Chereads / Lustful Conquest Reborn / Chapter 3 - The Athirus Tournament Pt. II

Chapter 3 - The Athirus Tournament Pt. II

Days go by as the tournament continued and I have been winning each of my battles with flying colors, making a name for myself within the kingdom. I had even started earnings a few fans and respect amongst a few knights that joined the tournament, but Azusa still wasn't impressed. If anything, she disliked me more because of the fame I acquired from the tournament.

Takesi sat in the waiting room, wrapping his arms in white bandages and preparing himself to take me on in the finals. As he got ready, Azusa walked into the room to see if he was ready.

"Takesi...Are you ready for you battle against Ryoma?" She asked, her voice filled with concern, hoping he was ready for the battle.

"As ready as I can be, but I am concerned. He hasn't shown his true strength. He's been holding back this entire tournament. I don't know where to gauge him," Takesi said as he grabbed his sword. He stood up then walked toward the door. "But I won't hold back, I'm not to be underestimated. He will know that."

Azusa watched Takesi, a smile curling upon her lips. Although she was still worried about Takesi, she had complete faith in his combat abilities as he's her Advisor. She knew his strengths, hoping his skills would be enough to take me down.

I sat in my waiting room, meditating until I heard someone enter the room. I opened my eyes, my gaze turning toward the maid who entered.

"Sir Ryoma, your match is about to begin. Please head to the battlefield." The maid said, bowing toward me.

I smiled, standing up and softly grunting as I stood up. "Alright, I'll be there shortly."

The maid nodded then made her way out the waiting room.

I grabbed my sword then stared at it, closing my eyes. 'This is it. The final match before I have my chance in taking Azusa's hand in marriage. Takesi is pretty strong, but I know I can beat him..'

I made my way out the room with a confident smile and a goal of winning this battle. I already had a game plan for Takesi, one he wasn't going to expect.


"Alright people of Athirus! Are you ready for the final match of the tournament?! I surely am pumped because this one is huge! This match will be between Queen Azusa's Advisor, Takesi Ioda, and the man from Eyica, Ryoma Miyazaki! Mmm!~ I can't wait to see this awesome match!" The announcer said, her voice full of hype and excitement.

The crowd roared with excitement as Takesi and I walked out onto the battlefield, the chanting split between Takesi's name and my name. I waved to the crowd as I walked onto the battlefield, blowing a few kisses to some of the women who cheered my name, causing them to squeal and cheer louder.

Takesi looked at me and crossed his arms. "Ryoma, you are pretty strong, I'll admit...but there's no way you're making it past me. Whatever tactics you decide to use... it won't work."

I looked at Takesi, a confident smirk playing on my lips. "I appreciate your praise and your confidence, however, don't get too confident...or else you'll regret it," I said, my eyes glowing with pride.

Takesi stood on the other side of the battlefield, his figure tense and ready, a determined glare fixated on me. He had carefully observed each of my progress, seeing how I held back yet overcame each opponent with a fluidity and skill that was rare. Takesi knew he could not underestimate me; he would have to unleash his full power from the jump.

As the signal to begin echoed throughout the stadium, Takesi launched himself at me with a ferocity that startled those who knew his prowess. He employed a mixture between high speed movements and powerful slashes, aiming not just to defeat me, but overpower me.

I, on the other hand, met Takesi's onslaught of attacks with a practiced calm, dodging and parrying his strikes with the same ease that carried me this far. I noticed each time he attacked, his movements were slow due to his heavy blade, yet I was intrigued by Takesi. It became evident that Takesi's intensity was of a different caliber compared to my previous opponents.

Takesi's relentless attacks, fueled by the will of Azusa and his devotion to his kingdom, forced me to retreat and think of a plan due to Takesi's unorthodox ways of attacking, marking the first time I was genuinely challenged in the tournament.

"He retreated! Yeah Takesi! Show that Yeshan what for!" Kotone cheered, her excitement at an all time high for this battle.

'Takesi's attacks can't be blocked due to the raw strength of Lazarus and his Crest of Lazarus...Takesi might have a chance at this. He just needs to keep overwhelming Ryoma..' Azusa thought to herself, watching the battle closely.

I kept dodging and parrying Takesi, trying to get a clear read on him, but his speed and power behind his attacks wouldn't let me find a clear opening. Takesi went for another strike, feinting the attack then landed a solid strike to my face, knocking me back. The crowd erupted after witnessing such a solid hit, Takesi being the first person to actually land a clean hit on me.

I recovered and grunted softly, touching my face and noticed a bit of blood on my hand. I closed my eyes then chuckled softly, my chuckle turning into a laugh. I stopped laughing then gave Takesi a serious look, my glare piercing through his soul.

Takesi grunted softly and braced himself. 'His demeanor changed...Is he finally getting serious..?'

I smirked, my bangs covering my left eye and my Crest of Arcane faintly shining on my hand. "You...Takesi...You actually landed a solid hit on me. Now for your reward, you shall see more of my power.."

Realizing the true potential Takesi held inside, his resolve and determination burning inside of him, I knew it was time to unveil more of my power. I centered myself, summoning forth the power of my Crest of Arcane, the Crest glowing ominously on my hand and my aura gathering around my body. Takesi, bracing himself as he noticed my shift in personality, knew my counterattack was coming and took on a defensive position.

"That won't save you.." I said then took on another Eyican Stance, specifically the Dagrax Stance, holding my sword as if I was preparing to use Iaijutsu.

I moved forward, vanishing at the blink of an eye, appearing behind Takesi then sheathed my sword. A flurry of five delayed slashes struck Takesi, knocking him back into me, allowing me to follow up with another attack, five more delayed slashes striking Takesi, knocking him forward.

The crowd was in awe of my prowess, my abilities to bypass Takesi's high defenses and landing swift and percise blows faster than the naked eye could see. Azusa and Kotone were also just as surprised to see that I was using another stance from Eyica.

"He knows more than one stance..?! How..?!" Kotone said in disbelief, her eyes now fixated on me as she tried to understand my power.

Azusa began to break out into a sweat, watching as Takesi was getting flung around by my relentless attacks. 'Takesi..! C'mon! Fight harder!'

Takesi slid backwards then fell onto one knee, panting softly from exhaustion. He stood up and looked at me, a fire still burning inside. His unwavering spirit allowed him to find his second wind, letting out a battle cry and his aura exploded around his body, cracking the ground from the pressure.

"I can't lose...I refuse. I refuse to lose! I won't let Azusa down!" Takesi bellowed then clapped his hands together, his eyes shining brightly. "Earth Arts: Quake Surge!"

Takesi stomped on the ground, causing a portion of the ground beneath me to rise, carrying me up in the air. He raised his hands in the air then a pillar of earth energy erupted beneath me then an explosion followed.

Takesi watched then grunted as he noticed me flying straight toward him from the smoke then dodged my strike. The battle raged on, both of us not leaving an opening for the other to counter as we dodged and parried each other's attacks. As Takesi went for his next strike, I parried it then immediately countered with a palm to his stomach, four more invisible strikes hitting him, knocking him away.

Takesi recovered and stabbed his sword into the ground, causing spikes to protrude from the ground toward me at high speeds. I smirked, dashing forward and evading the spikes then landed on top of one, propelling myself in the air.

"Allow me to show you our differences..." I said, uncovering my left eye and a sigil forming in my eye.

Takesi noticed my eyes shining, bracing himself, but more invisible attacks struck him, knocking him back once again. He recovered then grunted, confused on how he was hit without me having to touch him. 'What the hell..? He wasn't even close to me!'

I walked forward then clapped my hands together, a piece of the ground beneath Takesi rising up and carrying him to the sky. "What was that move called? Quake Surge? I like that, I hope you don't mind me borrowing it!"

I shifted my feet, causing Takesi to get trapped within the bind of the earth he stood on. He grunted as he noticed he couldn't escape my bind. I rose my hand in the air then balled my fist, the earth Takesi standing on shining brightly and exploding, creating a massive smoke cloud in the sky.

Takesi fell to the ground, the ground cracking under the force as he landed. The stadium fell into a stunned silence, wondering if Takesi had truly lost the battle. Even the announcer was too stunned to speak, her hand still holding the microphone. No one had ever seen Takesi beaten before for he held an undefeated record.

As Takesi struggled to his feet, his will was not yet shattered, in fact it only grew stronger. "Never...have I faced an opponent of your caliber...and even with you showing more of your power, you're still holding back. That is what pisses me off, who exactly are you?!"

I watched as Takesi rose to his feet then closed my eyes, smirking with a bit of arrogance. "I am the previous Emperor of Yesha...I am the Emperor of Eyica, the ENTIRE continent. I am the second man in Utalian History to ever unite Eyica...the first being an old ancestor of mine. For you to withstand my attacks...that makes me happy because it tells me what Kotone said is true. You all aren't to be underestimated, so for you...I'll let you see what true power looks like."

Takesi managed to make it onto his feet, his eyes shining brightly. Takesi bellowed his aura pulsating around his body and red lightning crackling around him, activating his Awakened State. He was more determined to defeat me, his eyes showing his ultimate resolve.

"Lord have proven yourself to be worthy of seeing my full power! Lazarus, respond to me!" Takesi bellowed, the blade of his sword shining brightly and the Crest of Lazarus shining on his shoulder. His great sword transformed into a katana, allowing him unrestricted speed and power.

"T-Takesi! He's going all out! He's showing us his Unrestricted State, the power that brought him to where he is as Azusa's Advisor!" The announcer said, her voice tinged with more excitement and awe.

Takesi, now exuding a formidable aura, charged at me once again, his speed and ferocity being faster than even the fastest speedster in my country. His moves were sharper, his strikes more potent, each move carried the weight of his resolve to protect what was dear to him.

Takesi's Unrestricted State made Takesi not just a formidable opponent for me, but it also gave him the upperhand momentarily. I, forced on the defensive, found myself being outsped by Takesi, each blow he landed managing to harm me but Takesi noticed my smirk, not knowing what I had planned.

"Rush! Rush! Rush! Takesi, take him down!" Kotone yelled, strongly cheering on Takesi as she watched him have the upperhand.

"Mama...Takesi is in danger." Azusa's daughter said as she watched the battle.

Azusa looked at her daughter then looked back at the fight. 'Mari is right...While Takesi is landing blow after blow... something about Ryoma's demeanor...he's unfazed...he's letting himself get hit..'

Takesi bellowed, blowing me away with a powerful strike to my chest. He panted and watched me, grunting softly as he noticed me standing up straight. He noticed my stance change and immediately recognized it, his eyes widening with shock.

I took on the Atren Stance then smirked. "This is where it ends.."

Takesi groaned as multiple invisible forces began striking him, each blow he landed on me now reflecting back upon him. He recoiled backwards, still standing his ground, but he covered his mouth, coughing up a bit of blood then fell onto one knee.

Azusa was in complete shock as she stood up, her sweats becoming more intense. "That...That was the All Counter Stance... The Atren Stance..!"

Kotone was also in disbelief, slowly falling to her knees as she knew Takesi had lost. "He's...too versatile...His prowess is unbelievable..."

I stared at Takesi then my Crest of Arcane disappeared. I walked toward Takesi and stood in front of him. I reached my hand out toward him. "You're not winning this...and I don't want to hurt you more than you need to be. I didn't come here to please...surrender."

Takesi had his head held down. Deep inside he knew he couldn't win, he knew I was still holding back even more power. Even in his Unrestricted State, he knew it wasn't enough. Overwhelmed, yet honored to have my sympathy, Takesi accpeted my hand, acknowledging my prowess and skills not only as an Emperor, but also a skilled fighter.

"I... surrender." Takesi said, his voice tinged with defeat, yet respect.

I smiled at Takesi and raised his hand in the air, looking at the spectators. "Everyone acknowledge Takesi for his display of skills and prowess! Stand on your feet and give this honorable warrior the praises he deserves!"

The crowd rose to their feet and cheered for Takesi. Takesi was surprised as he noticed I handed all the credit to him even though he lost.

"Even though I have earned my respect. I enjoyed this battle with you, Sir Takesi." I said, smiling at Takesi then grunted softly as I began to feel the effects of Takesi's attacks. "You even managed to make me feel pain..."

Kotone watched and was surprised that I praised Takesi. She stood up and her gaze was stuck on me. She listened as the entire stadium chanted Takesi's name.

"Sir Ryoma!" Azusa called out to me.

The entire stadium went silent, their focus now on Azusa. I let go of Takesi's hand then looked at Azusa. I smirked and crossed my arms as I was fixated on her beauty.

Azusa closed her eyes, her curiosity for me increasing even more. "You are the winner of this year's tournament, meaning you have been granted access to my now have one last opponent to face before you've earned my respect," Azusa said then opened her eyes, her aura surrounding her body.

"That opponent is me! Meet me at my castle tomorrow at the first sight of dusk. Your final battle will be held there." Azusa said.

I chuckled softly and rested my hands behind my head. "As you wish...My Queen."

Azusa scoffed softly then walked away. Mari watched her mother walk off then looked back at me, her eyes shimmering with amazement before hurrying after Azusa. Kotone followed behind, still in disbelief that Takesi lost, but she was certain that Azusa could defeat me. She held a lot of faith in Azusa and her prowess. She wanted to see me lose, no matter who it was by.