The neon lights of Decapolis blurred into streaks of color as Itachi Yaiba drove the sports hover car through the streets.
He hadn't intended to keep the modified car of the two Warmongers that had met their ends chasing Ezra Matten but he had to admit that he had taken a liking to it. It was like a beast he had to tame. A beast ready to pounce at the slightest touch of the accelerator. It was… thrilling.
While Decapolis, the ten cities merged into one, was always a beautiful sight, his attention was on how he'd present his report. Well, he'd just speak his mind as he'd always done.
He turned a corner, taking the road leading away from the Ark. It wasn't his destination anyways. While most elders could be found at the seat of the council and the center of the Vampire Society's power, the person he was going to meet could be found anywhere but there.