Chereads / My Vampire Harem: These Bitches Won't Leave Me Alone / Chapter 56 - Horizontal Training (18+)

Chapter 56 - Horizontal Training (18+)

"Really?" Olivia raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Do tell."

Ezra stared at her. "You know.... horizontal tango... vitality thrustation." Ezra wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

Olivia kept staring blankly.

Really? Does she really not know what I'm talking about? "Dual cultivation." Ezra stated flatly. "Sex." He watched as realisation dawned on Olivia.

"I- I knew that." She stuttered. "I was just about to bring that up."

"Sure you were." Ezra grinned skeptically. "In fact, wasn't I turned because you needed vitality? And you haven't even brought it up once."

"I was busy." She looked away.

"You know, I have a theory." Ezra walked slowly towards Olivia. "Correct me if I'm wrong but... I think you're a virgin."

"W- what?" Olivia's voice rang out. "Why would you think that?" She looked away.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: