Now, as Sebastian was thrown onto the cold stone floor and the door to the cell was slammed shut behind him, it all finally sank in. He was going to be here for the next half-decade. And there was no one to talk to, no one else in the cell, leaving him to drown in his thoughts. It was dark and musty and frigid, and there had been multiple rumors that people who stayed down in this dungeon would not take long before reaching a point of insanity.
At that moment, it too occurred to Sebastian that if he were in prison, he wouldn't be able to marry ; which meant that not only was he doomed, but he had killed his best friend over a small feeling in his heart.
Sebastian shifted up against the wall, curling up as he wrapped his arms around his knees, and began to cry. And as if on queue, the sky let down its tears and everyone in the prison could hear the sound of raindrops through the little barred window above their cells.