Max laid down in the bed of his new home as he dosent know how but rawfire was able to convince the principle that staying at their place would be fine but he didnt care after all the things that happened with Mrs Ripeth he just wanted to sleep but before he did that he decided that he might as well look at how his stats look
Name: Max Sault
Level: 4
Hp: 250/250
Mana: 210/210
Race: ???, Newborn Dragon
Title: none
Hp: 15
Strength: 16
Mana: 11
Agility: 11
intelligence: 11
Charisma: 11
Sense: 11
{???? level: 1} {??????????? level: 1} {Endurance level: 1} {Transformation level: Max}{Snow Storm level: 1}{Enhanced Sense level: max}{Dragons Breath (ice) level: 1}{Hardening level: 1}{Cold Resistance level: 1}{Summon (Dragon) level 1}
{Quests} {Inventory} {Crafting}
While looking at his menu Max noticed that he couldn't see descriptions of skills and he has 3 more buttons deciding to see what each did he decided to click on Quests he got a memory he hated
{Quest 1 Survive completion requirements: kill the enemy}
seeing that Max just looked at it noticing the survive option was gone being to tired to continue max just fell asleep hoping that tomorrow would be a good day "the hell am i" Max said falling asleep
Adlara Valrieth
string all around me trapped unable to move my body the string wrapping around me trying to tear at me not wanting me to move the same place i see every night every time i look at my soul i am trapped then i see a man walk out of the shadow a face i have seen so many times
"you bastard child what do you and your brother even strive for you really think you could get any where a good for nothing hybrid" 'slap' the sound reverberated around in the darkness as he continued just to look at me
unable to even fight back all i could was just stare at him trapped because of my own magic "oh you poor stupid child who ever thought a human and elf hybrid could ever become something great you will become just like your mother dead in a ditch in a no where town" a woman came from behind and started mocking me
i tried to struggle i tried to break out of the string shinning a fragment of light form my hand but no being able to fight back just forced to sit there and cry and be attacked for just being born i stared at the man my father the child of an affair between a royal elf and a human woman no one knew or ever found after me and my brother birth
crying i just pulled and struggled not caring for myself i just kept trying to get out trying to use light to break out struggling until i just give up and cry and just stay there unable to do anything but cry until i feel warmth start to wrap around me and hold me
i shot up to see rey just holding me "you ok babe?" just staying there for a bit just holding each other i just stared blankly not wanting to let go of him his warmth his smell everything just holding on feeling like if i let go i will go back to that place that world where I'm unable to do anything
"yea i am i guess lets get ready for school" i said getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom to get ready "no matter what school is your top priority isn't" Rey said as he started to cook breakfast
after i got out of the shower and got ready and went to the kitchen and i just saw Rey and my brother just sitting and eating Rey turned when he heard the door open and said "hello how you feeling now?" "fine just tired now" i said as i say down next to rey with him placing his hand on my back and feeling it get freezing cold "ah asshole dont do that" i yelled throwing water on him "ha ha CHILL OUT babe" rey said while laughing his ass off
i heard a snort as i looked behind him to see my brother trying to hold his stoic personality while looking like he was about to explode "god i hate you both" i just said as i started to eat my food hearing footsteps coming into the kitchen from his room i saw max walk out and said "hey um what happened?" he said walking out to rey covered in water me with a patch of my uniform frozen and my brother trying not to explode
"she cant handle how CHILL i am" rey said as he walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder "ok?" max replied i felt like exploding after seeing his face as max just stood there so stupid confused with max just standing there "you good?" max said noticing rey just staring at him "yea lets just get to class" rey said grabbing a bag and getting book for the classes "ok we should class going to start in a bit" rawfire said getting up