Chereads / Lordly Ones: Scaled Lord Of Strife / Chapter 2 - Giant's Trilogy Part 2: Giant's Eye

Chapter 2 - Giant's Trilogy Part 2: Giant's Eye

||Tenebaras|| [In the farthest corners of the universe, there lies a vast and sprawling subspace that is shrouded in an eerie and unsettling darkness. This dark and foreboding forest is filled with an endless expanse of twisted, gnarled trees, and dense foliage, creating a maze-like labyrinth that is difficult to navigate. The creatures that inhabit this forest have been mutated by a strange and ominous combination of energies that corrupt the very essence of their being, causing their soul to shatter or wither away to nothingness. It is a place of overwhelming horror, where every step brings with it the risk of encountering one of the many terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows.]

As he stood on the colossal hand of the savage giant, he suddenly became aware of the perilous position he was in. The mere thought of the giant's strength was enough to send shivers down his spine. He realized that the giant could crush him effortlessly with just a flick of his wrist, and even his remarkable ability to regenerate may not be enough to save him from such a devastating blow. The sheer size and power of the giant were overwhelming, leaving him feeling helpless and vulnerable.

'Foolish meal, it plans to beat me by dancing on the palm of my hands??'

The giant threw Dentrivix up aggressively, the very force of the throw shattered his bones nearly, knocking him unconscious, his only saving grace was the incredible regeneration that had passively regenerated him as he streaked through the air like a human cannon.

But before he could even recover from the throw, the giant's fist appeared above him, rushing towards his broken body with menacing intent, Dentrivix crossed his arms above his face hoping to negate some damage but his attempt was without fruit. The attack connected with his body, turning his arms to mush, then turning his lower and upper body to a bloody paste, his body however regenerated immeadently saving him from the cold embrace of death.

'How the fuck do I even beat this guy?!?!" Dentrivix streaked through the air like a comet, hitting the ground with incredible force, shattering the ground under him like glass. The attack threw up a plume of mushroom-like dirt, debris fell from the sky like summer rain.

'Maybe, just maybe this might work' Dentrivix clinging to the hope that what he was about to do would work, potentially bringing him out of this horrible situation. As the cogs in his head spun a 'giant' fist appeared above him once again, rushing towards him like a nuclear missile.

Dentrivix managed to somewhat stand up and raise his fist in time and threw his arm at the giant's fist the force of the collision would've blown his arm apart however he had prepared for this and boosted his healing factor to the limit in hopes of forcing the giant in a standstill and it worked like a charm.

Before the damage could even reach his wrist the damage had already healed, stopping the giant's momentum and effectively diverting the attack. Dentrivix knew that if the giant started pressing on him he would be turned into some sort of bloody soup and quickly decided to move.

Dentrivix dashed back and squatted low before shooting off the ground with incredible force, Dentrivix landed on the giant's wrist and quickly ran up it, Aiming to enact his malicious plan and cause immense pain upon the bloodthirsty giant before him.

The giant felt revolted seeing the little man run across his arm like a track field a wave of anger flew off him as he cocked his arm back and brought it down upon the boy like heavenly judgment, Dentrivix looking up at the giant palm that cast a shadow above him felt a weird excitement bubbling up within him, a small smirk growing on his face as he looked up at the towering creature.

"Here it comes..." Dentrivix's sprint came to a stop, replaced by a low squat. Pressing his feet against the giant's arm he shot himself off the giant's arm slipping in between the cracks between the giant's fingers, a sense of elation and relief coursed through him as he looked down at the arm below him and the unsightly look on the giant's face.

"You stupid rat stop running and let me devour you!!!" A cacophony of rage and disgust spilled from the giant's mouth as it threw a rage-fueled fist towards who grabbed onto the giant's knuckles and pushed him off them, throwing himself on the giant's wrist and dashing along its arm, boisterous laughter ringing out from the small child running along the behemoths arm.

'Hahahahaha! Come chase me now you stupid oaf!!" Dentrivix looked on at the giant's rage-filled face happily, smiling all the way, feeling gleeful at the giant's unsightly expression.

"Hey 445 dude, I think you missed me, might wanna try again, hahahahahaha!!!" Dentrivix continued his mad dash while laughing and taunting the behemoth enraging it even further than what was humanly thought possible. 

Suddenly Dentrivix felt weightless as if he was flying, however, he soon learned that he was not flying but more like being shot through the air like a mini-missile. Dentrivix streaked through the air like a comet, screaming along the way as he flew back to the ground, a large, unavoidable fist greeting him on his way down.

'Oh shit....' The giant's large fist appeared below him once again, ready to mangle him into oblivion. Dentrivix, seeing the giant blur ripping through the air like a slightly oversized bullet rushed to figure out just how to evade this one.

The giant fist was gaining on him, within less than a second it would reach him, and he would be mangled to oblivion which would be quite the gory scene, a situation he wasn't sure even his regeneration would get him out of.

Gears were spinning in his head and cogs were turning but it seemed futile as the fist was only a meter or so away from him, faced by the possibility of incredible pain, followed by the cold embrace of death a plan quickly formulated within his head and he was ready to enact said plan.

The large fist rushing towards him was slanted, and this was the basis of his plan, He would flip himself in a way so that his legs would land on the base of the giant's hand, the space before his knuckles and he would try to spin himself so that his body pointed towards the giant's shoulder and he would run across its arms.

He tried it, hoping that it would work and he would quickly manage to enact the malicious plan he had been trying to use for a while now, however, things did not work so well mid flipped the giant and shifted his fists position, he wouldn't be able to hit his upper body due as it was difficult to change the one's course when you reached the speed the fist was going, however, the attack still managed to clip his legs, blowing them off completely from the knee and a bit up.

"Aughhh" A pained grunt left the boy's mouth as he struggled to contain the searing pain that ran through his mangled legs or not-so legs, hahahahahaha! didn't laugh? well, whatever I thought It was funny.

The attack tilted Dentrivix's body leaving him completely open to another punch from the giant however the small size of the boy and the fact that he was quickly falling to the ground made it miss its attack.

Dentrivix's legs had just regenerated as he fell from the sky before his legs were damaged again, caught in the giant's grasp he was unable to move at all, completely helpless to the mercy of the blood-thirsty giant.

"DIE!!!" The giant yelled aiming to throw the boy into his mouth to devour him whole however his aim was slightly off and the boy was thrown into the giant's eye at breakneck speed, digging into the ocular organ like a shovel does dirt.

"What the fu-" He was unable to finish his sentence as the giant instinctively clutched his eye pushing Dentrivix even further into his eyes, Dentrivix let out a muffled scream as his legs were once again turned into mush and bloody paste.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" The giant let off an ear-piercing wail that deafened the world, setting silence upon the world, the dark sky illuminated solely by a large crimson moon hanging in the sky, looking down upon everything haughtily. 

The world, set ablaze with the crimson light of the moon seemed to add to the horror that was the scream let off by the giant, pain, and anguish evident in its tone.

'How did I manage to involuntarily execute my plan?" Dentrivix continued. 'Well at least I was able to enact the plan, that's all that matters' Dentrivix began to swim through the giant's eyes, streams of blood tears streamed from the ocular organ, painting the giant's face crimson.

"Please get out, I will leave you alone if you do, please" Despite the searing pain that burned at his face the giant managed to speak quietly, all in an attempt to stop get the boy out of his eyes, to stop the pain that made these past few seconds hell.

"Please get out, I'm sorry, so sorry!!" The giant started to cry while screaming its lungs out, begging the human to leave it alone. The giant soon fell to its knees, hot tears mixing with the crimson liquid that streamed from its eyes.

"Pleashe, Phleashe, Phleashe, Plhease!!" The giant began thrashing around, throwing its arms around, jumping and rolling across the ground hoping with all its might that the pain would go away.

"I'm shehorry, Shehorry shehorry, shehorry!!!"The begging soon turned into an incoherent cacophony of pain, sorrow, and longing for a pain-free world.

The giant felt understanding that the god-forsaken creature of pure evil digging through its eyes wouldn't stop until it ceased, screamed louder aiming to burst the boy's eardrums in hopes to send a final fuck you to the devilish creature traversing its eyes however its vocal cords soon snapped.

Unable to voice its hate, rage, and anguish any longer, tormented by pain no one should ever experience it felt a snap within it, no it was as if something had been unlocked, it was as if a cog had finally spun into place, it was like a final puzzle piece being placed, and with it came a sense of serenity and peace like no other.

The giant knew what to do, it understood how it would end both its suffering and the cause of its suffering life and thus it acted, executing its attack. It was a final fuck you to the despicable creature ravishing its body.

Everything went silent, time froze for everything roaming Tenebaras and finally, the attack was released.

An emerald-green energy like no other erupted from the giant's body, a wave of immolating green energy spreading in all directions, uprooting trees, throwing up dirt and rocks into the sky however the debris was all quickly turned into ash which was even further reduced into smaller particles.

And just like that, the giant's story came to an end, It was put out of its misery, Its life ironically extinguished extinguished both by the one it pleaded for forgiveness to and not at the same time.


Let us give the giant the respect it deserves and give it a moment of silence.



R.I.P Giant, I will forever miss u bro-From author dude.