Chapter 50 - Chapter 50: Victories and Defeats

A noble in formal attire rushed through the door of the throne room where the Celestine Empires Lord held his meeting. 

He births through the doors now entering a room made of pure marble with pillars lined in attention in the long large room. At the very end the Lord sat upon a throne made of lavishly carved white birch. where he listened intently to the nobles of his court.

The four nobles discussed political alignment, specifically that of the religion involving Cassell church.

The Lord, listening intently to the nobles below but was clearly agitated. Sitting on his wooden throne, his hand clenched his long brown hair at the side of his face and his expression becoming more and more sour alongside his blue eyes shifting from noble to noble as they each took turns speaking overly positive of having the church involved in their affairs..

Suddenly their conversations were interrupted by the noble that just barged in..

"Lord Kaiser! Lord Kaiser!" The noble bent down, trying to catch his breath from all the running.

The Lord peeked, curious by the man's actions. "What is it?"

After a few moments of catching his breath, he finally spoke. "The entire country of Dahlia has fallen to the Demons!"

Everyone within the room became pale.

"Inconceivable! H-how did the city of Gralin fall!?? And what happened to the army we've sent!" Another noble shouted.

"I-I don't know!" he answered.

Another man entered the room. "Your lordship! I have urgent news from the border! Rangers patrolling the border are said to have found some of the soldiers with the head of General Harry."

"What!! When was this" Lord Kaiser exclaimed.

"T-they were just found three days ago."

"Three days?! And what about the city??"

The noble stutter. "O-o-o-over two weeks my lord."

The city of Gralin is a month away from the border at least with the road they had to take." one of the nobles said. 

"If that's the case they either fled or were killed before serving as reinforcements…" a third noble concluded. "Where are these soldiers now?"

"They're all dead." The man said.

"Dah! Of course they're dead."

"Yes. All with their throats slit. We reckon they were attacked by Bandits in the dead of night."

The Lord got from his chair. "How they die doesn't matter any more. We must deploy any remaining troops we have and reinforce our east and south-eastern borders! No one goes in or out of that country! no one!!"

"Y-your lordship The bishop won't be happy-"



"L-lord Please calm dow-"


Kaiser turned his head to the side of the room. "Harold!!"

A ginger haired man wearing light armor appeared from the side of the marble throne room. He quickly got to his knee, trying to keep himself composed. "Y-yes your lordship?

"Have your men Apprehend Bishop George Reign the third and bring him here." With the order given, Kaiser waved off the man to complete his given command.

"Y-your lordship T-this is against the law of the church! Our people could r-revolt, not to mention-"

"The PEOPLE will revolt if they hear of our failure to support the Heroes of Prophecy! The PEOPLE will revolt if their homes are destroyed, and lands burned!" Kaiser stepped closer and closer to the noble still raising his opposition. " The PEOPLE will revolt if word gets out that we could've prevented this DISASTER! THEY WILL SEE US AS INCOMPETENT AND WEAK MEN OF THE COURT, INCAPABLE OF DEFENDING OUR OWN BORDERS!!!!"

"I won't let the church, nor this court restrain me any further!" he hissed.

Kaiser now stared down at the now cowering Noble.

"From henceforth The Church will have no more bearings in how I can govern our people or military"

Kaiser turned away from the noble, leaving the throne room.

"B-but y-y-your Lordships-"

"You can't just exclude the church! God would never approve of this decision!" Another noble retorted.

Kaiser glanced behind himself with a furious gaze. He turned to Guard beside him, giving an indistinctive order. quickly after the guards escorted the other men in the room out leaving just the court nobles and Lord.

A cold sweat ran down the noble's face. "L-Lord Kaiser?"

A few moments later a mountain of ten guards entered the throne room, locking all the doors.

"I relieve you of four of your duties as my advisors," Kaiser said.

"God. The lord's gone mad." The fourth noble muttered.

Not long after the guards approached the noblemen. The nobles pleaded for mercy as the floor became painted with red.

The Lord watched on as each man was executed before him until it was finally finished. "Clean this up. and send a call out to all my Generals. There'll be very important changes we'll need to implement." And with those last few words Lord Kaiser left his bloodied throne room.


Just outside of the demon castle a blue winged demon flew holding a scroll in hand. He approaches the castle landing on the balcony. Awaiting there was Bjorn, whose horns are slowly growing back to normal. He took the message in hand and allowed the demon to leave as he delivered it to the recipient.

Walking along the hall, Bjorn notices that a lot more renovations are being done. Eventually he enters the room with Rakon working on a piece of parchment. Bjorn hands over the scroll.

"Very good." Rakon said, taking the scrolled message.

He opened it, reading its contents. He smiled, satisfied with what he read. "I think you'll be happy to hear that the last city has fallen, Bjorn." Rakon quickly shifted his expressions to that of disappointment. "However, it seems the King and Queen are now dead."

Bjorn is taken aback by this news. "That can't be true. Who wrote this report?" with much urgency

"None other than Azar. Half the army was also wiped unfortunately but we can still make do." Rakon got up from his chair leaving the room as Bjorn just stood.

"There'll be some important changes we'll have to undertake." Rakon gestured for Bjorn to follow.

Walking through the hall, demon servants and succubus assist in ensuring the walls and decorations are done. With everything being adorn in the colors of black, red and purple.

"Since my brother is now dead the right of succession needs to be held again, which means the appointment of new generals as well. Of course, if you wish you can choose to opt out of this arrangement. I don't mind picking new candidates from the Pit. In fact, I already have a few in mind." Rakon glanced over, seeing Bjorn's become bitter.

He continued. "As you know, this also means that I'll need to be released from my confines below, so be sure to send someone to get me."

"What about the girl?" Bjorn suddenly asked.

"Hmm?" Rakon stops. Bjorn followed suit.

"I've heard you've formed a contract with her, allowing her freedom if she kills people of your choosing."

Rakon narrowed his eyes before shifting them elsewhere. "What of it?"

"Are you sure we should let her free? This girl is Immortal capable of killing our best. In fact, I've heard she killed two of our guards just last week alone."

Rakon rolled his eyes. "I simply promised freedom from her current confines. But if it's any relief to you, I'll be the one keeping a close eye on her. Besides, I have no intentions on letting her leave this castle"

Rakon began to walk past Bjorn.

"And as for those guards, they've all been sufficiently warned to keep away from her. She's obviously going through a mood."

Bjorn started following behind. "And what if she doesn't kill that maid of hers? Succubus are known for overstimulating the bodies of even demons. And the maid is-"

"That maid will die. Just like the other two," Rakon said. "In fact, I'm handing someone she should despise on a silver platter to her. I'm sure she'll want to play around with her food before she eventually bites into it."

Rakon glared back, seeing Bjorn tense up and clutching his hand. "That look doesn't suit you Bjorn. Don't forget your role as a General."

"Y…Yes…" Bjorn released his hands.

"Aside from Kalika. I think it's proper that we prepare a celebration for this upcoming week. It should give me just enough time to arrive once word is received for my release. I'll even have a few old friends come by."

Rakon stopped, seeing pink petals flow by him. Looking to his left he saw the flower in the preserved pink garden start wilting away, preparing for the change in weather.

"What a shame. Looks like they're losing their beauty once again."



Groups of prisoners are escorted from the arena by guards. Some gave glances back watching Kalika. 

She stared blankly at another cowering inmate lying on his back, twirling her dagger by his face. 

The guards quickly dragged the man away. They then exchanged nervous glances at each other unsure how to proceed. 

"" Florin said.

Kalika glared back at the demon women standing before her. She returned to spinning her blade a few more times before getting up. 

The other two demon women arrived.

Seeing the other two arrive, she sighs, quickly giving in. 

Soon after, the three escorted Kalika back to her cell. Where they pushed her back into her cell. Looking back, she closed her cell door, allowing them to lock it. 

Finished with their duty, the three ladies left, conversing in their native language. Obviously talking about Kalika then shifting to talk about Rhonda, her maid.

Kalika slumped herself into her bed, looking at the stony ceiling above. She raised her hand, conjuring the blood blade in it. She throws it to the ground, repeating the process over and over. Conjuring it and then throwing it to the floor.

"Zorbian… Zorbian… Zorbian… Zorbian."

She conjured it once again, now examining it. The pure red matted blade with black accents started to feel more and more comfortable the longer she held it. And despite its random act of killing her, she felt better control of it overall.

"Strange…" she said to herself.

She can feel her heart starting to race, reaching its limit. She slowed it down, calming herself.

"Even with you, I'm still no match for them…or Rakon…But Rhonda…"

Kalika's arms became limp. She fell into silence, turning to her side.

"There's… No other way…"

"It's not like she mattered, anyways… She's a demon just like them… and they're all the same. They're just liars… all of them."


Kalika recognized this voice.

"Rakon…" Kalika refused to look in his direction.

Rakon stood just outside her cell door, peering through the bars. "You should be excited. One more week and you're finally released from your shackles. In fact, I'll have something special to share with you once this bout is over."

Kalika peeked at the demon. She returned her gaze back to the wall before her, uninterested.

Rakon gave a slight frown. "Don't feel like talking today either, huh."

Rakon turned to leave. "Have it your way. By the way, if it's of any interest… That last city has fallen… And the remaining Generals of the human army… Are dead. From this point on this country is now demon territory. So, you should expect some big changes, Kalika."

Rakon gave a sly smile before leaving.

Kalika in the shadows of her cell, began to feel flushed and teary eyed. She wiped her eyes a few times, as she clutched her blood blade much more tightly.

"It was always inevitable…" She said to herself, with shaky resolve. Her heart started to ache, a feeling she didn't recognize. "I…I-I...… I hate demons. I hate them!"

Thoughts of Lillian flashes in Kalika's mind. "It only took half a year for Lillian to win the war with the Demon King… humans really are just weak… They'll probably just make us all their slaves… Then it's only a matter of time before they'll want to conquer other countries."

Kalika's dagger slipped away from her hand as she moved to hug herself. "It…it's all my fault…I-"

"N-no! I refuse to believe him!... I…I won't believe him! Demons are liars. T-they're all just liars…"


Somewhere deep in the mountain forest in the encroaching darkness, Deers jump through and past trees. Each one of them is trying to escape something. 

Earth rods are shot through most of the heads, necks and even bodies of the fleeing deer's on the run. Rod after rod killing each deer in sight with no regard for the forest.

across the forest and the trees laid the corpses and blood of the deer's. A being of pure white, blonde hair and yellow eyes approached one of their corpses. Touching the deer, he absorbed it into his body.

"These creatures carry so little magic, but it's still sufficient for lasting nearly a day."

It moved to absorb more deer's but is suddenly shot in the back by an arrow. It turns out to be a frightened young hunter. The hunter quickly scurries away, panicked.

An earth arrow is then shot in the hunter's back, piercing through his chest. He drops down hard on the ground, now dead.

"Thank you for the meal."

Touching the man, he is absorbed into the white being leaving behind his clothes.

The Angel Terrocht smiled happily. "His magic will last me three months." 

Terrocht started to glow brightly as it looked at the clothes on the ground, taking them.

He started to put the clothes on. "Yes God Cassell… I shall find her… Understood…"

With the clothes on, he shifted and contorted his skin then slowly changes its color to match that of the man he had just killed. "Yes…My new mission is to find 'the Evil one'. And seal her away for all eternity."

Terrocht's eyes dimmed back down. He absorbed the remainder of his kills leaving the stains of red behind in the forest.

He stopped for a moment, looking at his hands. "Hmmm… I'll need a lot more magic energy another one hundred years should be sufficient."

With those last few words, he continued his journey, trekking deeper into the forest with a singular goal in mind.