Jace went outside outside and suddenly saw a 1 meter long fish in an pond as it went deeper into the pond, Jace ran over to the pond while looking at the pond he saw a golden light emitting from the bottom of the pond so he took off his shirt and shorts before jumping in. he took out his pocketknife and started to stabbed at the fish as it started to swim faster deeper into the pond, Jace start to think that if Razan was here this would be way easier. Jace held the pocketknife in his hand and start plunging it in the fish head. a golden light from the bottom of the pond almost blinded Jace. [ you have kill level 1 strong fish ] [ +1endurance ] Jace grab lifeless body of the fish as he quickly made it up on shore gasping for breath, Jace was about to walk of then he remember the golden light in the pond so he put the fish down and went into the pond swimming in again but this time deeper, finally reaching an broken down building with an chest, Jace lifted the chest seen an scroll and an weird black fruit, Jace realize that he almost ran out of air so he took up the fruit and the scroll and quickly swam up back. reach up back on shore he went back into the cave and started cutting up the fish body before he opened the scroll and started reading it a [ level 1 farm : Rarity Normal ] and he took up the fruit and it say [ energy fruit : rarity normal ] Jace look at the fruit for a while before he bite it [ player has eaten an energy fruit ] [ player obtained new ability lightning surge ] [ description: send out an serge of lighting for 1 meter level 1 mana 5 ] Jace went outside beside the pond and tried placing the level 1 farm but nothings working system how do I place the level 1 farm [player need to think about it and it will be place. A farm in 30 meter in length and width and type of seed plant here will have a 100% growing speed and have the chance to grow 100% more in size and have a 15% chance to turn in to a bronze level ancient fruit ] Jace place the level 1 farm and saw the ground became instantly plough up with a wooden fence around it. Jace what happen Jace heard looking up he see Razan