dead soldiers, and military vehicles that were clearly ditched in a hurry.

Weaving through is tight but we manage to get a few blocks in, finding a secure place to spend the night. An empty police station that has already been cleared of supplies. With excess metal in my inventory and many people to keep safe I decide to set up [Perimeter] for the first time.

A light glows and energy begins to drain from me as metal gets reshaped into a chain link fence. It forms around the entire station with my energy level dropping to 50 due to the size.

With the fence set up and drones securing the perimeter everyone feels a lot safer.

I head inside and see that others have taken the liberty of making food or setting up beds. The idea of a full stomach and a good nights rest must have been hard to get when treated as nothing more than a commodity.

Finn is sitting with Xander, eating a bowl of noodles with a smile on his face. The sight of him happily stuffing himself makes my heart warm. However I don't see Sawyer with them.

Looking around, I find Sawyer is nowhere to be found. I ask a few people and no one can tell me where he went off to.

I wander and eventually find the staircase that leads upstairs. Making my way up, I see Sawyer sitting at the top.

"So that's where you were."

He doesn't look up and continues to stare at the notebook in his hand. It is worn and bloody but he is reading the words so intently. Instead of keeping it to himself he starts reading out loud.

"We've had reports coming in all morning of violent attacks. It started at the local hospital, a nurse got scratched by a sick patient. After she was sent home it was only a few hours before we got the first civilian report. The nurse, who usually is very friendly with a calm temperament, suddenly began attacking the people on the street. Witnesses claimed she looked pale and suddenly collapsed on the sidewalk. When people tried to help the unconscious woman, she supposedly regained consciousness and started eating them. Bystanders tried to stop her but were only injured or killed in return. Officers had to gun down the nurse. Only a head shot stopped her. The injured were treated on site, however less than an hour later floods of calls came in. The dead bodies on the street and the wounded all turned into violent killing machines. The army has sent higher ups to try to contain the problem. We await further instructions."

Sawyer is quiet for a second before taking a deep breath, turning the page, and reading the next section.

"The station has been placed on lock-down and the entire city is quarantined. The infected are extremely resilient and do not feel pain. Some have even mutated to become even larger threats. I've seen some that are 3 meters tall and look like they are on steroids. Others have rope like tongues or spit strong acid from their mouths. I overheard one of the soldiers saying that the blockade out of the city is breached. There is no stopping it now. All we can do is run away and pray to survive."

It takes a second for the information to set in. No wonder outside looks like it went through a war, because it did. This was where Patient Zero came from. Sawyer shuts the book and chucks it at me before silently walking downstairs.

I get up and decide to take a look around the second floor in hopes of finding anything that may have been left behind. Something the military forgot in haste or that looters ignored for being lack of usefulness.

Desks have been rummaged through and supply closets are stripped clean. Papers are scattered all over the floor. Some have mug shots, others are clearly case files that have been thrown aside after bigger problems emerged.

It's only when I get to the Captain's office that I find what I'm looking for. It's a notebook similar to the one Sawyer found only this one is older, clearly well used for many years.

Flipping through, I finally see that dates I want in the last handful of pages. Reading through the chilling words gives me goosebumps.

"The entire city has been taken over by some goddamn classified military unit. I'm confined to my office and they have taken full command of my force. Telling me to stay put because I'm old is no way to treat a Captain! I watch out the window and see their 'Elite' units getting ripped apart. The idiots aren't just killing the creatures either. I've seen them dragging a few of those bastards in alive. They were caged and chained, but alive. The call of some big shot scientist I'm sure. Those ass-holes are going to get us all killed."

There are a few pages of complaining and speculation, but the last one has only a few lines.

"They're transporting the specimens to that lab in the mountains. Apparently there is going to be a base there for survivors so they're dragging us along too. Better than staying in this ruined city. I pray we make it."

They captured zombies alive. For research. The scientist in me is highly interested, but every other instinct is screaming that it is wrong and dangerous.

I stuff the book in my inventory and head back towards the stairs just in time to run into Xander.

He has a concerned look on his face while he climbs the stairs lost in thought. He is so distracted that he collides with me before snapping out of it.

My stats mean I don't get knocked down and Xander rubs his chest where my body made contact with his.

I can't help but chuckle and tease him a bit.

"I may be small but I'm not invisible you know. Toughen up and pay attention, or next time I'll knock you on your ass."

He tries to smile however it is clearly forced.

"Sorry, just got a lot on my mind."

There is no reaction to my teasing comment, just an apology. Something is off with him.

"What's wrong Xander? I've never seen you like this....."

He lets out a sigh.

"The kid was asking me some weird things. I didn't know how to answer some of them and when I tried it felt like he..... disapproved."

Weird questions?

"What kinds of things?"

Xander puts a hand over his eyes and I can tell he feels odd telling me.

"It started normal. He asked me about you. I'm guessing he wants to know his new Mom. But after that it was who me and Sawyer were. That turned into where you picked weaklings like us and what our intentions were with you. It got even weirder when he asked if we were trophy husbands. Where did the kid even learn that?"

At that point I burst out laughing.

The young boy, no more than 7 years old, is interrogating my suitors.

"Don't laugh Ama! I don't mind the kid warding off other men but why does he have to insult me? Sawyer may be weak but I'm not. What trophy husband bullshit? Like I'm not worthy to be with you."

His frustration makes me laugh more. I can barely breath but am able to squeeze out some comforting words.

"He's just a child Xander. Besides, I choose who is worthy of being with me. Him being protective is cute and you should be glad he isn't a competitor."

Xander looks at me and opens his eyes wide at my comment.

"You're right. I will turn him into an ally against the competition. The next enemy will be fierce."

Without waiting for me to respond he gives me a kiss and walks back downstairs, I follow close behind.

Finn runs up and hugs me as soon as he sees me so I bend down to get at eye level. His face is brighter after just one meal and any signs of anxiety he had with me are gone.

"You seem a lot better. Did you eat and drink enough? I can always get you more."

He smiles brightly and responds.

"I ate enough. Brother Xander's food was good. I wish you ate with us though. Maybe then brother wouldn't be so distracted."

I glance over at the boys when I hear this.

"Distracted? Were the boys ignoring you?"

Finn lets out a small huff.

"Brother Xander kept waiting for you and got all depressed when you passed by us. You weren't gone for that long, why does he have to act like a sad dog? Even I waited patiently for you. Mom is an important person. He needs to act like a man to deserve you!"

I do my best to hold back my laughter but I fail miserably.

There were many times I have thought the boys were similar to clingy pups, however hearing it from a child is too much.

Sawyer laughs along for a bit until Xander shoots him a grim reminder.

"The kid is going to do the same to you Gamer Boy. At least I have strength, your tiny arms can't even fight."

The two start bickering which causes Finn to roll his eyes.

"See what I mean? They're children! I'm going to find someone much better to be my Dad."

The funniest part is how deadly serious he is.

"Okay sweetie. However it might be easier to try to turn one of the fools into father material. Much better than some stranger, right?"

Finn's face distorts as he takes what I said and goes into deep thought. It's like a debate is going on in his head.

After a few minutes he seems to have made a decision. He looks over at the Xander and Sawyer, interrupting their bickering and stating his position clearly.

"Just cause I accept this for now doesn't mean it's over! As long as you don't hurt my Mom I'll give you time. Become worthy quickly or I will find a Dad who is!"

The men look at the child with determination in their eyes. Guess Finn is motivating them.

I keep my laughter inside this time but the cuteness is overwhelming so I can't stop the smile that is large enough to make my cheeks hurt.

With that settled I sit down and eat some of the food that has been cooked for me. It's not hot anymore but still lukewarm. Enough for it to still be appetizing.

Just as I finish I hear the alarm going off.

[Zombies approaching the perimeter. Assault drones ready.]

I'm about to ignore it and let my drones deal with it when another alarm sounds.

[Warning! Advanced zombies detected. Perimeter strength insufficient. Please engage.]

"Damn it."

I choke down the last bites of dinner and quickly grab the daggers from their sheaths on my thighs.

The sound of shooting bullets will draw more so I opt for the quiet option.

Finn is the first to notice my change and fear grips him. His small body is shaking so I look over at Xander and give instructions.

"There are enemies outside I have to take care of."

I take the pistols out of the holster and hand one to Sawyer and one to Xander.

"There are bullets in there in the small case one comes in from a higher level or gets past me. Some advanced zombies are good climbers so stay sharp! I'll be back."

They try to stop me, Finn even grabs my hand and begs me not to go.

I crouch down and look him in the eyes.

"Finn, there are strong zombies out there that will break through our defences. I don't have a choice but to fight to keep you safe. My drones aren't enough. They need me on the front line. Nighttime is when they're stronger so I need you to stay safe and trust me to come back. Can you do that?"

He reluctantly nods, slowly letting my hand go and grabbing onto Xander. He must feel safer with the muscular figure of Xander.

I rush out of the station just in time to see the zombies starting to attack the fence.