In a small desolate town, men in armor, assigned with the insignia of the confederate army march. They pace themselves, men looking around in confusion and skeptical of their reports. Their commanding officer along with his captain's keep to the front lines on their horses.
A scout on horse returned to the commander, finished with surveying the town.
"Leviah, do you see anyone yet?" the commander asked.
"Not in particular, but I think I've seen some kids at the Cassell church. But something doesn't feel right about it. If the demons did arrive here, this town would've burned to the ground already..."
"Unless they wanted to preserve this town." The commander grunts. "Alright, now go inform the General of this too. He's going to want to know this."
Without another word the scout gallops away on his horse past the marching men. "Is there a reason why the General came this time, Commander Well's?" one of the captains asked.
"He thinks that the demon forces are becoming much weaker and reckless with their advances. He thinks that there might be some internal conflict with their regime. But if you ask Me, I think he's just getting overzealous just because our last battles have been in our favor."
"Alright, Sieger on me and bring ten of our men, the rest standby. We're checking that church." The commander whips the leash of the horse.
The men knew better than to question their commander and followed his order to a T. They marched forth, following closely with their commander as they made their way to the church. They made their way past all the wooden and poorly painted homes until they finally made it to the building constructed of stone.
It was the only church in the area with a bell tower. The entrance felt homey and inviting with its two decorative doors. And just above the entrance, an expensive looking stained-glass window, depicting their blonde-haired God of their religion stood welcoming to all.
The commander and captain station their horses with their men, Prior to entering the church the sound of indistinctive prayers of children are heard.
Upon opening the door a putrid smell permeated through the air. They peeked inside, finding piles of corpses piled on either side of the church's nave. further ahead a small group of children prayed to a desecrated statue, all while covered in blood.
Cautiously approaching the children, the commander and his captain could saw that they were all trembling from fear. From behind them, a woman with white long hair passed the captain. A chill instantly ran down their spine.
They watched as the women approached the children, and it wasn't long before the commander and his captain recognized this women as a demon with her blue skin and horns
"Shh" She quickly gestured with her finger and mouth.
A dread filled both men, their bodies refusing to move for them. All they could do was watch as she came behind the bloodied children.
She bent down to her knees placing both hands on a little girl that shook. "W-w-will God Forgive us now?" The little girl asked.
"I'm sure he will. God is always more lenient to kids like himself. Unfortunately he's not as forgiving to grown-ups like me."
The girl started crying. "Will I see Mommy now?" The other children started to cry too, keeping their whimpers and sniffles as quiet as possible.
"That… Is no longer possible. But I'm sure your mommies and daddies would like to watch you all live nice long lives, all the way from heaven like the other people here," The woman said.
A pressure even greater filled their two men entire being. There was no doubt in their mind now, the demon woman before them was in fact, the Demon Queen.
The captain tried to turn himself back, with all his strength only to find their platoon of soldiers already dead. He turned back, finding the women in front of them now giving a happy cheerful smile despite the pressure given to them saying otherwise.
"It's been a while since I've done something like this…" Lillian poked the finger of her hand sending a drop of blood on the ground. "Go ahead and tell your General that, were retreating up the mountains''
Suddenly, they found themselves standing in front of General Thomas Kyrier. They were in the middle of a chaotic flurry of men packing away the camping equipment, getting ready to march.
"Alright and what else did you want to say???" Thomas asked irritably.
"H-huh?" Both The commander and his captain were completely befuddled.
"You said they're retreating into the mountains but there was something else. Now spit it out."
"O-oh! Uhh. T-there were children covered in blood and a ton of dead bodies. I think the demons had the entire town populace slaughtered…" The captain reported
"Is that all?"
"Y-yes… I think…?"
Thomas pondered for some time. "Perhaps they plan on using the townspeople as food like they've done in the beginning of the invasion. Those monsters. If they're really desperate for food they'll likely double back to the nearest settlement up the mountain path. And there's only one village I can think of."
"Harold! Bring us the maps!" Thomas demanded.
Moments later a map was placed upon a nearby table where the three gathered. Thomas pointed to a village on the mountain. "Here. we're perfectly positioned to reach them for an ambush in just a day if we march now. This should give us another day to work with if they're marching their armies up this mountain pass from the village."
The commander understood but was also unsure. "Yes. this would work but… I-I believe The Demon Queen will also be among them…"
"Good," Thomas said.
The commander was taken aback by his response.
"The sooner we kill the Demon King and Queen, The easier it'll become to take back our country. And I have the perfect weapon to use." Thomas showed off a Horn, tied to his waist.
"That horn. Isn't that supposed to be saved for the Demon King??" the commander looked on in shock.
"Think of it as a safety precaution. And if the worst comes to worst, I can at least guarantee this upcoming battle as a draw."
"I hope you know what you're doing, Tom…" Commander Wells gave a glance, skeptical of his leader's plan.
"Oh… and by chance you wouldn't know how we got here would you." The captain asked.
"What do you mean?" Thomas responded much more irritated.
Some hours later they're all marching alongside their army. The captain looked very depressed. "I Can't believe that doesn't believe us." The captain whined.
"His temper did lwas on the short side today. But it is strange how we can't remember anything after encountering the Demon Queen… we should be dead but… We'll just have to keep our eyes and ears open."
"Right." Sieger affirmed.
The march to intercept the demon army continues forward, through the side of the mountain's rocky cliff side.
"Tch! Right when we had her too!"
In the prison corridor, Kalika stood slumped, breathing heavily from exhaustion, she smiled more satisfied seeing them leave.
Kalika fell onto the wall behind her, sliding down to the ground absolutely exhausted from trying to avoid death.
"Congratulations on another day done," Rakon said.
Kalika gave a quick glare before retreating her gaze. "You again…"
"You always seem dead set on going back into the dungeon. care to tell me why."
"It has nothing to do with you. Besides, there's no rules for leaving the prison."
"That's true… There isn't," Rakon said. "But it is curious how willing you are to rush into dying within all those traps set through those halls."
Rakon crouched down to meet Kalika's eye. "You know those girls won't stop dragging you back to this prison. the more you venture outside the more you'll run into them."
"Those three can eat dirt for all I care. This fictitious game of yours is only two months and once that's done-…" Kalika quickly becomes quiet.
Rakon waited for Kalika to finish. "Then what?" Rakon flashed an amused smile.
Kalika started to become much more tired, her exhaustion becoming overwhelming. "Rakon… When am I supposed to kill this next person."
Rakon gazed
at a sleepy Kalika, a little confused. "Ah, yes. The match. We'll be having it right after this game. After the winner is announced you'll be fighting against the very son of a Hero of prophecy."
Upon hearing this Kalika forced herself awake. "The son of a Hero of Prophecy?? What do you mean? The Heroes are dead. How can one of them have a son here…?" Kalika's confusion was becoming more and more evident. "Who is it?"
"Now where's the fun in that? I think It's much more entertaining if you find out for yourself."
Rakon continued to look at Kalika amused, giving a very light chuckle. "That is, if you can… But how about I sweeten the deal a little bit. If you find out who the hero's son is, I'll give you a little reward."
"Well. It's about time I go. And good work on staying conscious this time." Rakon patted Kalika's head, angering her.
Rakon instantly turned into a bloody mist. The footsteps of someone big were now audible and a familiar voice rose. "Kalika. You're awake."
Kalika's eyes widened upon seeing Tilus. he looked scratched up, bruised and battered. "W-what happened to you?"
"Don't worry about it, I just finished dealing with a man and his grudge."
"W-well what are you doing here?" Kalika tried getting up using the wall behind her as support, grabbing the cracks between the bricks. Kalika tumbled a little but was quickly caught by Tilus.
"I'm here to help you back to your cell." he offered a hand to Kalika, which she reluctantly accepted.
Kalika stumbled alongside Tilus who kept her balanced. "Isn't this… Breaking the rules?
"During the night the demon's game is halted so all those other rules don't apply here."
"I guess that makes sense…if that's the case you must've been the one to bring me back those other times…"
Kalika almost tripped over herself.
"Are you alright?"
"Y…yeah… I'm just sore. I still can't believe the nerve of that bastard. Two whole months I have to avoid getting killed. Then after that I have to face off against the next person."
"Is that so? Do you have a name?"
"N…No. He just said that is the son of a Hero of Prophecy. And that's it."
"I see…" TIlus kept his head forward. Not once looking back at Kalika.
They continue walking through the prisoner hall until they finally reach Kalika prison hall. "We're almost there," Tilus said.
"Hey… Tilus." Kalika called out weakly.
"How is that guy doing? The one from the Celestine empire."
"Him?" Tilus clenched his jaw, and quickly glanced at Kalika. "That kid's been causing a mess of trouble lately. Especially with that man who's been chasing you down. Apparently he changed cells since they were next to each other…"
"That long hair man? Maverick right? He's been annoying to avoid, but he always gets me." Kalika cringed. "I wish he'd just die already."
"Yes. well other than causing trouble he's doing fine. Why did you ask?" Tilus questioned.
"I was just curious. that's all…"
They finally made it to Kalika's cell where Rhonda worked. Kalika looked over into her cell to see that Rhonda was scrubbing away the blood of the last fool that tried to have his way.
Rhonda peeked over her shoulder seeing Kalika and Tilus, Upon her turning around it quickly became evident that her maid's dress was absolutely ruined.
Kalika could only sigh, embarrassed for her. she glanced back at Tilus. "Can you do me a favor? When you see that guy again, can you ask how he got here? I have a feeling that there's more to it, to how he got here. and I want to know about it."
"Huh…" for a short period Tilus pondered to himself before simply taking his leave.
Tilus waved with his one hand, not looking back. "If the conversation presents itself, I'll ask. Goodnight."
With Tilus now gone Kalika turned her attention back to Rhonda, who bowed before Kalika. "Welcome back." she said.
Kalika could see that Rhonda worked hard to clean her cell again.
"thanks Rhonda. But…" Kalika looked away, distressed. "I think you should take the night to refresh yourself."
Rhonda looked back at Kalika in confusion. "Your, uhh…" Kalika felt uneasy as she had to point out Rhonda's embarrassing appearance. This prompted Rhonda to become flush red and rush off for the remainder of the night.
At that moment, Kalika sighed. "Good night.. Rhonda…"
Elsewhere in the confederate territory in Dahlia, deep in the southern mountain caves two soldiers venture deeper through the cavern tunnel. they passed by many white glowing crystals as they held their torches in hand.
"Are you sure that man can be trusted?" A man in chain armor asked.
a man in much heavier armor glanced back at his companion. "He hasn't let us down before. And if what he says is true, this could easily change the tide of this war."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
The two men continued to trek deeper through the dark cavern with only one path to follow.
"Ugh. How deep is this cave???"
"We're almost there. Relax."
After some time they finally made it into a huge cavern three times bigger than a dragon with a ceiling that extended for miles. white specks littered the walls and ceiling like a night sky. And in the center laid a huge deep dark black abyss that had no end.
The two men approach the giant hole looking down. "Damn… How deep does this go…?"
"Probably to the pits of hell itself, for all we know. try not to fall down now." The heavy armored man taunted.
"Shut up. Will ya." They both cautiously back away from the hole.
A hand suddenly grabbed the shoulder of one of the men, making him jump. They both quickly turned to find a man in the shadows, with his presence revealed by the light of their torches.
This man dressed himself of nobility and had long sleek black hair and Pink eyes. He bowed with a crooked smile.
"Welcome. It's a pleasure to see you've arrived safely. Now… shall we get to business."