Chereads / Succubus Dreams / Chapter 6 - First Lesson

Chapter 6 - First Lesson

Lili lead me down the long dark halls and eventually we reached the room, I quickly knocked on the door as soon as I reached it. Lili gave me a glance of pity then looked away as the door opened up, with Mereth happily standing there. Lili was still upset over the whole bottom feeding event, even more than me strangely.

"Come on in Vine, it's time for your first lesson."


'I wanted more of that stuff, not a stupid lesson…'

Reluctantly I walked in going to the area she had set up with a chalk drawing board on a stand, sitting down on the same love seat facing it. Lili didn't join us leaving silently, while Mereth happily hummed a tune walking up to a portable drawing board.

"The first lesson is about you, or what exactly you are. See this diagram?"


It was a nature cycle with each creature shown as their respective roles in the cycle, including humans in one spot. She then moved her hand to the human that was clearly placed above all else on the cycle, and pointed to above it.

"What goes above humans? Other humans? Some argue just stronger creatures, or more intelligent ones, but that is not our discussion. We only care about ourselves in this whole cycle right?"


'Why is her explanation so long-winded, she is probably dodging the answer of what we are.'

Seeing my disinterest, she flipped the board around this time with a human in the center. With multiple other things roughly drawn pulling from it, and only taking from humanity in the cycle. 

"These are demonic humanoids as they are referred to, it has a wide range of species. However they all have one common trait, and it is the same for all of them. They live off humanity, they parasite off it in some way."


She nodded seriously, and pointed to the first one on her list marked undead.

"Nothing starts undead, only humans can turn into higher forms of undead. However it comes at the cost of the human body, and even spirit. Nor can vampires survive without human blood, or grow their species without turning a new one into them. We also cannot live without humans, taking what is needed from them and turning them into us. "

"We do?"

My answer made her giggle a little, but she quickly regained her serious demeanor after coughing. 

"We survive off the life essence of men, and only on that. Our species is special though, because we lack any way to take it forcefully, instead we must seduce, obey, and even scheme for it. The others put themself's above humanity in some way to take what they need, while we lower ourselves below humanity. We are called succubus, and every girl you have met in this tower is one."

"Life essence? Is that what the white sticky stuff is?"

"Yes, it is our only food in this world. The only thing we can truly desire and will die without it, if a person of our species fails to consume any in a day they would die. Your body will weaken, and your mind will shatter quickly without consuming it every single day."

'That serious!? Why didn't she warn me earlier?! If I knew I could die of starvation in just a single day I wouldn't have hesitated consuming more of this stuff!'

I had no reason to believe she was lying, after all she did save my life. It wasn't because of my own efforts I was alive, it was her and this group of people I made it. So I could expect some level of truth, but still hearing I could starve in a mere 24 hours was nuts.

"Is there really no solution? Am I stuck with this hanging over my head forever?"

"Don't fret, there is a solution to this. You can go days without ever consuming any life essence, and be worry free of ever running out. Just you aren't prepared for such a thing yet, but I will make sure you will be."

"Why? What is it? I will do anything to survive, just tell me what I have to do."

She shook her head no, which made me feel defeated. There was a solution to this, just my own teacher refused to say it. Like a weight hanging over my shoulders I knew now I had to rush everyday to consume more of this so called life essence or I would die. Even now my hunger for it remained, constantly reminding me of the fact it was death if I found none.

"That other girl, the one Lili knew, called me a bottom feeder? Can I feed off you also?"

"I don't think you can handle it, but it would be good for you to try some."

She had a little bit of a worried face, while I had a determined goal. She sat down on the love seat while I got on my knees to get what I wanted from her, just something was off. Her privates were clean, with only a little bit of neon green coming out? I wanted to look at it better, but her hands softly pushed my mouth to her privates.

"Bottom feeding is okay, you can do this if you like it. You see not many succubus like this, since it shows who is superior among them. One that can get life essence freely, and another that must leach to survive. "

'What is this taste?!'

The moment I slid my tongue in my head exploded, nothing could prepare me for it. My whole body slumped over with liquid coming from between my legs, even my breast started leaking somehow. Only her hands kept my head in place, which made it worse.

"Oh, it's impolite to stop cleaning when you already offered. So bear with it for a few minutes, don't worry I won't make you actually clean me out. It might be a little strong for you since I don't prefer humans, well you wouldn't either after you tried more exotics."


I wanted to pull my mouth away, just the urge was too strong. My tongue slid in deeper, getting even more, which just made me mental. After who knows how long in that position I felt completely full, something I never experienced in this body before. 

"Done already? That's a shame, oh and proper manners as a bottom feeder is to only stop if allowed. I will let this slide for today, just know you must obey when to stop and go as a bottom feeder. During the time you are between another's legs, always think of them as your master, and only as your master."

'Master? The hell? I don't like this role.'

Laying down with my head on the floor, my head was spinning after trying out her so called exotics. Just I didn't like it the more I heard about what was bottom feeding. Being a person below another, and seen as the bottom rung of this society. It started making sense why Lili disliked it, with my head spinning I wanted out of it.

"I, I don't want to be a bottom feeder. I want to get life energy or whatever it's called from men instead."

"Oh, really? I didn't think you could handle that as a former male… But maybe with your damaged memories it could work…."

"What does being a former male have to do with anything?"

I pushed myself up from the floor and looked at her, genuinely confused at her. She had a stupefied face with my question, like I was asking the most obvious thing in the world. Seeing my genuine curiosity she realized I wasn't joking, and was serious in my question.

"Life energy, the stuff you have been consuming from other girls is well… It comes from a special source in the human body, a certain thing males only have. For example, when you were a male what happened when you were sexually stimulated?"

"What happened?"

'I would jerk it? Wait…'

Like a flash it came to me the memories, and suddenly I knew what exactly that white sticky stuff was I was consuming out of women. My face turned green with me dry heaving on the floor, trying to spit it out. While her face had a I told you so look to it, like she expected this to happen.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!? I was drinking literal jizz!?"

"I was afraid of this reaction… When I handed you the cup yesterday it was to see if you recalled or if you had a negative reaction, but you were fine even now. Don't you dare think of skipping meals, because I will force feed you."

'This bitch! She knew! She just kept it from me so it was too late by now when I realized!'

My anger peaked, with me wanting to stomp off. Just my body stuck in the state of pleasure was hard to move, like every limb was numb from lack of blood. So I was stuck in here with this deceiving woman, grumbling complaints while she just sighed. What I didn't expect was that she picked me up in a princess carry and began walking out of her room

"I am taking you to where you can get life force anytime of day almost, I am sure you will visit it soon."


'Visit it soon? Never going to happen, I would rather stay touching women as a bottom feeder before a dude!'

She didn't care about my silent protest, she went down the hall into a small room. It had a single hole in the wall with a rope going into the ceiling next to it, a soft cushion stool was fixed facing the hole.

"This room is now reserved for you alone Vine, each girl has one. The guys know you are new to this so I also made it sound proof to keep you safe from their schemes. Pull the rope and they will come~"

"Pull the rope?"

She put my body down on the stool facing the hole with her behind me keeping me from moving away, stuck with my face towards it. My one hand subconsciously reached out for the rope, with it lightly grasping it. Something in me wanted to see if it was true so I pulled the rope a little. Suddenly a loud ding sound went out, and I froze completely.

"Oh my~ So eager to try a man?"

"NO! No! No! I did it by accident! I swear! Stop the thing from working!"

"I can't, it is impossible to stop once you started it. If you ever pull the rope, but don't service the men who come…. I will punish you extremely harshly, making you wish you never pulled it. Just this once I will handle it, however you aren't getting allowed to move from that spot."

'I can't move? But they are coming here!'

Glancing at the whole I was scared of what was to come, closing my eyes I tried to escape reality. Then I felt something touch my lips, and I instantly tried to pull back. Only making it a centimeter back before hitting Mereth holding me from going any further back.

"Open your eyes, you already kissed it~"


I felt her hands reach around my head going up to it, grasping it. I felt her head lower putting it equal to my own, with her mouth making sexual noises. I tried pulling back at that moment but her hand locked me in place, I couldn't look at the sight shutting my eyes. It was too much to bear, then I heard it. An audible noise of ejaculation was right next to me with her making noises with her mouth, and her sighing in pleasure.

"Come here~"


Her lips connected with my own then I felt her push her tongue in, covering my entire mouth in a delicious cream. Realizing too late what she did, I tried to pull back however my instincts stopped me. Despite not being hungry, it tasted delicious. It wasn't like any before, this time it was fresh and I could tell.

'It's okay, it's just her mouth.'

 Her mouth didn't stay close though, instead she began pulling away somewhere. With my head adrift in pleasure I felt her tongue leave my mouth slowly so I instinctually leaned forward towards her when it was gone. I felt my tongue meet hers, however it was weird. It was a little larger than before, plus when I slid my tongue under hers I felt a little cream come out of it? With my head unable to grasp where her lips were after wrapping my own around her tongue I opened my eyes.



My eyes opened to full attention while I tried to pull away, only this time I couldn't. She was leaning behind me with not even a tiny gap to pull away, to make matters worse in my nudging I slid forwards even more. Before I could prepare at all, my mouth got stuffed with a thick cream that came pouring out. I wanted to spit it out, just my instincts won over me.

Gulp Gulp

"Good girl~ Now nobody can call you a bottom feeder anymore~ Oh you want more?"

'Huh, oh crap! Stop it hand!'

My arm for some reason was grabbing the rope, I didn't even realize until she pointed that out. I had to fight something on the inside to pull it away, it was like an urge that just wanted more. It wasn't my own will, it was like another person's will inside of me. With the gap open I pulled my face away somewhat reluctantly from the spot, with the rod spitting another load out on me as I did.

"He must have been really pent up, probably was saving up for this day knowing we had a new girl."

"I have to wash up…"

Mereth didn't give me any trouble, she just kept congratulating me on my first true feeding. Meanwhile I walked back to my room with mixed emotions in my stomach, two very different things were tearing my head apart. One side was my rationality from the past that was still a fragment of pieces, the other was this new instinct this body had. One wanted more, the other wanted it all to end and go back to normal. 

'I can't go back to that normal, this is my normal now....'

Opening the door into Lili's room I saw her give me a shocked look as she was changing outfits, and it wasn't because I walked in on her naked. Her eyes scanned my body and a grin formed as she rushed up to me giving me a giant bear hug.

"You did it! You actually did it! I am so proud of you!"

"...Thank you."

'Somehow seeing her so proud of me, it makes it all alright.'