FUCK FUCK FUCKK *heavy breathing* says???? while holding his inured arm why just why did a dungeon calamity have to happened today of all days ??? says looking behind him he see that the 3 huge monster that are chasing him a body of a griffin head of a lion and a tail of a snake. ??? looking hat the middle one he notice its bigger must be the leader ??? thinks but while looking he see that the leader has a smirk have amusement on its face seeing this ??? is angry with rage in his eyes ??? Screams FUCK YO....AAAAAAA but before he could continue the leader monster whips its tail at ??? Sending him flying into the air skipping on the street before slaming into a building wall forming creaks on the surface. FuCk ?? groans in pain before falling down to the street * I think every bone in my body is broken*??? thinks with is head down in pain ?? thinks to himself *hmm so this is how i die to 3 monster that are treating me as nothing else but a plaything there food* Lifting his head up with a sad look in his eyes to see the monsters coming closer *whispering* I didn't think this was how i was going to die im sorry Isabella your big bother wont be able to cure you im sorry for being so weak and soo pathetic and sorry my friend for wasting your sacrifice. *thinking back*were did this all go wrong
1hr ago
Good mooring New York city this is your ancor jena backen here to give you the update on the a+ rank dungeon that has appeared in the middle of town squire. we just got word that the top guild black crow is send their eltie a rankser to fight this dungon lets take you to the sceen with bob.
Meddle of town squire
thanks jena glade to be here well as you can see behind me is the a+ rank dungeon the military has arrived first on seen to set safety measures but we already have a crowd of people here that cant wait to see the top a ranks of black crow bob exsplans wait i just got word that black crow team has just arrived.. *crowd* aaaa we love you jacop, have me babys, mary me aaaaa... back with bob sir jacop any word for the world nad new york on the dungeon and how your going to clear it. seening this reporter tlak to him jacop looks down in amusmnet graping the mic out of his adn jacop yells WELL MY FELLOW MAN A WOMAN WE SHALL DEFAT THIS DUNGEON LIKE ALL THE OTHERS SO NO NEED TO WEARY WE ARE THE STRONGEST. jacop toss the mac back to bob Recomposing himself bob look back to the camrea well there you have it folks The black crow party says it all well be back when they clear the dungeon... *crowd* he realy is aragent isnt he??? says looking at the party entering the dungeon with a sad look in is eye dsiering power like that for himself why wasnt i born with p.. be foer he could finsih he hears a voice calling his name YOOO MARUS OVER HERE?? Male now identified as marcs looks back to see his best friend Jack Song run up to him *slightly heavy breathing* hey did i miss the black crow party jack say in excitement looking up at marcs.. ya you just missed them bro marcs says DAM i relay wanted to see them jack says. while you should still be able to see them when they come out of the dungeon hearing this jack smiles ya your right. so hows it been marcs jacks asks. good man still alive an powerless and broke marcs says sadly hearing this jack looks at the childhood friend.. i know its toguh beenig the only humon in the owlrd with out powers man but don't worry i bet its all ment to be and you know if you need money for your sisters bill me and my family wills alwsy be here to help man you know this right jack soo. i know man but i dont want to owe anything to anyone. hearing this jacks just sighs. well lets just wait here for the party to clear the dungeon jacks says here this marcs just says sure.
45 mins later
yo jack how much longer do you think there going to be shouldn't they been down by now marcs ask in wary. while it is a A+ dungeon say it might take lon.. before jack could finash a scream come form the gate RUNNNNNN NOWWWW Marcs& jack both looking at the gate they see the leader of the party a bloody an missing a arm YOUU NEED TO RU.... be fore he could finsh a snake like tail percid his head lifting his body into the air only for everyone to see 3 huge monster walk out of the portal *Thwip* with a whipe of the monster tail the man know as jacop his body was thrown into the air only for the middle monster to open its mouth and eat him down the middle braking his body in half his small an big instance dangling form the monsters teeth the monster looking at the crowd smirks and Lets out a mighty Rowr ROOOOOWWWRRR. with it the once afraid crowd runs with all there might jack getting ready to run looks back to see marcs just standing there in fear jack garbing his hand he yells MARCS WE NEED TO RUN NOW looking at jack marcs just says in fear were can we run form something like this there is no were to run to. seeing the fear jack explains marcs my parents have a banker a few blocks heads form here if we can make it there well be safe now LETTSS RUNN hearing this marcs gains some hope an follows right behind jack seeing its prey run in fear the monster all smile in amusement and give chase towards there prey 5 mins of running COME ON MARCS WERE ALMOST THERE jacks yells to marcs hearing this marcs replays ALRIGHT LETS HUR before he could continue they both hear a loud BANG behind them that kicks up dust Both looking back the only thing they can see is the red glow of eyes the dust starting to clear jack and marcs look in fear seeing the 3 monster just a few feet behind them smiling at them with overflowing blood dripping form there mouths. with out a second thought jack jumps inform of marcs Surrounded in lighting is hair spiking up with out taking his eye off the monsters jack tells marcs RUN NOW ILL STALL THEM AS LONG AS I CAN hears this marcs fears states JACK YOUR NOW MACH FOR THOSE THING AN YOU KNOW IT. I know this marcs but i have to at least try you got a little sister to look after all and this is just a good time as any to repay for the time you saved my life Looking back at marcs jack just smiles Turning back to the monster jacks yells NOW GOOO with the lighting only intensifying around him as his running toward the mounters Running away marcs looks back an yells back ILL BE BACK FOR WITH HELP DONT WOr.. JACCCCKKKKK NOOOOO not even able to finsh marcs can only look in horror at what just happened.
Jacks Pov
this is just a good time as any to repay for the time you saved my life Looking back at marcs jack just smiles Turning back to the monster jacks yells NOW GOOO with the lighting only intensifying around him as his running toward the monster's Aright you freaks try this on for size Increasing his speed jack bens his knees jumping toward the monsters gathering lighting in is hand form a highly condense ball of pure energy Take this Embers OF Light.... don't even able to finish his attack jack only see the leader monsters claws right next to his body * While shit* Faster then his eyes could catch jacks is sent flying at high speed in to multi Pisces of rebar that impel his body crucifying him *COugh* blood flows form jacks mouth. JACCCCKKKKK NOOOOO marcs yells looking over to marcs jack see that he's about to head towards him with what ever will he could muster he yells MARCS FORGET ABOUT ME AND JUST RUNNN Marcs hears this could only look at the state that jack is in with sad eyes.. Seeing marc listen to him jacks Whispers thank god i hope i was able to by time looking up but looking up jack see the monster getting ready to chase marcs seeing this he yells HEYYY COME EAT ME YOU FUCKERS. the monster hears this look back at jack and just ignore him seeing these jack Try to yell an get there attentions HEY GET BAc... only to see the Monster snake tail run though his chest seeing theses jacks finial thought was of his family Sorry mom dad your son wont make it back but i know you'll help marcs in my place with those last word jack eyes close for the last time....
Present Time
Lifting his head up with a sad look in his eyes to see the monsters coming closer *whispering* I didn't think this was how i was going to die im sorry Isabella your big bother wont be able to cure you im sorry for being so weak and soo pathetic and sorry my friend for wasting your sacrifice. with all the distraction around no one notice a wisp of golden energy escape form it fading into the air Seeing the monsters right on top of him closing his eyes marcs accepts his fate a few mins go by and marcs notice his still alive opening his eye he see something that amazes him the 3 monsters are cowering in fear seeing this marcs looks at the monsters eye to see what there looking at to be so afraid that no words can describe it of looking up marcs is frozen in fears cause the thing he sees is a gaint walking in the sky its transparent like body eyes red like the depths of hell themselves seeing this marcs Says *whipsers* what is that thing. marcs seeing it walking away only to see it stop in its tracks and look his way and with a evil grin formed on the gaints face then it starts to laugh HA HAHA HAHAHAHAHA I FINNLAY FOUND YOU the gaint stretches' his arm towards them then a crake in space appeared above marcs and the monsters the gaints arm broke thought the space time creak smashing the 3 monster to paste with such force that a cavern opened up underneath marcs looking underneath him marcs see a cavern open under him ohhh SHITTTTttttttttt.... the giant seeing marcs fall deiced to ignore him a force on the golden energy that flow from the creak he had made grapping the strain of golden energy the giant brings it to is face an opening his mouth he eats teh golden energy Feeling the tast the flalour of these goldne energy the gaint is from then he smiles so wilde that his face looks like its going to break then he laughs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i faintly found you my most tastiest feast just you wait ill be back to devour you whole with those last word the gaint disappeared.
Marcs POV
SHITTTTtttttt..... Falling thought the earth marcs looks down and only see blackness. were the bottom marcs thinks. closing his eye once again marcs await this death my fall damage few monument pass an marcs opens his eye an see he is still falling were is the bottom marcs thinks. looking down marcs see a bright blue light below him closeing in on the light marcs covers his eyes from the brightness uncorver his eye makes looks around an see wisp of gold energy all aorund him an below him is a crstyal clears lake with golden tress all around him and a small island in the center of the lake with the most beautiful tree he has ever seen. looking back an seeing that his headed for the water he braces for impact only to be stoped mid air in a water bubble see his is trap in a water ball marcs begens to panic what's going ton help help marcs yells only to hear a voce in his head*easy easy there your safe here* who are were are you marcs asks * in do time marcs in to time first lets get you to shore the water ball start to move toward the center of teh lake to the big tree with a *POP* the water ball breaks drop marcs on the ground gentle now Were are you marcs ask. im in front of you marcs looking in front of him all marcs sees is teh tree now getting a good look at it its even more beautiful up close the whole tree looks like a swirl of energy flowing form the roots up the tree the leaves look like they hold galaxies in them. think to what the voice in his head said all i see is a tree Marcs Explains that's right i am this tree marcs hears then there is a ripple from on the base of the tree only to see that most beautiful woman he has ever seen(pic in comments) hello marcs im Amber the Multiverse World tree and i protect the multiverse form the evil in the world Amber says.