1 month later...
Gakuto Hanyuda get out of my bed and headed towards the kitchen to get some breakfast before school. Once he got there he saw his mom cooking up something, hopefully it's for him.
"Ah, good morning sweetie. Did you slept well last night?" She told him with a smile.
"Somewhat, I had to finish up some homework." Gakuto told her gently as he prepares to eat.
His mother, Chiyo, put his breakfast near him which was rice and miso soup. Just before he was ready to gobble this up though, Gakuto wanted to ask his mom a question.
"Say mom, can I just be homeschooled?" The boy told her firmly.
Gakuto's mom didn't say anything for a moment, so he took her silence as a no and prepare himself to eat. But just before he did, his mom finally spoke.
"No. You may not." As expected, she told him in a strict and harsh tone.
"Listen, Gakuto, sweetie, just shut the hell up and eat your breakfast. You will not and never be homeschooled, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" his mom literally yelled at the poor boy.
the atmosphere around became tense. he didn't want to stir up anymore problems. So he simply just nodded and began to eat his breakfast. As he was about to prepare for school... his NEW school.
(Timeskip to near the entrance of school)
'My life is probably the worst one could ever have.' the young boy thought to himself as he proceeds to walk to school. 'And I hate every minute of it.'
Gakuto finally makes it through the doors of his new school... Imai Academy. As he enters he is greeted by impatient students rushing through the halls to get to their respective classes. Our protagonist of course, couldn't care less and continued walking.
'Ever since that day, I've been relatively distant with my family, and they now always look down on me like an outcast, like a black sheep, like... trash.' Gakuto thought to himself in sadness.
As the boy continued to walk the halls, he also continued to talk to himself.
'I hoped my life at my new school would be great, a breath of fresh air, but unfortunately, this place has been nothing but a freak show...' He thought to himself while making a deadpan face.
It is true, Imai Academy has had its stories of bizarre people and antics. But it's also a place with great academics and a high chance at getting into college or a great job. It's also probably one of the only schools in Japan that's a elementary, junior high, and high school are combined.
'Man, the students here sure are fucking bizarre and weird...' He thought in disgust.
Gakuto looks and sees students that dress funny, chunibyos, otakus, foreign exchange students that look like lost puppies, losers that probably have no lives, and... a girl in a fox mask?
"What the hell..." He bluntly whispered in cringe.
'Oh, and the teachers are nothing but jerks.' he stated to himself, as he sees a teacher shove a student away from his personal space.
'Anyway... I have hopes that I'll be able to graduate and be able to go to high school all on my own.' Gakuto thought and slight smirked at the same time.
"Hey!... Gakuto-kun!" A cheery, bright male voice called from afar.
This voice caused Gakuto to drop a deadpanned face and turn around in cringe to the voice calling him.
'but unfortunately that can no longer be the case anymore.' he thought to himself frustrated as he looked at the person who called his name.
The person is revealed to be a boy with blonde girl-like short hair, blue eyes and a thin stature. One can almost confuse him for a girl. This is Ryusuke Jin'nai, Gakuto Hanyuda's tutor and self- proclaimed best friend.
"Hey! I thought I'd never find you in this crowd, heh-heh, but luckily I did." Ryusuke gleefully said with his smile still on.
'God, can't this queer just shut up?!' Gakuto expressed to himself in frustration.
The brown haired boy sometimes couldn't stand the blonde, whenever Gakuto is around him him, he feels a vampire and Ryusuke's kind-hearted personality is the sun.
The only reason Gakuto is "friends" with him is because of his grades. 2 weeks ago, when they started to decline, his mother asked the teacher for help, his teacher recommended Ryusuke himself, as he was a top student. But even after he helped him get his grades up, Ryusuke never left his side and would always talk and follow him around... almost like they were BFF's.
"Ah, look, we finally made made it to class." Gakuto happily stated knowing that their conversation is now over.
As the two boys entered their classroom, they are acknowledged by their teacher; Mr. Arata Hashimoto, who is not pleased, but put on a fake smile. And Ryusuke obviously felt for it, but not Gakuto.
Hashimoto-sensei: You two were almost late, a minute later and I would've taken out points of yours for today." The teacher firmly stated to the two of them.
"Sorry!" Ryusuke immediately apologized and bowed at the same time.
Gakuto on the other hand, simply rolled his eyes and walked to his desk. And Ryusuke did the same.
Hashimoto-sensei: "Now then, everyone prepare your notebooks we will now start class." Hashimoto ordered the class.
As the class did what the teacher said and prepared their notebooks. Our protagonist simply looked at the sky through his window and began to remember the first day he arrived at Imai Academy.
Three days after the incident with his family and moving out of Kyoto. His father managed to hime and his brother at Imai Academy even after registrations were over.
Although his brother managed to get into class B of the high school sect, Gakuto unfortunately got put into class D of the Junior High sect. Although, this was done on purpose, as Gakuto didn't want to get to much attention as he feared that people will started talking to him again, and that incident will start all over again.
When the two boys started their first day of their new school, they were not happy or pleased. Knowing that this would probably be the start of something miserable.
"I'll see you back here when our classes end." Ryota told his young brother as he proceed to walk to the high school building.
"Sure... thing." Gakuto almost said but was simply ignoring. He could helped but be sad.
As the boy wandered through the halls of the junior high building, he would soon eventually find his class.
"Here it is, class 1-D." Gakuto said as he would soon enter his new class.
When he entered the class, he would see the of his new classmates and his new teacher. Many of which were confused and weird out by his entrance alone. And among them was his soon to be "friend", Ryusuke Jin'nai.
"Uhm... I'm the new student here." he boredly stated to Mr. Hashimoto.
"Grrr..." the man growled under his breath, before looking back at him. "Fine, introduce yourself and just take your seat." Mr. Hashimoto rudely ordered.
Gakuto did as he said and went to the board to write his name on it and face the whole class with a bold but emotionless expression.
"Hi, I'm your new classmate, Gakuto Hanyuda, and that it, my name is Gakuto Hanyuda." he introduced himself with little to no enthusiasm.
Male classmate #1: "Man why couldn't he had been a girl?" the classmate angry remarked.
Male classmate #2: "I know right." he answered right back.
Female student #1: "Wow, what a loser." she insulted.
Female student #2: "Right? And he's not even cute." she replied.
Gakuto, of course, could care less of what they thought and simply went to his seat.
"Oh and Gakuto-kun, was it?" a voice spoked to him which was Mr. Hashimoto.
Gakuto looked at his teacher without a care in the world.
"I don't know if anyone told you, but I think no one will care to tell, but in this class, you're are nothing but a lowly worm." Mr. Hashimoto said in a serious tone.
On this day, was the day Gakuto started his new class, his new school, his new home, and more importantly his new life.
(Flashback ends)
The brown haired boy finally left his trip down memory lane, and began to focus on what his teacher is informing to the class.
As he looked down as his notebook, he could only think about one thing...
"Only six more years, and I'll be out of this HELLHOLE." he told himself in frustration.