Chereads / My Vampire Harem: These Bitches Won't Leave Me Alone / Chapter 37 - The Accidental Prince

Chapter 37 - The Accidental Prince

First city slept like a weary traveler in the night. Ezra lounged on the couch, a smile playing on his lips as the TV flickered in front of him. Life's good.

The comfort of the penthouse was a welcome contrast to the chaos and danger of the past day.

He glanced over as the door clicked open and Olivia walked in, wearing a turtleneck sweater under a long coat. She looked elegant and composed, her presence adding a sense of calm to the room.

"Hey, Olivia," he greeted her warmly. "Welcome home."

"Hey," Olivia responded, her eyes scanning the room. "Where's Gen?"

From her bedroom, Gen's voice floated out. "I'm in here!" A moment later, she came out, wrapped in a towel, her hair damp from a recent shower.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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